Bah, Humbug . . Tis the Season

This is the view outside one of our apartment windows this morning. yes, fresh snow, and shouldn’t I be thrilled to see some white just in time for Christmas?

Well, let me first acknowledge that it does look pretty. But by the time there are 10 centimetres along the hilly, twisty route we will be driving to the ferry this morning, the snow will probably be turning to rain for a mushy, messy unpleasant surface everywhere. The forecast includes some “freezing drizzle” which will turn that wet mush into an icy mess, and since the temperatures will hover either side of freezing for the next few days, even walking will be treacherous. On our little island, at least, the treacherous roads will,nonetheless, be quite pretty, with lots of white snow left on the trees, the icy sparkling everywhere should the sun show up at all, and if I strap my Yak Tracks on, I may be able to get around without too much slipping. . .

But Festive? Not feeling it at the moment, people. just give me a few hours for some Bah Humbug grumbling. Perhaps when we’re back in our house, looking out at the slate-grey ocean, shores and mountains outlined in white against a darker grey sky, the fire burning brightly by the cozy armchair. . . Perhaps I’ll acknowledge again that the white adds something to the season. . .

Meanwhile, if you’re on the ferry this morning, you’ll recognize me: I’ll be the one knitting like a fool and muttering Bah! And Humbug!

And you? Is the weather where you are conducive to a Festive pre-Christmas weekend or is it better suited to hibernation? Or, if you’re an antipodean reader, are you setting off for a picnic on the beach or a barbecue in the garden? Cheer me up, people, or put me in my place with tales of weather elsewhere. We’re off to see if the back lane has been cleared, and whether the steep hill leading down from it has perhaps been sanded. . .


  1. LPC
    20 December 2013 / 4:30 pm

    Perhaps, next year, a destination Christmas in the California wine country? We're blue-skyed and heading into the low-60s for daytime;).

  2. LPC
    20 December 2013 / 4:31 pm

    And by the way, good luck with your commute and here's to the fireside, when you get there. xoxox.

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2013 / 2:24 am

      Thanks for the luck — home by the fireside now. . . and thanks for the image of elsewhere. I do sometimes dream of another place for Christmas, but I imagine I'll stay where family is as long as they'll have me!

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    20 December 2013 / 6:26 pm

    That snowy image looks peaceful and so pretty.
    It's raining here. My sister lives in the Highlands area and they have a lot of snow so her partner had to drive her to work in the 4 wheel drive truck. Hope you don't have any trouble getting home.

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2013 / 2:25 am

      Turns out the snow was mainly on the Vancouver side — just ugly slush here, and I really hope it all gets washed away before the ice comes. . .

  4. K.Line
    20 December 2013 / 6:31 pm

    Oh, if you heard about my morning (RIDICULOUS) in this hideous city (HIDEOUS) you would see how festive, by contrast, you really are. I am beyond bah humbug at this point. There's nothing that isn't irritating me. I might have to write a post about it but I'm afraid to rant so close to Santa time.

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2013 / 2:25 am

      I dunno, I'm sure Santa can handle a good rant. He must get so weary of the Nice, Nice, Nice. . . 😉

  5. Pondside
    20 December 2013 / 6:54 pm

    Sorry, but I won't be doing your spirits much good. We live high enough that the snow fall has caused major disruption. The shovling, the treacherous drive down an unploughed road, the slippery highway. I am not feeling The Spirit at all. I plan to head back up and stay put!

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2013 / 2:26 am

      It's not that we're anti-snow, right? It's just that I wish we could pick the time and place. So inconvenient! And it must be hellish where you are, no matter how beautiful. Hope you get home safely and have a cozy indoor weekend.

  6. Lorrie
    20 December 2013 / 8:05 pm

    Oh dear. I'm in Chilliwack and loving the snow. It brightens the landscape, makes me want to drink hot chocolate and sing Winter Wonderland! Hope the humbugs disappear as soon as you get safely into your cozy home.

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2013 / 2:27 am

      True enough. When you're where you need to be and don't have to get elsewhere, it's perfection so close to Christmas. Enjoy! Someone needs to counteract my humbugs!

