It’s Over . . .and It’s Started!

 It’s all cleared away, although there’s a container of mincemeat in the fridge, several more of turkey soup in the freezer, to remind us that Christmas was here. While I was putting together course outlines in my office Monday afternoon, Paul was dismantling the tree, packing up the ornaments, and clearing the many candles back to their drawers. I came out of my room to a more mundane life, but one that is also much less cluttered.

He kept up this de-cluttering kick for a few days, moving several wheelbarrows of old electronics to the recycling centre in town — he even took my nearly-dead old computer to town and arranged to have photos retrieved from it onto a disc and then have it wiped clean and recycled. A relief, as that has been sitting in a large box at the top of the stairs for over eighteen months now.

I’m not so organized on the home front, but have plunged back into the teaching year, and we’re off to a great start — I’ve already had several lively discussions about literature with my students, including some time with this poem, Winter, by Billy Collins, to which my attention was directed by a delightful community over at Twitter. A group of Tweeps (or Twiends or simply Tweet-ers — new vocabularies are in development!) have been tweeting a line or two, or an image, or a link, of poetry, using the hashtag #todayspoem. Read more about this here, at founder Bookgaga’s blog.

Speaking of reading, I did do some housecleaning. . . I organized myBooks Read in 2011 list over at my other blog. If you’re interested, wander over and have a peek. I always welcome comments, especially if you’ve read some of the same titles.

And now I’d better get ready to catch a ferry — the holiday’s definitely over and the workday schedule prevails — that’s okay, though. As my Grandpa always used to say “A Change is as Good as a Rest” (yeah, I never really believe it either . . .)

Meanwhile, tell me, is 2011 packed away at your house, and has 2012 caught you up in its whirlwind already?

  *Don’t worry, the little cat ornament got rescued before the tree was disposed of. He does look a bit surprised and aggrieved to find himself out in the cold. . . 


  1. LPC
    5 January 2012 / 3:39 pm

    No, unfortunately, my kids have gone back East and significant other off on business, so the cleanup is left to me. Including the tree to be dragged out across my living room rug. Son would have helped, but his paternal grandmother died, and he had to go back early for the memorial service. She was very old, and suffered from dementia, so at least there's not too much sadness on that account.

    Feeling sort of blue now following my blog post today. Thank you for chiming up. Boy, if they think that post went too far, they should read my earlier stuff when I was still incognito. Ha! But I just had to write it.

    Oh well, work awaits.

  2. Susan Tiner
    5 January 2012 / 6:21 pm

    Mater, I'm still swamped, but wanted to pop by and say I loved the Monday outfit, so pretty pairing the dress and jacket, and yes, we're also glad the tree is gone, the house put back in order. Frankly we were a little Christmased out!

    Off to catch up on LPC's post.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    5 January 2012 / 6:24 pm

    I don't really believe change is as good as a rest either!
    Good on pater for getting on with those tedious chores, they tend to mount up quickly and can balloon before we know it.

    We have all Xmas decorations down except the wreath on the front door and it's very green so I'll keep it up a little longer.

  4. Duchesse
    5 January 2012 / 10:12 pm

    I'll read your booklist tomorrow and will savour it. Always get a tiny twinge when the house returns to normal after the holidays. Le Duc is baking a Galette des Rois, the last moment of the holidays.

  5. Anonymous
    6 January 2012 / 5:33 am

    We never really decorated for Christmas this year…as two members of our immediate household spent their holiday in Montana. So, there has not been much to put away.

    I have discovered the world of haiku on Twitter. It's a perfect medium for that brief form of poetry.

  6. indigo16
    6 January 2012 / 12:50 pm

    My cases are half unpacked…
    I do remember that sense of relief when the decorations came down. I would fill the house with bulbs to try and overcome the gaping hols like a tooth knocked out.
    My current house is full to the brim with plants as Emin is very green fingered, sadly doors and radiators still hang off hinges though!

  7. Patricia
    7 January 2012 / 6:46 am

    We just took everything down today. I didn't realise you had to go back to work again so soon. Just had a look at your other blog – I can't believe that you did all the things you told us about on this blog AND read all those books!! I definitely have to make more time for reading this year. P.

  8. materfamilias
    8 January 2012 / 4:45 pm

    Lisa: No wonder you wrote a long, difficult, and contentious post and then spent hours answering comments — you're avoiding taking down that tree! Seriously, though, it was a brave and fascinating piece of writing. And I'm sure the tree will take itself outside eventually . . .
    Susan: Thanks for stopping by despite the busy-ness (and for the compliment!!. Take care.
    Hostess: I think a holiday wreath spans well over January — we need some cheer to last past Christmas! We've left the outdoor (non)floral arrangements in place until there are bulbs to fill their place, I suppose.
    Duchesse: Ah, the galettes du roi — we were once at Montebello for those. Fun!
    Terri: We've had years when we were in Vanc'r for Christmas — mainly to suit the kids, who hosted at their place or understood why we couldn't fit both them AND a tree in the apartment (less than 500 sq. ft!) Much appeal in the minimal clean-up required!
    Haiku and Twitter — a perfect match indeed!
    Alison: I find gorgeous greenery indoors can make up for many architectural shortcomings (although not all!) — glad to have you back.
    Patricia: I have to admit that I, my colleagues AND our students all seem equally stunned to be back in classes so quickly (partly because of NY falling on Sunday).
    As for the number of books on my list, I'm the first to admit I'm addicted to reading — scarcely a day goes by that I'm not reading for at least a few minutes.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.