Another Friday, Another Five Things

And here we are again. Friday. This week, of course, rolled by even more quickly than usual, since there were only four days left after the long Thanksgiving weekend. And each week rolls us further into the longer nights, shorter days, although those days have been splendidly crisp, sunny, autumn-perfection, technicolour. Glorious! But I’m writing this at 6:42 AM, and it’s still dark outside.

Not only dark, but full of those long stentorian warnings from the freighters anchored out in the fog. The foghorn harmonies are not entirely unpleasant — they can even be romantic, I know — but their alternately bossy, then mournful, bossy, mournful blasts do not support a great night’s sleep. . .

Since I’m awake, though, here are five random “things” that pleased me or that I found novel this week.


I’m often frustrated at not being able to get to the Farmer’s Markets around town, so when I saw an email that there was a booth set up on campus today — And, that they would have Chanterelles! — And that they would be setting up a half hour before my first class — Well, I ran! You would have too!

And look what I managed to stuff my Monoprix shopping sac with: Kale, Swiss chard, a gorgeous squash, a pound of chanterelles, and there’s a bag of variously coloured wax beans tucked in there as well. Bounty!

2. Another food item is a new discovery for us: Thai Black Sweet Rice — it’s a wonderfully deep purply-black rice, something like a cross between brown rice and wild rice, but then again, quite different from both. It’s chewy and a bit nutty-sweet, and Paul’s been cooking it up with squid into a slightly gooey, very satisfying, ever so comforting meal for the end of a long day. I know, I’m spoiled.

3. Sherlock. This is an amusing and entertaining British series in which Benedict Cumberbatch plays Sherlock Holmes, his sidekick Watson played by Martin Freeman — all in contemporary London for a fabulous twist on the traditional. What fun to spot that Giant Dill Pickle among the longer established iconic architecture! I’m jonesing for a trip to London soon, and this is a good way to scratch that itch in the meantime.

4. Acupuncture. Or, more specifically, IMS (intra-muscular stimulation). Yes, I had a few needles poked into a few strategic spots this week, and I’m enjoying the resulting release of muscular tension, runner’s knots. Have any of you tried this treatment? Mine was applied by a highly recommended physiotherapist who is quickly becoming a favourite resource.


 This might look like a shoe, the J. Crew Viv patent flat, one of a pair, and yes, that it is. But it’s also a photo of my first foray into on-line shoe shopping, and thus it is really the very slippery top footfall of a long and slide-y slope. Oh, dear. . . . I’ve already worn them, my larger right foot a bit unhappily but I’m hoping they’ll stretch a bit. Very smart-looking with jeans, with a skirt, with a dress. They also come in Soft Desert, which I would say is a pinky nude. . . .

Now, do you have an “thing” or two that might make your own Friday list? Or have you experiences or observations to share about any of mine? As always, I welcome your comments. And I wish you a pleasant weekend — fog or no fog! As for me, I will once again be starting my weekend off with acinq-à-sept with any of my island GFs who can stop by  (thanks, Duchesse)– it’s turning out to be a casual, easy, and very enjoyable tradition! 


  1. LPC
    18 October 2013 / 3:58 pm

    Friday night get-togethers can be such a pleasure. And a Friday night with chanterelles, sublime. I imagine them creamed, on toasts, with a fruity white wine:).

    • materfamilias
      20 October 2013 / 4:01 pm

      Yes, that would work for the chanterelles. Not doing much cream at the moment, so I enjoyed them after yesterday's morning run in a frittata, chopping in some left-over roast potatoes for a very satisfying treat indeed. Although I passed on the wine, given that it wasn't yet 10 a.m. 😉

  2. Lorrie
    18 October 2013 / 4:26 pm

    Your cinq-à-sept sounds like a delightful way to end a week and begin a weekend. I've had IMS with some success, although I think I prefer manipulation. But my current physio doesn't seem to be able to move the joints as well so I may try IMS again. I'm such a chicken when it comes to needles of any kind.
    Looking forward to hearing the fog horns….

    • materfamilias
      20 October 2013 / 4:02 pm

      Sorry we couldn't provide the foghorns for your visit — you must have dispelled the gloom! 😉

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    18 October 2013 / 5:04 pm

    I do like those shoes…
    Your chanterelles are making my mouth water! Perhaps sautéed in butter or in pasta, an omelet….bliss!
    I think your tradition for a casual get together is seriously brilliant. Have fun mater.

    • materfamilias
      20 October 2013 / 4:03 pm

      I will admit to having splurged on some butter for sautéing these — they seem to demand it. . .

  4. ilona
    19 October 2013 / 12:07 am

    I went through the available episodes of Sherlock much too quickly – loved it and am hoping for more!.

  5. Raquelita
    19 October 2013 / 6:19 pm

    I went through the Sherlock series last summer. I hope series three comes along soon. I love the shoes. I really am going to need some new black flats in the spring.

    • materfamilias
      20 October 2013 / 4:04 pm

      Ilona, Ray, isn't it a great show. We're stretching out Series Two right now, and we are counting on Three being ready for our next fix!


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