Wedding Bouquets

All here, waiting for the bride — and you’ll see soon, she’s worth the wait. . . . 

Do click to enlarge these — the bouquets are so sumptuous, they really benefit from a closer look.

We’ve had the party rentals barged back to town, sent all the guests home, and enjoyed the quiet, basking in the pleasure of a job well done, time spent in the warm company of family, and a party to be remembered happily for a long time. We don’t need to grocery shop for a while as the fridge is full of leftovers (although one probably shouldn’t live on cupcakes for too long).

Paul had to head off to Vancouver yesterday, though, to check on his parents, whose health has taken a turn for the worse (broken hip for one, beginning of chemo for the other), as has my mother’s. And I spent all day yesterday in meetings, back to work on campus with a thud. The thud was eased a bit by the switch to cooler days and sporadic rainshowers, some of them quite heavy, so that leaving the beach wasn’t quite as wrenching as it could have been.

In fact, it rained the day after the wedding, starting at precisely the time we’d been outside toasting the newlyweds and getting ready to dance. We had wonderful weather, missing disaster by one day! And our septic pump held out all through the party as well, nothing to take for granted when you combine 110 people with 6 kegs of beer among sundry other beverages . . . .(although Paul was out at 2 in the morning trying to fix a loosened seal that was making the pump work overtime — we had to be ready for a household of 10, all wanting to shower in the morning!)

I’ll be doling out wedding photos over the next week or two, trying to keep to short posts that are rather picture-heavy as I concentrate on getting ready for classes next week. I thought you’d enjoy these bouquets, probably the prettiest I’ve ever seen with their clusters of green blackberries, swirls of clematis seed-heads, Queen Anne’s lace and other wild things mixed in with the pastels of the classic roses. I’m so impressed with my new daughter(in-law)’s vision for her wedding, simple, easy, yet elegant.

Have any of you ever seen berries or other edible fruit used in floral arrangements? Or any other elements that had to be gathered from the wild, from meadows, roadsides, as these were?


  1. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    29 August 2012 / 3:45 pm

    Oh those ARE the most beautiful bouquets I have ever seen. I have never seen berries or edibles in a bouquet. What an amazing idea. It looks like you had a beautiful, memorable wedding.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:37 am

      Aren't they stunning, Debbie? I'll have to get the name of the florist so I can link up and give her credit.

  2. Pondside
    29 August 2012 / 4:07 pm

    The bouquets were lovely – reminded me, in a way, of my own fall bouquet, so many years ago – leaves, berries and fall colours. I was so happy knowing that you had perfect weather…..and from one rural resident to another – the septic pump performance was a real blessing!

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:38 am

      Yes, those of us with septic pumps know what it's like. We're very lucky to be on city sewer, but we have to pump the greywater into it.
      And yes, it was perfect weather indeed!

  3. Lorrie
    29 August 2012 / 4:44 pm

    I noticed the green blackberries right away – such a wonderful element to include in the bouquets. They are stunning. Elegant and earthy at the same time.

    I hope the thud of reality eases as you re-live the wedding through the photos.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:39 am

      I would never have thought of adding these to bouquets, but I have a huge blackberry patch just the other side of my fence, so I might add clusters to my autumn posies. . .

  4. pomomama
    29 August 2012 / 5:11 pm

    lovely bouquets, and wonderful that you all had a beautiful day.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:39 am

      it was wonderful! thanks!

  5. Susan B
    29 August 2012 / 7:02 pm

    I just LOVE those bouquets! Beautiful, lush, romantic and so appropriate to the venue and setting. I love the inclusion of the wild flowers and berries too. Can hardly wait to see the bride!! I hope your rentrée continues on a fairly smooth course, and sending wishes for speedy recoveries for loved ones.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:41 am

      Once the rentrée begins, it takes on its own steady momentum, doesn't it?!
      And yes, I loved the bouquets especially because they suited the venue so well.

