I put my new shoes on — Thanks Mr. Nutini. . .

Do you know this song?

Very cheerful and perfect for us shoe-lovers

I thought of it the other morning as I pulled on my new Fluevog brogues (Encourage Connies, in case you want deets), bought with May’s trip to Paris in mind, and broke them in walking to work. First time I’d put them on since buying them, and I was a bit nervous about the 40-minute walk each way — nary a blister!

Not quite as happy with the rest of the outfit which the photographs reveal as considerably more rumpled than I realized. Not sure why I couldn’t spot that in the mirror, but perhaps I was busily thinking about frame and focus overall.

Those GAP cords are looking just a little too comfortable, aren’t they? And the tunic (Sandwich), ditto, even under the cashmere cardi.

But I threw on my coat & fedora, wrapped a cuddle of a cashmere scarf around my neck and enjoyed the walk, happily ignorant of just how rumpled I looked until I got home and checked the photos.

For more polish than you’ll see here, then, head over to Patti’s Visible Monday crowd — they’ll show you how it’s done. Also read Mardel’s charming and stylish post on her life without a full-length mirror, exploring her style through its photographed moments. Her snapshots display considerably more finesse than mine do, but our sentiments are similar.

What about you? How do you feel when a photograph reveals that the style you felt inside was belied by the look projected on the outside? Do you shrug it off or shrink in mortification? Do tell. . . (as for me, life’s too short for worrying about what’s already done, especially if all we’re talking is wrinkles and rumples — but those pants have got to go!)


  1. Susan B
    12 March 2012 / 6:00 pm

    First, I LOVE the shoes. I also like the concept of the outfit, and wonder if the movement of fabric as you move might mitigate some of the rumpliness that the static shot seems to emphasize? I sometimes think that it's hard to capture dimension and movement in our WIW shots, which can be an integral part of the outfit.

    That said, I'm almost always mortified by my WIW photos, but getting more used to it as time goes on.

  2. materfamilias
    12 March 2012 / 6:17 pm

    Sue, you're so perceptive — I do think that movement makes a difference with this challis tunic — at the last minute, I threw on the cashmere cardi, in deference to the sub-zero temperature outside, and I think that also worked to freeze the fabric in a rumpled state. Still, knowing the potential, I'll be doubly careful with this tunic — it's got to shape up or I've got a special box for it . . .

  3. Mardel
    12 March 2012 / 6:30 pm

    Thank you so much for the mention!

    I think you look fabulous and I love the shoes. I always have trouble figuring out how to wear my own brogues…perhaps that will be a subject for a future post. Anyway I think the way we have to move around to get those shots sometimes makes us look more wrinkled and rumpled than otherwise would be noticed. And I love the look with the coat and hat, such of a perfect mix of garçon and minx.

    I'm usually mortified by my WIW posts, and am not going to say how many photos I delete before I find one that captures something I want to share.

    • materfamilias
      13 March 2012 / 12:06 am

      I generally delete as well — with these ones, I thought I'd share and then was spurred on by your great post on a slightly related topic.
      "perfect mix of garçon and minx" Really? Blush . . . thanks!

  4. Patti
    12 March 2012 / 9:15 pm

    I love brogues in general, and these in particular – I really love your color, and the Burgundy too. I don't see you as rumpled, but I do identify with the feeling when I examine my WIW's. Thanks so much for sharing with Visible Monday, Frances.

    • materfamilias
      13 March 2012 / 12:07 am

      I love the burgundy too and am seriously thinking of adding them to my wardrobe if they're still available in the fall and if this pair serves as well as I think it will.

  5. Duchesse
    13 March 2012 / 12:00 am

    Oh, what fun, frisky shoes; love the details! They would make absolutely anything spring-fanciful, There is a Fluevog store near me, oh dear… And you do not look rumpled, just stepping into your day.

    • materfamilias
      13 March 2012 / 12:08 am

      You people are so very kind to me today, and I hadn't realized how much I needed that until I read all the reassuring comments. Thank you so much.
      K, you would love these shoes, especially since the leather is perforated, so they might not be super warm in a Montreal summer. They even seem to be finished well enough inside that they may be quite wearable sans socks.

  6. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    13 March 2012 / 12:28 am

    I think you look just fine. I love those shoes!!! I want some comfortable oxfords.
    I think outfits often look better in person than in pictures because pictures lack the dimension and the presence of the person in the picture.

    • materfamilias
      13 March 2012 / 5:59 pm

      Thanks, Debbi. These are really comfortable. I like that they have just a bit of heel and they're perforated so should be cool-ish in the summer.

  7. Anonymous
    13 March 2012 / 2:40 am

    I have photos like this…that I never post. I like the new shoes and having no blisters is a good sign.

    • materfamilias
      13 March 2012 / 6:00 pm

      I do quite a bit of screening, but thought I'd post the "out-takes" today on principle. No blisters is definitely a good thing!

  8. Melanie
    13 March 2012 / 6:41 am

    The new shoes are great of course. Blue new shoes! And no blisters, bonus. I also like what you're wearing, indoors and out! Beautiful fedora. Sometimes I can shrug of a mistranslation of my stylistic intent, sometimes I can't. It's very mood dependent.

    • materfamilias
      13 March 2012 / 6:01 pm

      "mistranslation of my stylistic intent" — yes! so well put. And it's absolutely mood-dependent for me as well.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.