A View From the Beach. . . .Local Travel

 Rain has settled in here, unpacked its bags, looked around, decided it might stay a while. At least a week. . . .

So I’m going to reminisce about sunshine, crisp fall sunshine, temperatures that demand a coat and gloves but blue skies above. . .

More photos from our getaway last week to Oak Bay Beach Hotel in Victoria, BC. Pater had a conference call scheduled, so I made a quick jaunt to a nearby bay

 Stopping for photos along the way

 because I just can’t resist.

And why should I? I take copious photos when I’m travelling in Europe, but right here at home there’s so much beauty. . . .

 And sharing it pleases me, extends the little joys outward. . . .

 Imagine if we could sit in those picturesque chairs together, chatting. . . .

 To be honest, I wouldn’t recommend it — they’re pronouncedly decrepit, and I doubt they’d hold our coffee cups, never mind our own weight. . .

 But what a view we’d enjoy, once we’d picked ourselves up from the collapsed seat. . . (you might notice a hint of melancholy, or just nostalgia, on my face, as if I’ve happened to remember these chairs. . . .

 We wouldn’t need to chat much, just look and listen. . . That crow can chatter for us and the waves will entertain and relax us with their gentle susurration. . .

 Again, as in my last post, few words are needed. . . .

Which is good, because I need to save mine for efforts elsewhere, along with any brainpower I might have left after my presentation in French class yesterday evening. Who would think that a seven-minute presentation could take three hours of preparation? (Should you be curious, I presented on Jean-Christophe Rufin’s novel Les Sept Mariages d’Edgar et Ludmilla — highly recommended if you read French.)

Plans for today include a haircut,

writing a blog post, going for a run (might also be struck through if the rain stays heavy!), adding words to a much-neglected draft, moving summer clothes into storage boxes and fall sweaters into drawers. . . and momentarily, rustling up some breakfast.

What about you? 


  1. Lisa
    17 October 2019 / 3:03 am

    I love the look of those chairs, if not the fragile reality for sitting;).

    Today I did an hour of editing this (sends up wishes) final draft, visited my father, did walking errands in town – checked out another optometry placed, liked it, ordered some new glasses frames to see if I like them, bought hand lotion, went to Trader Joe's – spread planting soil out in a raised bed in the front yard, made spicy beans to go with leftover chicken adobe for dinner, picked my husband up, came home, ate dinner.

    For me that counts as busy!

  2. Unknown
    17 October 2019 / 9:42 am

    Yes we are in France, but, seeing those chairs….that drive, starting along Dallas Rd. and continuing along past the Oak Bay Hotel, has to be one of the most beautiful. Not homesick, but, you know….

  3. Mary
    17 October 2019 / 11:48 am

    After a period of significant drought, we had almost two inches of rain yesterday–pouring down. The fact that it was the one day this week I had back to back errands meant I spent most of the day wet. Headed out at 8:30 for a haircut. To the library to pick up a book. On to son's home to take granddaughter to and from a college class (parents away this week–her driver's license not yet obtained) with quick jaunt into a store while killing time between pickups (bought Gd an umbrella as hers was a wreck–she loved it–small pleasures). Then a dash back to my house to pick up the dog for his annual vet visit. As he hates rain, and thinks water should be limited to his drinking bowl, he was not amused. I wasn't exactly thrilled either. Finally back home near 4 o'clock. Cup of tea required. Rain stopped at 5. Of course.

  4. Anonymous
    17 October 2019 / 3:26 pm

    Those chairs. The whole scene pulls at my heart strings. Like what you say about sharing the joy with you images; you are excellent about that.
    In Maine where it has non-stop rained or "rained" grey gloom down us on 6 out of the last 8 days I have been here. Last night a huge rain and wind storm knocking out power for many Mainers, but thankfully not for our little cottage and studio. 55 mile an hour winds. Guests in the cottage, who I provisioned with many extra candles and water yesterday, seemed to take it in stride. I was Awake most of the night as the extreme wild and furious wind always makes me VERY alert!
    A real mess to clean up outside today, but have interviewed several and just hired a new Maine/main assistant, so will have help.
    TGIF tomorrow…always a good day.
    Wonderful weekend everyone.
    A.in London

  5. Georgia
    17 October 2019 / 3:29 pm

    Raking. Cleaning up branches.

    Because, as you may know, we had 30+ cm of snow last week into the weekend…before a killing frost and with most of the leaves still on the trees. It's mostly gone now so the autumn yard work can continue.

    But a disaster…emergency declared, power still out in some places, evacuations, and oh the trees down everywhere. Thursday's snow was, I think, the heaviest I have ever shovelled. The temperatures were just above freezing which helped people in coping but also made the snow so heavy.

    Onward…high 11c today and the sun is shining. Wet leaves here I come…

  6. materfamilias
    17 October 2019 / 3:43 pm

    Lisa: That would count as busy for anyone, whew! (and glad to hear you're coming to the end of the final draft — big accomplishment!)
    Ali: I do know. Sometimes I wonder, leaving this corner of the world . . . But you are in France, Profites-en bien!
    Mary: Another one with a very busy day — (and you've made me stop and calcuate, realize that my g'daughter would be eligible for a driver's licence in five years. Which I know by now, of course, is no time at all!)
    A. in London: (although of course you're not, at the moment ;-). . . Hope the storm clean-up goes well and perhaps the skies will clear?
    Georgia: Yes! I know you've had literally disastrous weather in Winnipeg. So hard on trees to have snow fall when there are still so many leaves to hold it, and especially when it's that heavy snow — we don't get anything like your snow, of course, but one April after all the trees had substantially leafed out, we got a snowfall of several inches, wet and heavy, and there was so much breakage, so many trees irrevocably damaged. I hope you won't lose any chez vous. (Those wet leaves will be awfully heavy to rake, though. . . .

  7. Annie Green
    17 October 2019 / 5:51 pm

    We have had a lot of rain recently as well but today is crisp and clear and blue skied, warm in the sun. Went to the park with a friend and her toddler son, had coffee and cake, now baking a cake and getting ready to do my packing for weekend away. Where I think there will be more rain. But I love October.

  8. Anonymous
    17 October 2019 / 7:05 pm

    Love your very zen ocean and landscape photos. Just finished replacing my roof, chimney and deck. All to improve energy efficiency and sustainability. Preparing for the wood flooring guys to come Monday to install wide board flooring in the front entry, living room and dining room. Experienced a rain and wind storm last night bringing down branches so I walked the property with the dog and added the branches to the bonfire pile. Good exercise. Having a late lunch of veggie soup then off to WF to buy some fish for tonight and grocery shop. Susan

  9. Anonymous
    18 October 2019 / 2:35 pm

    Frances,I love your Canadian photos,the scenery is so beautiful and,for all of us foreigners,they are very interesting
    Brava for your presentation,I'm sure it was excellent
    I'm so sorry about your rainy weather (although it is nice to be home,reading, when it rains). We have a couple of beautiful days,indian summer

  10. materfamilias
    18 October 2019 / 2:45 pm

    Annie: Toddler, walk, and cake? That's a very good day! Enjoy your weekend — you always seem to have such fun — but then, I can tell you bring it with you 😉
    Susan: Another busy day! Did we imagine this when we were 35? I don't think so. . . Enjoy your weekend!
    Dottoressa: Oh, I wish I were there, where you might have enjoyed kava sa šlagom on a terrace I remember, with a certain Canadian couple 😉 . . . xo. . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.