Transitional Dressing from a Middling Spring. . .

Last week, I was busy with friends: one sketching session at a coffee-shop; two lunches and two dinners a ferry-ride away, allowing me to catch up with women I’ve known from between 10 to 35 years. So satisfying. . . (And yes, also tiring. In a good way, but still tiring. (#keepingitreal)

This week, we have a teen-aged house guest and her dog here, and their arrival signalled the beginning of a somewhat complicated sequence of moves and events that will keep us busy until the end of November. Currently, the schedule consists of a minimum of three dog walks per day — and the house guest and I have found time for several binge-watching sessions of my old favourite, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fun and satisfying.

I did think about taking a few weeks off, in deference to a busy schedule. But I have so many photos still to share with you, that I’m going to carry on for now, doing my best neither to apologize nor to make excuses. As the kids say (do they still?) “It is what it is!” Such philosophers. . . šŸ˜‰

So while the teen sleeps and my bread bakes and my husband has the dog out for her morning walk, here are some of the OOTD photos I’ve snapped on my way out the door over the past month or so. The weather has been cool-ish, often cloudy, also often rainy — with the very occasional day where the temperature rises to 23, once or twice even to 25C. My summer dresses languish. . . .

As always, I offer the OOTD photos in the spirit of sharing a bit of my daily self, reflected in my sartorial choices. They’re never meant to be instructive or exemplary in any way. I always feel awkward, a bit vulnerable, posting them, but stats show that you appreciate them, so here we go. . .

These photos were taken at my son and daughter-in-law’s place when we went over to stay with the grandkids for a few days at the beginning of May, just after I got back from my Lisbon-Madrid-Paris trip. Those were warm days and I was happy to wear a long, full cotton skirt and a linen top, and carry or wear a linen jacket. All taken directly from my Europe packing. . .

At least with the weather staying so cool and damp, I was able to get abundant wear from my new raincoat

I love the way it “smartens up” anything I wear under it, in this case a pair of old and faded jeans . . .

Linen pants (navy with white chalk stripe) are on standby for warmer days. . . .

but I’m still pairing them with a heavier cotton T, longer sleeves. . .

Okay, maybe I was getting bored with the limitations of the weather on my wardrobe choices. . . .

and we were celebrating my birthday at a favourite restaurant a walkable distance from home.

So I pulled out my leather skirt (bought 8 years ago, not long after we moved to the city) and a beloved silk shirt I scarcely wear (really doesn’t suit my lifestyle; it’s very fine silk; but oh! I love the colours and the graphic pattern!) . . .

But I really, really, really did NOT want to wear tights in mid-May! And the no-hose-at-all doesn’t much suit me either, unless I’m wearing sandals.

So with my low-heeled Think! shoes (thrifted over 12 years ago, earned their keep!) I boldly decided to wear a pair of sparkly-cuffed black ankle socks. Not for everyone, this look, I know.

But I felt Sassy! and Comfy! Which is a pretty good combo, really, don’t you think?

Okay, first batch of bread is out of the oven, husband and dog are back from their walk, and Granddaughter? Oh, she’s still sleeping! It’s the first day of “School’s Out for Summer, and it’s only 9:15 — might not see her for a while!

But we have a request to go visit a Nine and his dog, so we’ll take our canine guest and head over there soon. Hope you enjoy the post. . . .

chat soon,



  1. Dottoressa
    26 June 2024 / 10:13 am

    Aw,what a busy schedule! And a lot of interesting outfits-I love linen ! When I’ve accepted silk as casual wear,as well,I’ve started to wear it a lot. Your blouse is so lovely
    Weather here is crazy,very hot or cold-ish (or both at the same time,if it makes sense) with a lot of humidity-so, I wear trousers all the time ( though sometimes wide silk ones), and sweather is always near me (air conditioning!!!)

    • fsprout
      28 June 2024 / 10:59 am

      It’s been busy, yes — good busy, but busy! I know you know exactly what I mean!
      I’m still not wearing much silk these days, but I’m considering it more often (I do have a long, crumpled-silk dress that’s great for travel — by a company called Praechtig Berlin, you might know it). It’s a sweet alternative for something really light on really hot days — and I think those wild silk trousers might be just the ticket!

  2. Wendy in Northern California
    26 June 2024 / 10:39 am

    Sassy and comfy really sums up how I want to dress. Thanks for the new style descriptor! I’ve been more focused on good fit and practicality in my wardrobe, which add up to comfy for me, but seeing your creative outfits reminds me I need some sass, too. I’m going to work on adding some more quirky and colorful pieces.
    That leather skirt and silk blouse outfit is fabulous on you. I hope the coming weeks are a good balance of busy, fun and restful for you.

