Little Toy Trains, Little Toy Tracks . . .

 Besides gathering our bunch around a DoodleArt poster, Christmas has once again pulled some of us down to the floor for some train time. I was pleased to see this tradition continue from last year, when it was resumed after more than a decade. . .

 We added some fun pieces to our 30-year old Brio set (the newer pieces are actually Brio-compatible, as the toystore we popped into doesn’t carry the original) not only to entice Nola but also to ensure she got some help from the grown-ups. Sure enough, the uncles got drawn in. . .

 Unlike the Lionel trains of my youth (and now we’re talking 50 years ago . . . ), these wooden trains don’t require little ones to stand back, admiring, but rather encourage equal participation. Little Girl is clearly thrilled to have such keen playmates.

 And Nana couldn’t help but be moved, remembering this big guy, not so long ago, really?

 on the floor imagining whistle stops and mountain passes. . . .

 Clearly, he’s retained some fond memories of those playdays himself, setting up some dramatic heights to challenge any “I think I can” little engine . . .

 Nana’s not completely unhappy that those days are over. It’s fun to have dinosaurs and stuffed toys and giant balls and trainsets all over the livingroom. But it’s rather satisfying to tuck it all away in the toybox again and know it will stay there for weeks and weeks . . .

What disarray did you enjoy over the holiday, knowing it would be cleared away in a few days?


  1. Duchesse
    29 December 2011 / 1:26 pm

    When we moved, my son's biggest decision was what to do with the Brio (they donated it to a shelter.) Ah, those Ikea boxes on casters, indispensable for both ready access and cleanup. My only mess involves pine needles.

  2. LPC
    29 December 2011 / 3:31 pm

    Such a wonderful moment of family. The kind of thing kids talk about for years to come, remembering.

  3. Adrienne Shubin
    29 December 2011 / 5:14 pm

    I miss having little ones around during Christmas. Kids make the holidays so very joyful.

    I have been enduring the usual holiday clutter around here for the last 5 weeks. I am so looking forward to packing it all up and getting my house back to normal.

  4. K.Line
    30 December 2011 / 12:16 am

    Oh, that is so cute! We had a 7 y/o here on Xmas eve and it was hilarious. Much more fun, it seems, than my own kid was at that age. Hmmm…

  5. materfamilias
    30 December 2011 / 12:34 am

    Duchesse: Yes! We used to have the wooden boxes on casters — that fit underneath the Ikea bunks. Great toy storage. And what an excellent way to dispose of good toys — I'm sure the shelter was thrilled to have them.
    Lisa: I do believe we're building some great memories for Nola. And Nana.
    Adrienne: We don't start quite as early as you folks do, our Thanksgiving being in October, but still, I'll also be glad to get back to normal next week. Going to enjoy the last few days of disarray and no-fixed-schedule for now, though.
    K: Somehow, other people's kids are able to be more fun (maybe 'cause someone else has to get them to sleep . . . )


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