Showered with Goodies . . .

Thanks to Fall Falling Back (change from Daylight Savings Time), we caught an early ferry and were back home before 11. I’ve already marked a few papers, huddled in a blanket while I wait for Paul’s fire to warm the house. Time to take a little break, then, just to give you a glimpse of the lovely shower my sister Kathy hosted yesterday for my “Ready to Pop” daughter (that little bag pictured above was filled with the yummiest mix of popcorn and smarties, a little take-home treat for all the shower guests).

My sister worked with my nieces to decorate her lovely (designated) heritage home with baby accoutrements over which we oohed and ahhhhed — and the tables were laden with a fabulous spread — my other sisters contributed generously as well, and I know Megan felt grateful — not just for the shower, but to be part of a family that treats each other so well.

As Duchesse noted in a comment on my Friday post, it’s always important to recognize when Busy-ness is a Happy Busy (or at least includes a significant portion thereof). I’ll admit to feeling a bit overwhelmed going into the weekend, but this was an event that refilled my bucket. . . all the driving and picking up and dropping off . . . that effort pales in comparison to the reward!

Thanks again, Kathy, Rohan, Rachel, and Grace for a wonderful day celebrating the present, excited about the future, all in the warmth and fullness of relationships built in the past. My only regret is that I didn’t take home a piece of that delicious lemon cake and/or the way-too-fabulous choux-pastry-and-whipped-cream marvel.  Yummmmm!


  1. K.Line
    4 November 2012 / 11:23 pm

    Great photos! When is your daughter due? Does she know if it's a boy or girl??

  2. LPC
    5 November 2012 / 1:25 am


  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    5 November 2012 / 3:57 am

    Oh your weekend sounds like fun!
    We were over in Vancouver this weekend too.
    Dodging serious deluges of rain!

    When is the baby due?
    Have you got a baby knitting project on the go?

  4. Lorrie
    5 November 2012 / 4:41 am

    It's a wonderful thing when family and friends gather round to support a new mother. That choux pastry affair does look delectable!

  5. Miss Cavendish
    6 November 2012 / 12:32 pm

    Ahh, Smarties and popcorn. And I'll bet they're the proper Canadian kind instead of the odd,cellophaned tubes sugary discs that share the name in the States. I miss the pink ones.


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