Word-less Dreaming — en plein air!

In keeping with Wordless Wednesday’s emphasis on pictures, here’s more than a hint of the last 2013 project I promised to announce . . . . sneaking under the wire, as I am, New Year’s-wise, given that we’re right at the end of January.

Way back at the beginning of the month/year, I outlined my travel plans, but also held back one page of summer’s itinerary. I did mention that the new project would involve extending something I tried for the first time last year —art lessons. While my toe-dipping was limited, in 2012, to sketching and painting in an illustrated journal, I’ve decided to take a bigger plunge in 2013.

After all, how could I resist when my very good friend Alison is running Painting in France classes for the second year.  Above is a photo she took during last summer’s course in Espedaillac, and you can imaginarily photoshop me right into that field where I’ll be plunking myself down this June.

Should you want to see more of the inspiration that’s got me willing to try my hand, check out Alison’s Drawing a Day project, one that she conducts each January, a convincing demonstration of what can be done with ten minutes (not to mention an abundance of talent and skill!).

For now, I’m back to the quotidian, heading up to campus through the January rain. But oh, to dream of summer in France . . . .

What dreams are pulling you through your days? Or are you enjoying living in the moments, wise you . . . .


  1. Duchesse
    30 January 2013 / 4:54 pm

    I do look forward to seeing more of your sketches, from any site. They are one more way that you show us your world, and have such charm and life.

    • materfamilias
      31 January 2013 / 4:51 am

      What I love about them is that they're another way of experiencing the world — they really hold me in the moment.

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    30 January 2013 / 5:25 pm

    My friend Cheryl Fortier teaches in France too!
    You will love plain air painting as the scenery is spectacular. Look at the poppies and the sunflowers for inspiration and all the lovely bites and quaint towns.
    I am very excited for you mater!

    • materfamilias
      31 January 2013 / 4:53 am

      I remember that, Lesley — have you ever thought of joining one of her classes there?
      I'm really looking forward to learning some foundations for drawing and painting, especially, as you say, with all the inspiration of that French landscape.

  3. Tiffany
    31 January 2013 / 12:03 am

    Oh, I am filled with envy (as always). Teaching primary school art last year (and again this year) has had me hankering to do some learning/creating of my own, but time is not on my side at the moment. As you've reminded me before, my turn will come! In the meantime, I look forward to hearing all about it and seeing your drawings and paintings.

    • materfamilias
      31 January 2013 / 4:54 am

      Believe me, Tiffany, I know how lucky I am! And yes, your turn will come, one of these days. . .;-)

  4. LPC
    31 January 2013 / 3:30 am

    Sounds lovely. I look forward to your creations.

    • materfamilias
      31 January 2013 / 4:54 am

      They will be very modest, Lisa, but I expect to enjoy making them, thanks!

  5. Pondside
    31 January 2013 / 3:14 pm

    Oh yes – Plein Air in France – go for it! A dear friend has taken such a painting tour, and is doing so again, to Italy. It sounds wonderful – learn lots, dive into the layers of art history.

  6. Anonymous
    31 January 2013 / 3:54 pm

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  7. Unknown
    31 January 2013 / 5:39 pm

    I look forward to your sketches!

  8. Vagabonde
    2 February 2013 / 5:07 pm

    Summers in France? I don’t know. You know when I lived in Paris (I am French and was born there) the only thing I wanted to do in summer was going to Italy – and I did. Now that I live here in the Deep South (Georgia) I wonder why I left Paris. Vous parlez français? Vous savez on dit que l’on aime toujours ce que l’on a pas… I guess we always like it better somewhere else… and now, after visiting Victoria, BC., several times I think I would rather live there. Actually I am planning a trip to Canada for this summer. I like it better in France now in the spring and fall as it was lovely in Nice last October and warm too – have your tried autumn?

    • materfamilias
      3 February 2013 / 3:54 pm

      My preference would be to go in the spring or fall, definitely, but my work doesn't allow that — I'm hoping to shift our visits once I retire. We usually go in May, but this year, because of the timing of the plein air courses, we're stretching into the summer heat — we'll have to see how that works out!
      I love where I live, and I know I'm very lucky, but my husband and I love having a place that's special to both of us, away from all the other obligations of life. And France lets us practice our French while Paris, especially, gives us the chance to absorb art and architecture at a concentration we couldn't get back home. Interesting to know that you've got to Victoria, BC from Georgia — I'm curious about the motivation for that trip!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.