They call her mellow yellow (quite rightly!)

 All this delectable buttery yellow, mirroring the sunlight

sending its delightful fragrance

 out on the spring air . . .

 I’d say a big thank you is in order!

Take a bow, Ms. Mahonia. . . .


  1. indigo16
    8 March 2012 / 9:50 am

    Spring has most defiantly sprung here, even the magnolia is peeping through, it does however mean I need to tidy up not one but two gardens this year.
    You will LOVE it, it is one of those cities you don't really want to do much other than walk and ache with lifestyle envy, and truly you will ache. My main memories when I was younger was the Van Gogh Museum, and the Modern Art Museum, both are wonderful. Other than that the botanical gardens are very good as are the myriad of tiny boutique shops often selling just one thing but lots of it, like a shop just selling ribbons or just buttons.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 8:24 pm

      OOOOh, you're making me very excited about Amsterdam! This is exactly what I love to do in a new city "walk and ache with lifestyle envy" — museums, galleries, botanical gardens, and unique shops, splendid!

  2. K.Line
    8 March 2012 / 4:24 pm

    Oh, I am JEALOUS!!! It's grey grossness here (if not cold). Nothing beautiful is springing up. These spring posts of gorgeous horticulture so make me want to have spring fever. But you can't manufacture it, you know?

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 8:24 pm

      I hear that Toronto's pretty gorgeous today (I'm replying late; it's Sunday) so perhaps some blooms are coming out to play near you soon as well . . .

  3. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    8 March 2012 / 4:36 pm

    I love spring and I hate spring. All the trees budding out result in me having severe allergies.
    My favorite yellow flower (other than sunflowers) is the Stella d'Oro daylily. I love seeing them.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 8:26 pm

      Sympathy on the allergy front — that's tough!
      I'm not generally a fan of yellow in the garden unless it's soft, but there's something about the cheeriness of sunflowers that can't be argued with.

  4. Lorrie
    8 March 2012 / 6:45 pm

    There's a bit of yellow showing up around here, too, in the forsythia that is just beginning to bloom. Spring fever is contagious.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 8:26 pm

      Forsythia — yay! but means I'd better get up there and prune some of those roses. Contagious indeed!

  5. Duchesse
    8 March 2012 / 9:33 pm

    Can't believe you get to see that! Anything blooming here, outside a greenhouse, is at least 6-7 weeks away. Still, saw a woman wearing white jeans today, the temps hit 12C and guess she was just tired of winter clothes.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 8:29 pm

      When we lived in Prince Rupert (north-coastal BC) there was always a day in March when a morning or afternoon of sun would result in halter top-clad young women blooming around the City Hall fountain. There flesh would surely have been goose-bumped but they clearly thought that a small sacrifice to pay for their tribute to sun and hopes of summer. As with your woman in white jeans (and at least the white ones are as warm as the indigo, even if they look cooler)


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