The Nana-and-Nola Paris Navy Team . . .

I ended up being able to wear my new boots after chatting with you yesterday. But up ’til then, it’s been too warm even to consider tights. So when I found my Nola-matching dress at The Gap a few weeks ago, I had to reconcile myself to wearing it with bare legs instead of adopting mygranddaughter’s confident pattern-matching styleand donning polka-dot red leggings.

I did copy her colour-pairing, though, so those are red loafers you see me wearing. And to match the Paris provenance of her outfit, I note that these favourite red loafers were bought in that favourite city of mine, over 7 years ago. I wrote about their purchase here, where you’ll see why they’re so significant to me.

Sadly, I lack the necessary insouciance to carry off the monkey pairing, tant pis. But what do you think, could we venture out together in our matching dresses? Or should we enjoy their correspondence at home where the preciousness will not be so widely broadcast?


  1. K.Line
    22 September 2012 / 11:19 pm

    You're wearing her look so well! πŸ™‚ BTW, the sweater is coming along – but it's so short I have to add a whole additional vertical panel i.e. 30 rows! 30 cable-needle rows.

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:43 am

      Well, we all have to have our models. . . .and so pleased to see your cable progress — good work!

  2. Vivian
    23 September 2012 / 1:43 am

    Definately venture out! You both look fantastic! I'm sure Vancover will enjoy the touch of French charm…

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:44 am

      We'll all be under coats soon — that first big rain is just around the corner, so I think Vancouver's safe. πŸ˜‰ but thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Raquelita
    23 September 2012 / 4:33 am

    I agree with Vivian! Take the stripes show on the road and wear your dresses together in public! You both look adorable.

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:44 am

      see above . . . πŸ˜‰

  4. Melanie
    23 September 2012 / 4:46 am

    By all means, you guys are a stage act and must shuffle off the buffalo together in those fabulous matching dresses. Wonderful!

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:44 am

      and above for you too . . πŸ˜‰

  5. Susan B
    23 September 2012 / 3:19 pm

    Oh yes, you should definitely go out. The dress looks great on you, a perfect fit, both physically and expressively. And the red loafers are the perfect touch.

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:45 am

      For less than $60 regular, then 30% off, it's not bad, eh? (that's my Canadian self showing, eh?)

  6. mette
    23 September 2012 / 4:02 pm

    You most certainly can go out in the stripy dress with Nola.
    ItΒ΄s amazing, for not a moment could I imagine you being a grandmother – so slim and fit you are!
    You two make a lovely pair. And the red of your " old " shoes is just the right red!

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:45 am

      Ah, that's sweet of you, especially given how slim and fit you are! Glad you appreciate the red of these shoes — to me, they're just perfect!

  7. Unknown
    23 September 2012 / 5:30 pm

    I think you should venture out together. I sense tha Nola may love it and you look terrific. Great shoes!!

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:46 am

      I do think Nola would enjoy the match. . . we'll see . . .

  8. hostess of the humble bungalow
    23 September 2012 / 7:05 pm

    Oh yes please do go out together, your pairings feel very French.
    What a captivating little gal Nola has become, she is so photogenic. I love the Gap for children's wear.
    You are looking very trim and svelte yourself mater and red shoes are the best!

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:46 am

      Thanks, Hostess — I can almost tap the heels together and transport myself in these. . . .
      I think she's photogenic too — and shopping for children's wear in the Gap, such fun!

  9. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    23 September 2012 / 7:45 pm

    I am thinking you would look lovely venturing out together. Both very Parisian chic!

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:47 am

      I've promised to take her there someday. And she seemed enthusiastic, but then told someone she was going swimming in Paris with her Nana, so I suspect she pictures a beach like those she's visited in Hawaii, Mexico, Costa Rica, etc.

  10. LPC
    24 September 2012 / 1:39 am

    Oh I think you two would be SO CUTE. And I don't generally go for matching outfits but you two are something special.

    • materfamilias
      24 September 2012 / 1:48 am

      I doubt these will ever see the street — but it's kinda fun, no?

  11. Mardel
    26 September 2012 / 8:49 pm

    I think you should go out together, you both have such insouciance. The red shoes are perfect.


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