Five Things Friday

Five Things Friday

I’m working my way through those lists. Back on track now with my fitness regime, at least. . . And I’ve buckled down to my revisions, working through a second draft. Pinched out a few minutes here and there for listening to French radio (Francophiles and music-lovers, have you seen the movie La Famille Bélier? Thanks to FranceTaste for telling me about the song “Je Vole” ( by Michel Sardou –so moving, so beautifully sung by Louane Emera) and to Linda, who then told me about the film. I found it at the iTunes store, and we watched it with the French subtitles, but English subtitles are available. It’s a light film, but quite charming — a fun way to do some French homework. — Whoops! Apparently, this post is trying to be Six Things Friday. . . .

Let’s start the numbers, then, without further ado:

1. My (ex-pat) daughter arrives tomorrow to stay with us for a week. Yes, I wish she were bringing our granddaughter, but it will be good to have R to ourselves for a bit (just a bit, I suspect, as she’ll have friends to catch up with here, shopping to do, administrative errands to run).

2. We saw La Bohème (at least the fourth production I’ve seen of this delicious opera) last weekend, and what a feast! Vancouver Opera has been sending out sumptuous promotional material, and I couldn’t resist snipping the feisty Musette in her 1920s Paris style to paste in my illustrated journal. The lettering is mine– I made a few notes about who, what, and where — although I didn’t mention that in one of the Contemporary Paris scenes that frames this production, a white-ponytailed gentlemen in black suit, high-collared white shirt, sunglasses, and fingerless gloves walks across a courtyard in the early morning, and then backtracks to leave some cash next to a hapless fellow dossed down in a doorway. . . an amusing reference for those who caught it that evening, it took on a different weight with Lagerfeld’s death a few days later.

3. I’ve been trying some different approaches to keeping track of (for myself) and sharing (to help foster a reading community) the books I read.  Yesterday, I updated my reading blog, and I’ve also been posting regularly on my new Instagram account. I’ve read a few good mysteries lately, but my stand-out recommendation would be for Anna Burns’ Man Booker prize-winning Milkman. This is a powerful novel, clever and moving and thought-provoking, desperate and funny. All the feels, as they say, but also brilliantly plotted and with such gorgeous and wry attention to language.

4. We’ve been doing things with Farro and WheatBerries lately, part of the ongoing effort to eat even more healthily. Apart from the ridiculously long time these whole grains need to cook (boil and boil and boil), they’re easy enough to prepare, and they lend themselves well to soups and Buddha bowls and salads. Here’s the Smitten Kitchen recipe that eased me into using Farro — a soup my daughter described as SO Good!, which seemed unlikely to me given the ingredients, but it really is, through some kind of magical synergy. Comforting and very healthy and surprisingly tasty with a very satisfying texture, and all kinds of fibre which we know we need in our diets. Do you cook with these whole-grain varieties of wheat? Care to share your recipe?

5. I bought a small, lightweight leather M0851 backpack a few weeks ago, and it’s been a game-changer. My cross-body bag, also very light leather, was becoming increasingly uncomfortable for all but short walks, and while I do have a small nylon backpack that I’d use for picking up a few groceries or taking books back to the library, it’s so obviously utilitarian in appearance that I was choosing the cross-body instead, even if it was a 9 or 12-kilometre day — and paying a price.  My new bag is Ink-blue (I wonder if that’s why I made such a mess rendering it in my journal, using too much water to brush out the ink lines I’d traced, and then unfortunately pulling colour through from the preceding page — Ugh!), and it’s smart enough that I’m wearing it everywhere now. It’s sleek and perhaps chic, although probably not elegant — and it can fit a book or two, my iPad Mini, a sketchbook and a small bag of sketching gear, a hat or slim scarf. Not all at once, but it’s decently roomy and the weight is much more evenly distributed than with the cross-body bag. I wish it had a leather grip at the top so that I could carry it off my back as well without awkwardly pulling up on the shoulder straps, but overall, I’m very pleased with it.

Better run now — we all have things to do, don’t we? Happy Weekend! Leave a word or two if you have time. xo, f


  1. anonymous
    22 February 2019 / 6:54 pm

    I would love to see a photo of your new leather backpack. I have been using the Longchamps backpack as my everyday bag (from at least the early 90s) and it's been great. It has a small leather handle at the top so I can carry it as a regular bag, too. Recently, I bought a new one (in blush pink) as I am afraid of wearing this one out, although it shows minimal signs of wear (miraculously). It has been on all my trips and even though it is not large, I can easily fit in a sweater or a wrap plus a book. Your sketches are inspiring.


    • materfamilias
      23 February 2019 / 4:06 pm

      I'll try to include a photo of it in a post soon, but meanwhile, if you want to search it out online, it's by M0851, their Featherlight model. I do like the Longchamps backpacks as well, but I suspect mine is even lighter (trade-off, not quite as roomy).