  6. Marsha
    29 August 2012 / 7:36 pm

    Oh, the bouquets – oh, oh, oh! Enchanting, really. I am so happy that the weather was cooperative. And I do believe that cupcakes freeze well.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:42 am

      You're right about the cupcakes — my daughter (the former chef) advised freezing them on a cookie sheet so they'd hold their shape and not get mushed. Once they were frozen solid, I just popped them in freezer bags. Now I'm doomed to hear them calling me for the next few weeks . . . 😉

  7. Patricia
    29 August 2012 / 8:10 pm

    Hi Mater, the flowers are gorgeous! It's amazing what one takes for granted – I never even considered the extra concern of how the septic system would perform up against the influx of guests! I'm looking forward to seeing more photos, but all in good time; wishing you smooth sailing back into the school year. P.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:43 am

      Yes, I think back wistfully on the days when we took smooth toileting for granted. It's a constant source of anxiety and conversation on the island.

  8. K.Line
    29 August 2012 / 8:27 pm

    Awesome flowers – the blackberries are amazing! And what a gorgeous day! Your daughter is really showing at this point 🙂 So sorry to hear that the parents aren't well. I hope everything turns itself around – and soon.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:43 am

      You spotted that beautiful belly, did you? I'm already in love with it and babe's not here yet!

  9. Unknown
    29 August 2012 / 10:50 pm

    The bouquets are gorgeous! I love the ribbons. What a perfect day you had. The weather was just for your benefit. I'm sorry to hear of your parents struggles. It's such a difficult time when they're suffering. I'm looking forward to seeing the bride!! Fall is here isn't it?

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:44 am

      We did have a beautiful day, squeezing the end of summer into one fabulous celebration. Because yes, fall is announcing its arrival already.

  10. Anonymous
    30 August 2012 / 12:05 am

    Such beautiful, unique bouquets! The sunshine is glorious in that first photo. My mother's place at the lake presents us with similar concerns about the sump pump. Two out of three of our "olds" are giving us concern at the moment and I know that that can be a preoccupation. You will get through this first week.

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:46 am

      Does the sump pump just deal with water level/flooding? Or does it handle sewage as well?
      Yes, and the problems the "olds" have are unlikely to be resolved. Luckily, with my husband retired, he's able to go over and spend time providing some of the care and driving so I don't feel as conflicted about going back to work. We don't start classes until after Labour Day, but there is so much to do committee and prep-wise this week. Hope your start-up is going well.

  11. hostess of the humble bungalow
    30 August 2012 / 1:10 am

    I've seen blackberries used in bouquets as well as rose hips.
    Lovely flowers and so glad that the weather and the septic held up!

    • materfamilias
      30 August 2012 / 4:48 am

      Rose hips would be charming in bouquets as well — I've added them into fall and winter bouquets, but I loved seeing the combination of wild & cultured (the very polished roses).
      I wonder if it's just a coincidence that the flowers came from Victoria and you, the only commenter who's seen blackberries used this way before, are also in that city. Hmmmmm.

  12. Melanie
    30 August 2012 / 7:57 am

    I woke up Saturday to a clear sky and thought, oh joy, sun for your son's wedding. What a spectacular day. The bouquets are gorgeous, I prefer wildflowers thrown together more than store-arranged bouquets. But their beauty is fleeting, which makes them even more precious. Good luck in your preparations for school.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2012 / 11:05 pm

      Thanks Melanie — I do think wildflower bouquets are magical!

  13. Anonymous
    30 August 2012 / 11:15 pm

    Gorgeous flowers, a nod in the unripe brambles to the wedding's date on that magical seasonal cusp between late summer and intimations of autumn.

    i too loved your daughter's bump profile, whenever I see a pregnant woman I imagine their little passenger all curled up and snoozy and snug, in this case basking in the sunshine that they will have undoubtedly felt in utero. So lovely. Did the bump wake up when the dancing started? Both of mine really enjoyed a good boogie when I was carrying them! Hester x

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2012 / 11:04 pm

      Missed this post — Megan ended up taking her bump inside for a foot's-up rest fairly early in the evening — She found the full long day (after a week of fairly physical work as a Massage Therapist) tiring. Bump definitely had the more coddled position!

  14. Unknown
    5 September 2012 / 8:40 pm

    The bouquets are gorgeous. I am glad to hear things went well, but sorry to hear about your parents. Hopefully you'll have better news in more recent posts.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2012 / 11:05 pm

      Thanks, Susan. At least we seem to be sorting out all the help the parents need. . .

  15. Mardel
    17 September 2012 / 12:45 am

    Oh the flowers were gorgeous! I am so happy that everything went well and that the weather held off from raining on you all. I am sorry that both of your parents have taken a slide downward and hope that things are looking a little up a little bit now.


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