Just Another Visible Monday . . .

Again, I thought I wouldn’t find time for joining theVisible Monday party, but again, it just seemed too much fun to resist. After all, there’s Patti, showing the way in her newly thrifted Louis Vuitton blouse.

 So I managed to get dressed for work before Pater left to pick up groceries in town, and he wielded the camera for me.

I’ll admit I wasn’t thrilled with what that camera revealed about the skirt. I love it on, and I feel as if it’s more fitted and a better length when I’m wearing it, but from his angle . . . it’s a bit frumpy, no? Might be better with a higher heel and perhaps not a knee-length but an ankle boot.

The silhouette below better represents what the outfit feels like on — those shadows make a great airbrush! What I liked about the mix is that wearing a simple black t-neck underneath lets me wear the ruffled sheer blouse on a day that’s really too chilly for it. The skirt dresses that frilliness down, I think, keeps the whole comfortable and easy. So do the boots, but they also add a bit of fun with their pointy toes and cowboy heel. Go Fluevog!

 So the outfit rundown:

black, fine wool turtleneck, Club Monaco

knit pencil skirt, faux Black denim finish, Club Monaco

black Fluevog boots (Truth Britney model)

Desigual blouse

That was fun! Well worth the time spent, and I got some time in the sunshine with my man as a bonus. Check out the assemblage of Visibility over at Patti’s. . . and think about your own visibility. Want to share here? Tell me what you’re wearing this Monday.


  1. Susan Tiner
    14 November 2011 / 7:36 pm

    Mater, you look lovely in that outfit. The skirt isn't frumpy at all.

    As for me, I just finished my workout and will need to think about what to put on for the rest of the day's activities, mainly sewing and reading as I caught up on housework and cooking and not expecting dinner guests until Wednesday.

    Good luck with your busy week!

  2. Patti @ NotDeadYet Style
    14 November 2011 / 8:49 pm

    Like Susan, I see no frump whatsoever. I like very much the mixing of summer and feminine with winter and tailored. Fluevogs rule the shoe world, imho.

    Thanks so much for participating in Visible Monday.

  3. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    14 November 2011 / 10:59 pm

    I love the Desigual top. I wish there was a store here.
    I don't think the skirt is frumpy at all. Very lovely outfit.

  4. K.Line
    14 November 2011 / 11:08 pm

    I don't think the skirt is frumpy. Arguably, heels make everything look sleeker – but I like the way you've styled it. Great outfit and lovely shots.

  5. AnPhibian
    14 November 2011 / 11:11 pm

    Indeed — there is no frump in view here! Love the colors on top. (And in the background! What a gorgeous setting).

  6. Susan B
    15 November 2011 / 4:28 am

    I really like this outfit. Not frumpy at all! The colors in the blouse really draw they eye. Great fall ensemble!

  7. materfamilias
    15 November 2011 / 6:18 am

    Susan: Thanks! As for your activities, what a great mix. I'm sure your day's apparel will bring your mix of classic & whimsy to whatever project you're working on.
    Patti: Yes, they do, and we who wear Fluevogs rule the world in them . . .
    Debbi: Thanks! When I've checked out Desigual in Europe, they seem too young for me, but the pieces I've found here have brought just enough colour & fun to my wardrobe.
    K: It's sadly true about the heels and the sleekness, but I have to measure out the heel days and balance them with flats days. . . glad you approve.
    Anne: I read your Visible Monday post — loved it! Will make sure I get back to comment in the less crazy part of my week. Thanks so much for taking time to comment here.
    Pseu:Thanks — It did feel like a good transitional outfit. Temps are getting down to freezing at night now, so I'll be pulling out more of the sweaters soon . . .

  8. indigo16
    15 November 2011 / 8:31 am

    You are as always very critical, and yes, maybe a pair of ankle boots would have looked proportionally better, but for me the fun is in the trying, to be perfect in everyway, every time would make life so boring.
    What you are finding though is how amazing it is to reflect via photographs on how clothes work, that distance is crucial to understanding proportion.

  9. Raquelita
    15 November 2011 / 1:08 pm

    I don't see any frump here. It really just looks like your skirt is moving with a breeze in the second photo. I love the Desigual blouse.

  10. Duchesse
    15 November 2011 / 11:00 pm

    Really like how the brightness of the print gradually flows into the black, very painterly and the farthest thing from frumpy I can imagine!

  11. materfamilias
    16 November 2011 / 3:51 am

    Alison: Well, we're safe from boredom, right? perfection not being immediately in the offing. Yes, the photography is an interesting exercise in looking, comparing my sense of the way an outfit feels on with the way it looks from a distance. Def. a learning experience.
    Raquelita: Desigual do such great things with prints. And thanks for denying the frump factor.
    Duchesse: I like that effect as well — it's almost an ombré effect on a print.

  12. L'age moyen
    16 November 2011 / 2:27 pm

    No frumpiness here! I love the skirt but the frilly blouse over the turtleneck, now that's inspired. It's a great outfit and I think it's all about that blouse. Your hair looks lovely too. And glorious setting. Don't you love fall?

  13. materfamilias
    17 November 2011 / 4:25 am

    Thanks, L'Age. I do love the blouse, and I'm so glad I thought of layering it over the turtleneck because otherwise I haven't been wearing it much. And yes, I do love fall, although today it's showing it's much less pleasant side. Cold, wet, and windy!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.