City Wonders and Wanders, A Granddaughter’s version

Indulge me? Just a few granddaughter anecdotes.

for example, she worried that we didn’t have enough olives in the fridge because “They’re my favourite vegetable, Nana. They’re salty, and they’re really good for a healthy body.”    I know! Too cute, right?

then yesterday we started our day at Stanley Park waterpark, but Granddad had to leave, with the car, and we decided to stay longer, Nola and I. That meant we walked home — 4 Kilometres! — and she was such a trooper. We ended up at our favourite close-to-home sushi place, where she looked up at me, grains of rice plastered to her chin, slivers of cucumber dropping from fingers to plate, and said quite solemnly, “This was a good idea, Nana.”

And less solemnly, but equally intense, she described the dress she’ll wear to her uncle’s wedding. “It’s be-yoo-ti-full, Nana. It’s pink and it has flowers, and there’s a diamond, and there’s also a button that you push and when you push it, it turns me into a princess with a crown.”

After a long nap yesterday afternoon, we went to The Theatre to see Madagascar for major excitement and fun (We had dinner at the food court! First time in, well, decades maybe . . . surprisingly good SriLankan booth). We didn’t like the bad lady, but we liked the animals, especially when the zebra danced with polka dots on him, and we liked the music because it made us dance in our seats.

And we walked back home afterward — Do you remember how exotic the neon-lit sidewalks look, the shop windows glowing, deep-fat-frying smells wafting, groups of people laughing, couples holding hands, everyone tall because you’re the only small child still allowed out, and how exciting is that? We had to make an emergency pitstop, and say what you will about MacDonalds (I hadn’t been in one for years), they offer clean bathrooms — so we bought a bag of fries and shared them as we walked, hurrying a bit past the darkest corners, lingering at the more alluring windows. We even peered through the viewing cut-outs of construction sites, looking down, down, into the thrilling deep darkness of what will someday be another very prosaic parking lot beneath another tall building.

We were up way past someone’s bedtime. “And yours too, Nana. You need to go to sleep too. But not Granddad. He can stay up later.”

And we’re a bit slow this morning. But planning the next adventure . . . .

Can you remember those special nights, staying up late, the wonder of it?


  1. Susan B
    31 July 2012 / 5:24 pm

    Oh yes, and you've captured the essence of it so well. Staying up late on summer evenings was nothing short of magical. It must be even more so with all of the city's sights, sounds and smells.

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:15 pm

      Yes, the nighttime city was not really part of my childhood, although even glimpses of those lights on the way home, from the car window, were exciting.

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    31 July 2012 / 5:55 pm

    I feel like I was with you both, what a precious post mater.
    You've captured the mood perfectly.

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:15 pm

      thanks, Lesley

  3. Patricia
    31 July 2012 / 7:08 pm

    Lucky Nola! It does sound magical – I can imagine she'll remember that night for years to come. P.

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:16 pm

      Hope so — especially if we retell the story to keep the memory fresh . . .

  4. Anonymous
    1 August 2012 / 3:49 am

    Ah yes, truly joyful moments for both of you. Elle

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:17 pm

      They really are joyful!

  5. LPC
    1 August 2012 / 4:16 am

    I can see this so well through Nola's eyes, as you tell it. And can I have one of those dresses with the princess button please?

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:17 pm

      I'm pretty sure they'd be marketable, no?

  6. Unknown
    1 August 2012 / 6:59 am

    You captured it so beautifully. I have no grandchildren yet…but I'm really looking forward to seeing the magic of the world through their eyes!
    Lovely post. Thank you.

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:18 pm

      It's a lovely perspective on the world, I have to say. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  7. Anonymous
    1 August 2012 / 8:34 am

    Oh, I can just tell what a lovely grandmother you are to hear these stories…

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:19 pm

      Thanks, terri — It's a fun gig, isn't it?!

  8. Pondside
    1 August 2012 / 4:44 pm

    What a magical evening – I got it, really got it. This post was lovely, but it made me miss my grandsons so much. That one-to-one time is precious. Four years old is a wonderful stage and you're so lucky to be close enough to take part in it!

    • materfamilias
      1 August 2012 / 5:20 pm

      Thanks, and sorry. . . I am lucky, and I can only imagine how sad/frustrated I'd feel if more distance separated us. We've been lucky to have these almost three years with so much time together, and I really hope that continues. I don't take if for granted at all.

  9. Lorrie
    2 August 2012 / 5:44 am

    Lucky Nola. Lucky Nana. Such sweet memories you are building together.

    I'm finding such joy in being a Nana – more than I could have imagined. It's as if the magic of childhood visits once again.

    • materfamilias
      4 August 2012 / 5:26 am

      It's truly magical, isn't it?!

  10. SarahBeth
    2 August 2012 / 6:14 pm

    Sounds like it was a wonderful day! I love being with my granddaughter and am thankful that she lives nearby. She loves to stay up late when she sleeps over (and I indulge her) — shhh, don't tell Mommy!!
    Grandchildren are definitely the magical part of our lives…

    • materfamilias
      4 August 2012 / 5:27 am

      My middle daughter, Nola's aunt, is the one who really indulges her on sleepovers. They stay up really late, watch DVDs and eat sushi and candy (probably more of the latter).
      Such fun!

  11. Elizabeth Musgrave
    3 August 2012 / 7:24 pm

    She is very lucky to have you to spend this special time with, and you her too of course. I do remember that wonderful fizzing sense of excitement of staying up late and doing things that were not part of the normal week. For me it was simply being allowed to stay up later than usual at my grandmother's house and watch The Black and White Minstrel Show in my pyjamas!

    • materfamilias
      4 August 2012 / 5:28 am

      Lovely to think back on those memories of grandma's house and television shows long gone. . .

  12. Mardel
    16 September 2012 / 2:04 am

    Ahh, Nola and Nana. Such a lovely time, such special memories. Being a grandma brings us such wonder and grace.


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