Working Nana and House Guests . . .

Just to give you a quick idea of the fun we’re having around here . . . see Nola riding her trusty steed, her improvised reins held confidently in one hand, despite her colourful saddle being dislodged beneath her.

And she and her aunt whipped up pumpkin cinnamon buns for us as well, as you can see. They were delicious — the pumpkin made a neat twist on the usual yumminess.

You might also guess that quiet puttering time has been non-existent, so you will perhaps understand why I’m going to skip my usual long Saturday morning run in favour of savouring the solitude when Pater takes both guests with him to pick up Uncle Rob from the ferry. I suspect there may be some hot chocolate involved in that jaunt — MeganNola is becoming quite well known at Mon Petit Choux. I’m happy to forego that treat in favour of a cup of tea in an absolutely quiet home, and I’ll be recharged by the time they return, ready to read my way through a stack of picture books.

I wish I didn’t have to guard my energy so carefully, but having to mark 50 papers this weekend is already challenge enough and adding houseguests to the mix, especially ones you want to cuddle and play “horsies” with and teach pie-making to, and beach-comb with . . . well, it’s tough. I also find that the weekly social demands of my teaching — all those student needs! — empty my bucket dangerously, and I’m so glad that Paul understands and picks up the slack, so that I don’t ever risk being a grumpy Nana.

As I write this, I’ve had a chance to have a quiet cup of tea while everyone else slept in — I heard a tiny voice a while ago, and some stirring, and it is, after all, 9:20 (yes, she’s a great sleeper! love it!), so I’m eager to spend some recharged energy on a delightful small person. Chat with you later . . .


  1. Pondside
    27 October 2012 / 7:01 pm

    I heard the 'ping' from the computer as I walked by to re-fill my coffee cup and I had to have a look. I'm having the same sort of morning – a fire that was quickly re-lit from the embers of last night's blaze, a pot of delicious coffee, a newspaper and a little trashy reading (Vanity Fair) and I am in heaven. Nothing is planned for the day. No travel for work looms on the horizon. It's too rainy for gardening.
    It just doesn't get much better than this.

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:49 pm

      Sounds like a lovely weekend indoors. I was glad that I grabbed 90 minutes selfishly for myself — the rest of the weekend was busy!

  2. LPC
    27 October 2012 / 7:05 pm

    I think aging requires the husbanding of energy, and no shame in that. Have a wonderful weekend with your happy pod of family.

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:50 pm

      Thanks! No shame, I agree, but sometimes I wish I could do more of what I want in ALL areas. Waiting to be reincarnated as the proverbial Superwoman!

  3. Unknown
    27 October 2012 / 8:23 pm

    Carefully guarding energy is what I seem to do most of the time now. My priorities are what they are.

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:50 pm

      Only way to get it done, right?

  4. Unknown
    27 October 2012 / 9:28 pm

    I completely understand needing to guard our energy.
    Have fun with your family and that little sweetie pie.

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:50 pm


  5. Laurie
    27 October 2012 / 9:57 pm

    It sounds like a wonderfully busy but also fun weekend you have planned. I am a teacher also and I know how the work is never, ever done!

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:51 pm

      Never! Ever! 😉

  6. Lorrie
    28 October 2012 / 1:58 am

    Today has been a perfect day for staying indoors and puttering. There have been copious amounts of tea consumed here, a little housecleaning, some desultory organizing of the sewing room, and the smell of beef stew.

    How lovely to see your daughter's swelling belly. I think expectant mothers are beautiful. I hope you've made serious inroads on those papers and have had time to enjoy your guests.

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:51 pm

      Sounds perfect, Lorrie. And yes, I think her belly's beautiful as well.

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    28 October 2012 / 4:44 am

    Gosh I so know that we need and must pace ourselves…
    working in the environment of education is very demanding.

    I had a parent ask me if I would provide respite for her child on weekends this Friday.
    My jaw dropped and I hope my face did not show the shock I felt inside…
    I politely declined and mentioned at my age I must pace myself!

    Grand children are the exception and I must applaud your dedication to family mater…
    Nola is growing up so fast! She is gorgeous.

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:52 pm

      Wow! That's a bold request — obviously, your compassion and attentive, respectful care for her child does not go unnoticed, but still . . .

  8. Melanie
    28 October 2012 / 6:16 am

    I am exhausted reading about all the demands on your time, even when some of them involve your loved ones. I'm glad you've found a way to divvy things up so you don't end up on empty. Nola is a charmer, that's for sure!

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:53 pm

      I find it tough, sometimes, but it's all good stuff. And isn't she delightful? Thanks!

  9. Patricia
    28 October 2012 / 1:26 pm

    Hi Mater, it's Sunday morning and I've just woken up to the news of the earthquake in BC – hope you are all ok, no damage to your home on the island!! P.

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:54 pm

      Thanks for your concern, Patricia. All's well here — didn't even feel anything. We used to live in Prince Rupert, though, and I'm anxious to hear how everyone fared there.

  10. mette
    28 October 2012 / 6:06 pm

    I don´t know how you manage it all, you are a wonder!
    Nana has grown so much, a beautiful girl!
    Remember to take a break whenever you can!

    • materfamilias
      28 October 2012 / 8:55 pm

      Sometimes I don't manage it well at all — but I do know when I hit my limits. They've all just left for the ferry, and I'm going to have a nap in the newly quiet house.

  11. pomomama
    29 October 2012 / 2:10 am

    i've only just realised i need to guard my solo time, especially when hosting guests or even being a guest. too many people/too much interaction is too much.
    well done for guarding your own space, and have lots of fun with your family as a result. well done 🙂

    glad to hear you're ok too

    • materfamilias
      29 October 2012 / 3:02 am

      It's tough to ration one's time, especially when socialising is fun and not always available, but I know that my body is wired such that if I don't get the downtime, I eventually crash, pure and simple . . .
      Life's so rich with tempting possibilities, though, isn't it?!

  12. Anonymous
    29 October 2012 / 4:08 am

    The need to guard energy is very familiar, although I think of the quiet, alone time not as guarding energy, but more as a time of not needing to tend/attend to others. The need for those moments–or days–is the price we pay for choosing not to tune others out–or perhaps not being able to! Elle


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