And Now Some Red, Island-Style

And here are some more red-splashed images, but these are quintessentially island-style, rather than Parisian

Images of a wooden sabot we bought secondhand from a friend’s yard sale a few years ago, which hasn’t got as much use as we’d hoped.

Paul’s not finding nearly as much time as he’d thought he might, in retirement, having taken on a variety of consulting contracts, but he’s trying to refurbish this little boat so that one day the grandchildren might row and sail it in our little bay.

Meanwhile, though, I just enjoy the abstract designs it offers — talk about colour-blocking!

Nature gives it a run for its money, red-wise — these cotoneaster berries, against their foliage, hint at Christmas just around the corner. . .

Meeting today, and then I’m heading to Vancouver where I’ll be running a Half Marathon with my sister on Sunday, all going well.  What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Susan B
    14 October 2011 / 9:23 pm

    Love those splashes of red and the wonderful weathered textures of the boat.

    With any luck, this weekend we'll be car shopping…

  2. Susan B
    14 October 2011 / 9:23 pm

    And good luck in the half-marathon! Hope you have a good run.

  3. LPC
    14 October 2011 / 9:56 pm

    So beautiful. That is my favorite color combination, like an apple orchard.

  4. Lesley
    14 October 2011 / 10:42 pm

    Gorgeous red splotches!

  5. Lorrie
    14 October 2011 / 10:56 pm

    Weathered red is so beautiful. This weekend I hope to clean up the last of the garden and plant a few winter veggies.
    I hope your marathon goes well.

  6. Tiffany
    14 October 2011 / 11:24 pm

    Oh, I love red …

    Best of luck with the half!

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    15 October 2011 / 1:31 am

    Those reds remind me of the outdoor furniture at Point No Point! The berries seem to be heavy on the bush, I wonder if that means that we are in for a colder winter…
    I have heard there will be sunshine this weekend which should nice for your run. Good luck!

  8. Patricia
    15 October 2011 / 1:51 am

    I especially love the first two photos – they look like fabulous abstract art, I could just see one of them blown up large and used as a focal point in a room.
    Tomorrow we go to Toronto to visit the Ontario Universities Fair – it's that time for No. 1 Son. However, on the way back we'll hopefully have an opportunity to visit the outlet mall in Vaughan! P.

  9. Susan Tiner
    15 October 2011 / 6:01 pm

    Too bad those berries aren't for eating.

    We're settled in for the weekend, working on French and sewing and in Martin's case And tomorrow we'll be doing not one but two choral performances.

    Good luck with the run!

  10. materfamilias
    16 October 2011 / 3:21 am

    Susan: And good luck with your car shopping — I never find that fun.
    Lisa: Isn't it a great combo? I never thought of an apple orchard, but I see those blue skies . . .
    Lesley: Thanks! I do think they're gorgeous; glad you do too.
    Lorrie: Thanks for the good running wishes. Part of me wishes I were home in the garden though. It's going to be the perfect weather for tidying the fall garden. Are you putting in some kale?
    Tiffany: thanks!
    Lesley: I've heard that we're supposed to be getting a v. cold winter, 20-year lows, brrrr! But tomorrow's weather should be perfect for running, thank goodness.
    Patricia: I did think these would work blown up as abstracts — glad you agree. Exciting for you and your son to begin contemplating university choices. He plans to stay in province? I guess he's already done plenty of travelling.
    Susan: At least the birds seem to like them. And it sounds as if you have a very busy weekend. It's fun doing French lessons together, isn't it?!

  11. Mardel
    17 October 2011 / 4:15 pm

    love the blues and reds, especially with the texture.

  12. Patricia
    17 October 2011 / 8:15 pm

    To answer your question – yes, he is thinking about Ottawa, although he has also though vaguely about Alberta (Edmonton), since we lived there when he was a lot younger. My husband would, I think, be tickled pink if he tried for Dalhousie, as that's where he went, plus we have family in Halifax. P.


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