  7. Madame LĂ -bas
    21 December 2013 / 12:39 am

    Daughter and I took Canada Line to the Christmas Market. The snow was sloppy and mushy but I did enjoy wandering through the market. I have yet to get the feeling.

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2013 / 2:28 am

      But you had "a" feeling, a feeling of enjoyment with your daughter. Sometimes that has to be enough, doesn't it, despite the Greeting Card demands that we festive. This year, perhaps, just showing up, being present, might be the best you can do. Take care.

  8. ilona
    21 December 2013 / 3:49 am

    We had ice, too. Drat. Snow, wind, cold are all fine but I hate ice. With unavoidable errands to do it was necessary to venture out but with a healthy respect (?) for its treachery. Our children are due tomorrow and 20+ in-laws on Sunday so, of course, the forecast for the next few days is less than promising. The kids will be here 'til mid-week (yippee!) but here's hoping that everyone else can travel home safely. (And in a timely manner.)
    I will admit that, even as an adult, I do love an official snow day. Snug at home, everything is closed or cancelled, the day is mine to use or waste as I please, shoveling as the day winds down, hot soup, maybe fresh bread…
    A reasonable dose of humbug is good for the soul. It helps put the sweeter aspects of Christmas/family/seasonal traditions in perspective. Your mutterings on the ferry probably brightened someone's day!! Be warm and safe.

    • materfamilias
      22 December 2013 / 1:26 am

      I bow to your much more severe weather experience, and I'm glad to see you share my mistrust of the ice. The biggest issue here is that we're rarely more than 5 degrees from the whole thing turning to wet . . .
      I love an official snow day as well — sanctioned hooky!
      And I really like your comment that "a reasonable dose of humbug is good for the soul" as it "put[s] the sweeter aspects of [the season] in perspective" . . . and I'm chuckling to think that my grumps made someone else smile at their own good fortune. ;-)))))))

  9. That's Not My Age
    21 December 2013 / 1:08 pm

    I'm sure you'll be just fine when you're back at your house with the beautiful views. I've just arrived in New York where the snow has melted and the temperature's warming up. Feeling jet lagged more than anything but we'll be off to buy a Christmas tree with my brother in a couple of hours – so I'll be feeling Christmassy, eventually.

    • materfamilias
      22 December 2013 / 1:28 am

      We cheated and had our tree bought and delivered to the door for us. Heading to a tree lot only a few days before Christmas seems perfect to me as a method of curing jet-lag AND launching the season spirit. Merry Merry!! and Joy! Joy!

  10. Susan B
    21 December 2013 / 4:29 pm

    Glad to hear you arrived safely and that the trip wasn't too treacherous. Our weather is about as wintery as LA gets… not freezing but quite chilly at night. I'm not so much bah-humbug as ho-humbug. No antagonism, just not a lot of enthusiasm.

    • materfamilias
      22 December 2013 / 1:30 am

      Ho-humbug is sometimes realistic, it seems to me. We can't always Festive up The Spirit just because the calendar says to. Although I suspect you might be getting there now, given your post on Christmas tunes. Nothing like music to do the trick, even though every elevator in town's been playing carols since Halloween. Something about our own favourites in our own candle-lit livingrooms. . . .

  11. Duchesse
    22 December 2013 / 12:38 am

    There are always moments when it falls flat… and that passes, too. Hugs, K.

    • materfamilias
      22 December 2013 / 1:31 am

      hugs back! You're in such a wonderful spot for Christmas. . . .I have one particularly fond memory of being there in a December blizzard 5 or 6 years ago . . . actually, I guess it's longer than that, as it pre-dated my blog. A city made for Christmas, really!

  12. Melanie
    22 December 2013 / 8:07 am

    Yesterday I was mildly griping about snow to a friend I'd bumped into again in my fave coffee shop when I suddenly remembered, wait a minute – he's from Whitehorse! Oops.

    • materfamilias
      23 December 2013 / 2:48 pm

      Oh, perspective! But you know, when I want to gripe about snow, I don't really care so much if someone has lived through much worse. I gotta live in the here and now, right? The here and now when/where I'm grumbling about snow. . . 😉


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