What I Wore — It’s Getting Chilly. . .

I’ve been enjoying various posts around Blogland on the topic of coats. This post on Grechen’s Closet, for example, pulled together a tempting array of smart outerwear. 

And I loved these red coats that The City Sage called a fall essential.

Between them, these various catalogues of Fall and Winter coats, especially with the cooler and shorter days, have me yearning for a new something-something to button up.

But I’ve paused, shopped my own closet, and indulged in a bit of variety right here at home. . . . And I snapped a few pics. . . .

This leopard  [Editing to add: Wool, obviously, just in case those spots fooled anyone) 3/4 coat with a great A shape and generous sleeves (4 years old). . . Of course, I can only wear this over something relatively calm although someone as bold as Citizen Rosebud might opt for amore dramatic mix-it-up

Above, a fuzzy shot of a sweet little wool-cashmere classic coat that mystified me last month when I discovered it in the closet of our Vancouver condo. . . until I remembered that it was my mom’s, and that I’d been urged by my sisters to take it home as we cleaned out Mom’s apartment after the funeral last spring. (Funny what I’ve forgotten about the weeks before and after her death — memories that are only just surfacing lately, many of which are a quiet joy to process.) That’s her brooch as well, that you really can’t see for blur. . . I’ll try to get a better shot of its vintage charm later. I’m wearing the coat with my Fluevog boots and a pale pink cashmere scarf that’s been freshening all my coats this last month — almost as good as a new jacket!

Below, my leather jacket (Mackage, 3+ years old) worn with the same scarf over a jean skirt and my trusty Blundstones (if you ever want to set a CPW record, buy yourself a pair of Blundstones. Seriously!)

I also wore this jacket recently over the dress I knit myself  year before last. Again, the pale pink scarf (Club Monaco). Acne Pistol ankle boots, distressing nicely — I like them better now than when they were brand new.

That’s just 3 coats — I’ve also been wearing a long brown wool coat; a grey cashmere one, knee-length; a navy pea jacket; a bracelet-sleeved Tweed coat I featured here, my Burberry trench, and a field jacket on warmer days (those are fewer and farther between). . . . So I think I’ve almost quelled my Pavlovian consumerist response to all those yummy coat posts. For now. But if you get me started on boots, it might be a different story . . . 😉

What about you? Does your winter wardrobe need refurbishing or have you been enjoying shopping your own closet for goodies you’d forgotten about, pleased to find old friends, self-congratulatory about the wise buys you made years ago, the gifts that keep on giving?


  1. Madame LĂ -bas
    14 November 2013 / 2:42 pm

    When I go home, I will shop my closet for coats. My hall closet houses different styles and sizes. I really like the leopard coat on you . It would be fun to mix it up like some of the flamboyant bloggers but that takes a lot of attitude. More than I have at this stage of my life. You have a great collection of boots!

    • materfamilias
      15 November 2013 / 4:39 am

      I can't muster any more energy or attitude than what it takes to wear the leopard-print coat, never mind mixing prints! (I do have a lot of boots, don't I?!)

  2. Patricia
    14 November 2013 / 5:41 pm

    My mum used to have a real ocelot coat, with a beautiful grey fur collar and cuffs; your leopard coat reminds me of it.

    For this first foray into winter I've mostly been wearing my navy pea coat, but on Monday for Remembrance Day I wore a long, tailored dark blue wool coat with a subtle beige stripe. I just ordered a coat from Lands End – I liked it last year, it was on sale with an additional 30% off, so a good buy. It is a wool blend in a rich camel shade – I'll wear it for our road trip, it's not too long for the car. As temperatures drop I'll be wearing my Lands End down coat with hood – that will take me through the winter. Need new boots though – might that be the next WIW post? :0)

    • materfamilias
      15 November 2013 / 4:41 am

      Oh my! That coat must have been very glam! Both your navy pea and your subtly striped blue coat sound versatile, classic. I'm sure the camel one will be as well — I think if I were to get another coat, I'd look hard for a camel I can wear (it's an iffy colour on me, but I know there must be versions that would work).

    • Patricia
      15 November 2013 / 2:52 pm

      Yes, it was a very glam coat – but I'm not sure if I actually saw my mum wear it out. I think she got it when she was much younger.

      By the way, my blue coat has a beige check, not stripe – sorry, my mistake. And the LE coat is a slightly darker, richer colour than the normal camel – they call it vicuna. Might work for you.

  3. Unknown
    14 November 2013 / 6:50 pm

    I haven't needed a winter coat yet, but I will when I get up there next week. Seeing your leopard makes me miss the one I gave away years ago. Loving those green boots:). Sorry, couldn't resist, I do.

    • materfamilias
      15 November 2013 / 4:43 am

      You're on your way up? You'll definitely want a coat — I'm getting a bit anxious that we haven't switched over to snow tires yet. Glad you love the boots — I must admit, they get a lot of wear for such a strong colour!

  4. Duchesse
    14 November 2013 / 7:29 pm

    Didn't know you had a leopard coat; love it on you! I wear only Blundstones all winter, as I have for well over a decade. The only boot that can take our winters, including slush and salt, and keep a grip on the ice. (Have the winter model with sheepskin insoles.)

    • materfamilias
      15 November 2013 / 4:46 am

      I'm surprised how much I like it as well — it's Louben, so made by people who know about coats and cold. I really like the cut — it falls in a slim line yet has room for a sweater underneath, has a great swing.
      I've been wearing Blundstones that long as well — actually wore out my first pair, and that takes some doing, as you know. I covet your winter ones — I make mine more winter cozy by wearing my handknit wool socks in them.

  5. Beth
    14 November 2013 / 8:06 pm

    Love that leopard coat, with "swing!" I have a mouton coat of my mother's, 1940s-vintage, with a similar cut. I should wear it more often – appropriate to Montreal's weather, for sure! Too many coats in my closet, but I do wear most of them. Thanks for this survey of yours — and now I'm going to go look at that dress you knit!

    • materfamilias
      15 November 2013 / 4:47 am

      Ooooh, I'd love a mouton, 40s vintage — it must be marvelous! I also feel as if I have too many coats, but over the years they do all get worn for various occasions.

  6. ilona
    15 November 2013 / 2:10 pm

    What a great selection of coats! I love how well you wear them – panache and to spare.

    • materfamilias
      16 November 2013 / 2:46 am

      Aw, you're sweet — thank you!

  7. LPC
    15 November 2013 / 10:07 pm

    That may be my most favorite piece of leopard anything.

    • materfamilias
      16 November 2013 / 2:47 am

      Seriously? Thank you! I do really enjoy wearing it, although it's not quite an everyday piece. . . 😉


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