It’s Christmas Time . . on the Island . . .

I woke up 2-ish this morning, finally gave up trying to get back to sleep, came downstairs 3:24 (digital clocks have made insomnia unbearably precise) to make the pastry for my tourtières.

Two pies are in the fridge right now; I’ll roll out pastry for the last one or two later this morning. I’m going to head back to bed and try my luck at dreamland in a minute, but thought I’d stop here first.

Gifts cover the dining table, perhaps a quarter of them wrapped, the rest still part of my to-do list. I’ll make another batch of pastry later today and make up butter tarts. Have to pop up to campus and grab some files and books to work on when I find a quiet minute. We’ll pick up more groceries while we’re in town, and I’m mentally rehearsing the weekend’s meals to see what we’re still missing — whipping cream, toilet paper, and is there really enough coffee?

Our Vancouver kids (including Nola) arrive this afternoon/evening, depending which ferries they catch. The Victoria folk can’t get away until Christmas morning when their arrival will be duly celebrated. Soon I’ll be enveloped in a joyous and noisy chaos that will leave me exhausted, washed up, and blessedly content in my armchair on Boxing Day. By then, there’ll be another set of Christmas memories stored away, perhaps to be remembered in future posts, likethis one I posted last year about a long-ago gift.

Meanwhile, though, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas at your house, as does Pater . . .

All the best for a joyous celebration with loved ones. Now let me see if I can get an hour or two more sleep before this day truly begins!


  1. AnPhibian
    23 December 2011 / 1:34 pm

    Mmmmmm…. pastry! Your Christmas sounds homey and wonderful (despite the precise insomnia). Enjoy.

  2. That's Not My Age
    23 December 2011 / 1:50 pm

    I've just started on the cinnamon star biscuits (eating, not making). Happy Christmas!

  3. K.Line
    23 December 2011 / 2:47 pm

    Beautiful flower arrangements. Can't believe you started your day in the middle of the night! (But seriously, seems like you'd have to to get it all done :-)) I'm having my own version of this day.

  4. Duchesse
    23 December 2011 / 5:13 pm

    I'd say you're excited! Always remind myself to buy more whipping cream, butter and fresh bread than I think I'll need. How I'd love to sample one of your butter tarts!

  5. Lorrie
    23 December 2011 / 6:10 pm

    The excitement builds. Your porch floral arrangements are beautiful – earthy and natural, just what I like.

    We could have chatted early this morning. I was up at 5:00 which is much better than 3:30 the day before. Hopefully you were able to get some sleep.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mater! And a very Happy New Year!

  6. Miss Cavendish
    23 December 2011 / 11:56 pm

    Oh, how I used to love butter tarts (haven't had a proper Canadian tart in *years* . . . Happy Christmas!

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    24 December 2011 / 12:30 am

    You must be excited to have woken up so early…I do that too around Christmas.

    The recent hard landing at Duke Point must be causing some ferry delays, at least Departure Bay is up and running bringing together friends and family.

    All the best of the season to you and your family.


  8. Susan B
    24 December 2011 / 3:10 am

    Your planters/urns are gorgeous! Unless we get inspired tomorrow, this will probably be a holiday without baking. Next year….

  9. Susan Tiner
    24 December 2011 / 9:18 pm

    Lovely planters, you're so creative.

    At this point we're a bit partied out but are looking forward to singing at the late service tonight and hanging out with my kids in the morning. It all goes by so fast.

    Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones!

  10. LPC
    25 December 2011 / 6:59 pm

    I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas. Much affection to you and all of yours.


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