Gone Shopping (and to the Opera, and Dinner, and . . . )

I’m in Vancouver for the weekend and too busy to blog between pre-opera dinner, opera, post-opera drinks, Sunday morning sleeping-in (’til 10!! and I rarely sleep past 6:30!), running the seawall, shopping (some early Christmas treasures for me), and visiting our daughter.

I’m planning a few posts — one about a great find for dinner in Vancouver, another about the Vancouver Opera’s current production, Romé et Juliette, another, perhaps, on my shopping discoveries — but for now, I hope you’ll accept a token gesture of a few The View From Here shots taken on our beach last week. We’ve alternated between tempestuous bouts of late-fall storms and crisp, exhilirating sunny autumn days.

The stormy seas, combined with high tides have shifted the beach logs and have deposited large stumps in surprising spots. We’ve never, for example, had driftwood left on our stone steps to the beach.

I’m not sure you can tell how large this stump is, but I assure you it’s rather substantial for being tossed upstairs like a child’s toy — which is what the waves that wake me in the early morning hours did one night last week.

Again, sorry to be fobbing you off yet again with photos — as partial combination, here’s something you really will delight in, my favourite news item of the past considerable while, a delectable mystery featuring exquisiting paper art. Read and feast your eyes!


  1. Lorrie
    28 November 2011 / 3:39 am

    I had to come back and tell you "thank you," for the link. What delights made from books! Each work is so intricate and full of meaning. Just lovely. I'm still smiling.

  2. materfamilias
    28 November 2011 / 5:26 am

    Lorrie: Isn't this wonderful?! I'd love to be able to see these works up close, but meanwhile, I keep going back to the photographs in awe.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to come back and report — you've passed the smiles along 😉

  3. indigo16
    28 November 2011 / 11:20 am

    Delight is spot on I loved it.
    Don't laugh but I was half tempted to surreptitiously pale small photographs on some of the stands at Frieze art fair. I was too chicken but may give it a go!

  4. LPC
    28 November 2011 / 3:51 pm

    Those sculptures put me in mind of angels dancing on the head of a pin. In a good way. The photos are wonderful, no need to apologize. Meantime I'm still sick and home from work. Boo!

  5. Susan Tiner
    28 November 2011 / 4:23 pm

    I never get tired of your photos and as always, I'm jealous of your weather, although we did have a good storm here last week, so I'm not too jealous.

    That link to the story about the artful paper sculptures is fabulous! Whimsical.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.