    • fsprout
      28 June 2024 / 11:00 am

      You’re welcome! Sassy and comfy For the Win!! (Maybe we need badges šŸ˜‰

  3. Ronda
    26 June 2024 / 11:00 am

    I will add my vote of love for you OOD posts! Ronda

    • fsprout
      28 June 2024 / 11:00 am

      Thanks, Ronda!

  4. MaureenC
    27 June 2024 / 12:40 am

    Absolutely love the silk shirt and leather skirt combo, what a fabulous graphic. I struggle to find places to wear my more dressy clothes so Iā€™ve just started incorporating them. However I am the queen of messy eaters so Iā€™m a liability in fabrics like silk if itā€™s for a meal!

    • fsprout
      28 June 2024 / 11:02 am

      This is exactly what I’m trying to do — why have those dressier clothes just taking up space? Better to find ways to work them into the life I live, but I take your point about the messy eating and the risk of stains — soya sauce is my kryptonite!

  5. Annie Green
    27 June 2024 / 2:16 am

    What a strange spring/summer it has been here in the UK. After weeks and weeks of low temperatures and almost constant rain, we now have hot sunshine and evening humidity. Coats off, coats on. Sandals off, sandals on. So far my summer dresses have gone unworn – two are going to my daughter who may get some wear out of them. Shirts and linen trousers are doing duty instead. Still, the opportunity to play around with what is in the wardrobe is a small pleasure in a tricky world. Keep playing!

    • fsprout
      28 June 2024 / 11:05 am

      Yes, your spring/summer so far has been much like ours (although we missed that odd snowfall you had, late). . . I see we have sunshine forecast for next week and low 20s temps, but the goalposts have been moved so regularly I no longer put much stock in the weather guys and will continue to have my umbrella and scarf at the ready. But I will keep playing with the clothes, yes, because, as you say so well, the OOTDs provide “a small pleasure in a tricky world.” Thank you!

  6. Georgia
    27 June 2024 / 6:38 am

    I read this yesterday and was all ready to comment…then oops I clicked on the link to the original post for the leather skirt (I did not really understand the wrap/flap effect at the side the first time, very nice) and off I went…next post, next post, I’ll just read one more, etc.

    I support your choice of socks and shoes and oh! those pants! Love a wide leg, a barrel leg, a good pleat, a high waist…and well sometimes fashion just comes to meet you where you live. I did find, after a long search, a beautiful pair of navy linen trousers, and donated the last two (!!) pair of ill-fitting navy pants from my work days. The psychology of keeping these boggles me. I wasn’t thinking I would wear them again really, I just…ignored them. Sigh. Humans.

  7. 28 June 2024 / 12:23 am

    Those navy linen trousers are so versatile. I particularly love the geometric shirt. Since I no longer own any skirts it’s always interesting for me to see how people style them and love your creativity with that evening outfit. Am envying Annie Green above her hot sunshine. Further north we have had two warm days and apart from that cold and rain. Why then have I just ordered these linen culottes and matching sleeveless top from Seasalt? They’ll have to form part of my “only in France” wardrobe.

    • fsprout
      28 June 2024 / 11:07 am

      Oh yes! Those culottes will brighten your day and would even be worth shivering a bit when the weather fails to cooperate. . .

    • Annie Green
      28 June 2024 / 11:22 pm

      The Seasalt catalogue popped through the door this week. I enjoyed a browse.

  8. Linda B
    29 June 2024 / 2:10 pm

    Having spent the last three weeks packing furiously for our move to Oregon, Iā€™m behind on reading interesting posts! Next spring, Iā€™ll also be figuring out how to put the feeling of spring into intermediate sorts of ensembles.

    Before I packed I did a major closet clean out, and gave a huge pile of things I hadnā€™t worn in a long time away. Included was the perfect leather skirt that I thrifted about 10 years ago, and maybe wore at most five times? It somehow wasnā€™t ā€œmeā€. But how I wished it was! And seeing how creatively you styled it I wish I still had itā€¦.

  9. Zagorka
    30 June 2024 / 1:14 am

    If you had asked me, whether socks and pumps go together, I would have been very doubtful – but now I have been definitely taught better ;). And I identified the Thinks on the first photo :), whichpleased me greatly. Adding my vote also for your OOTD Posts!

  10. Darby Callahan
    30 June 2024 / 4:22 am

    saying hi, just got my internet back. had to get a whole new system, thank God for my tech savy son. always enjoy seeing your creative way of styling and not looking like everyone else.


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