Laughter: A Gift or Two for You

I’m writing up a proper post but struggling to find the time. In the meantime, may I offer you the links to a laugh or two:

Funniest (and most realistic?) guide to packing you’ll read for a while, from Canada’s brilliant contribution to the knitting world, the Yarn Harlot, currently on a multi-city book tour through the US with, perhaps, some wardrobe limitations. At least,this description of her packing suggests that might be the case.  Be sure to come back and tell me how much you love the idea of a designated eating shirt . . .

And if that didn’t get you spluttering in your coffee, this confession about heat and the middle-aged wardrobe will do it. I instantly recognized myself here, remembering the moment when I walked into an overheated (to me) classroom last week, and commented on the room’s stuffiness, only to have them protest my idea of opening windows because they found the temperature cozy. Of course, as this link points out, they were all inwardly assessing and labelling my response as completely reminiscent of their aging aunt’s. . . . Again, come back and tell me how accurately and how hilariously this clever post reflected your experience. They certainly nailed mine.

Go now, laugh, you can thank me later . . .


  1. Susan Tiner
    28 October 2011 / 7:38 pm

    Very funny posts!

    I am always, always warm! I can barely stand church on Sundays because the lights over the choir pews roast me to death in my full length black button up cossack and white cotta. Not to mention that someone always puts the heat thermostat to 70 F, even in Indian summer, when the highs get up to 80 F. Of course the church heater overshoots and by the time I get there at 9:15am the temperature is already 74 F. I have to put myself in a zen state to get through it.

    Last night it got down to 48 F and the night before it was 45 F, snuggle weather :). Yay! We got out the down comforter and flannel sheets.

  2. SewingLibrarian
    28 October 2011 / 8:12 pm

    The comments on the first post were as good as the post itself. As for the second post, been there, done that. Thankfully, I'm heading over to the opposite side. I actually get cold sometimes. 🙂

  3. Duchesse
    28 October 2011 / 9:15 pm

    Her untested shawl idea? It really works. Once flew in white linen jacket, taking great care. Stepped off plane, hit bathroom to wash hands, squirted hot pink institutional soap all over front of jacket- and no other change of clothes.

    Menopause eventually abates but traveling persists!

  4. LPC
    29 October 2011 / 3:40 am

    Oh I did need that right about now. Thank you.

  5. Marsha
    29 October 2011 / 5:26 pm

    Ha! Ha! And thanks.

  6. Lorrie
    30 October 2011 / 1:52 am

    Love them both – but the second one really made me laugh. I like a cold house these days!

  7. materfamilias
    30 October 2011 / 1:53 pm

    Susan T: Oh, those choral garments would be a challenge to my menopausal thermometer!
    Sewing Librarian: I do remember my grandmother always wanting to wear a sweater, so I've been hoping I'll get back to the chilly side eventually. Glad to hear I won't have to wait 'til I'm grandma's age!
    Duchesse: And you comment that travelling persists while menopause abates is as encouraging as SL's news. Even if the travel brings wardrobe mishaps — which, happily, can be remedied with an ever-handy shawl.
    Lisa, Marsha, and Lorrie: Thanks for coming back to comment on the chuckle — laughter's good, isn't it?!

  8. K.Line
    30 October 2011 / 8:06 pm

    Sadly, I can TOTALLY relate to the overheating. I'm almost at the point where I won't wear turtle necks…

  9. Mardel
    31 October 2011 / 6:57 pm

    One does cool down again, or at least that is my experience. But I loved the first post, even now, the second time around. I needed a laugh today.

  10. Miss Cavendish
    5 November 2011 / 11:38 pm

    I live in a 150+ year old Italianate house, with tall windows, all with their original, thin, wavy glass. Right now I'm wearing my Icelandic cardigan to keep warm. But on Friday, I'm sure that I nearly swooned in my classroom. I was wearing a cotton businessy shirt (from my NYC days), a cottom cardigan over it, and my hair down. I blame it on my Canadian temperament, when I skated to university in the cold mornings along the Rideau canal (aka wind tunnel; aka dictionary definition of wind chill).

    But then, remember that you (and I) are energetically bounding around the classroom, exuding energy while our students are sitting still, without raising their target heart rate. I vote for cardio-literature.

  11. materfamilias
    7 November 2011 / 11:26 pm

    Kristin: Turtlenecks pose a real approach-avoidance issue. . .
    Mardel: Sometimes the YarnHarlot gets me laughing so hard . . . she must be even funnier in person!
    Miss C: It's true, my students are trying to cocoon in their hoodies, sometimes even heads slumped on desks, and I'm cardio-ing up a storm. Never thought of it like that before so thanks!


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