  2. Anonymous
    23 February 2019 / 6:56 am

    I've spent some time yesterday reading your old beach posts that were new for me… must have been really beautiful period of life and you must have a lot of dear memories-but life goes on and you've got a lot of other wonderful things now living in a city
    La Boheme (nice touch with KL ,augured…),french lessons ,kids….completely perfect decision for you and Paul
    Can't wait to see your new backpack-is there any possibility to ask the manufacturers to add the leather grip?
    I'll comment Milkman on your other blog,but it is such an excellent,very special book with wonderful sentences (and they are even better when read aloud-I've enjoyed the rhythm and words….)
    Have a nice weekend

    • materfamilias
      23 February 2019 / 4:17 pm

      It's true — there's so much that I miss, but then so many good things here in the city. And adapting to change is good, right? 😉
      Enjoy your špica!

  3. Eleonore
    23 February 2019 / 12:27 pm

    My Five Things Friday (well, Saturday, actually):
    1. Last Sunday my little choir presented its annual concert, this time with songs and texts about time. The audience was pleased, and so were we.
    2. Next day I travelled to Hamburg to see (and listen to) Joan Baez on her "Fare-Thee-Well Tour". A wonderful experience. Her voice has changed over time, of course, lost some of its former brilliance but gained a warm glow instead.
    3. I also took the opportunity to visit the Arts and Crafts Museum in Hamburg and admire wonderful Art Nouveau furniture and glass. I was running out of time when I discovered the ceramics department, so I will have to go back one day.
    4. 19 students have already put down their names for my class this summer term.
    5. My son came home for the spring holidays and brought some delicious Swiss chocolate. Double sweetness.

    • materfamilias
      23 February 2019 / 4:19 pm

      How wonderful to hear Baez!! And that museum sounds like a gem.
      Thoughtful of your son to arrive with chocolate — enjoy your time together!

  4. Mary
    23 February 2019 / 1:30 pm

    Following Eleonore’s example, five things for Friday:
    1. My 80yrs+ MIL asked me to go with her to Europe this fall. She’s only been overseas once, back in the 1960s when she saw just a bit of Germany. She wants to see Paris and take a Rhine River cruise, so I spent a great deal of time this past week making most of the arrangements.
    2. Part of trip planning, added German lessons to the daily French lessons I have been doing for a couple of years. Lived in Germany for three years when I was an adolescent and took German in high school, so I remember a bit of it.
    3. Took my Subie in for an airbag recall.
    4. Looking over my sewing patterns for tops and PJs to make.
    5. Dog-sitting neighbor’s two very lively dogs–a Labradoodle and Border Collie—in addition to our, thankfully, laid back rescue-boy, a Boxer/Shepherd mix. One day down, two to go and they are wearing me out already. Thank heaven we have a fenced yard.

    As always, loving your journal entries.

    • materfamilias
      23 February 2019 / 4:22 pm

      Such an honour (and responsibility!) to accompany your MIL to Europe. And being able to use a language in the country it belongs to is such a reward for the studying.
      Wow! That's a powerful package of canine energy bounding 'round your yard — good luck!

  5. Maggie
    23 February 2019 / 1:36 pm

    Have a wonderful time with your daughter!

    • materfamilias
      23 February 2019 / 4:22 pm


  6. Rosie
    23 February 2019 / 1:44 pm

    Hi Frances … I converted a lovely soft pebble leather backpack from Roots for a while and finally succumbed:) Unfortunately, although lovely to look at and extremely sturdy, I find it rather heavy, especially when full. Like slf I regularly use a Longchamp backpack … as she mentioned it’s remarkable how much they hold for the size. I’ve also bought a couple of Roka ones recently, which a larger and I use for travel and shopping. All of mine have a handle in the design so are easy to carry by hand, if needed.
    I find a cross body comfortable, only if it’s small and light 🙂

    • materfamilias
      23 February 2019 / 4:25 pm

      M0851 has great designs in a pebbled leather, but I go there because their aniline leather is very light — the backpack I'm loving is their Featherlight model, and while there are some compromises that come with the pared-down weight, I'm finding it works really well for my lifestyle. Not as roomy as the Longchamp, though.
      And yes, sadly this is what I've finally conceded re the cross-bodies. They only work for me if they're small and light.

  7. Anonymous
    24 February 2019 / 9:23 am

    Apologies if this comes through twice, but my post got zapped at comment moderation stage because I didn't include a url. So…

    Glad you enjoyed La Famille Bélier. Like you, I always have to readjust my ideas when adult children come home – a surprise still to find you're not the whole focus of the visit.

    I did have and like a Longchamps backpack, and loved it for its provenance (early morning purchase in Munich duty free on the return journey from working in Kosovo). But it wore out very quickly and I wasn't willing to buy another short duration throw-away bag. Recently in Antwerp I found the European brand Jump, and my current backpack is from there, and wearing very well. I have my eye on the waterproof backpacks from the Danish designer Rains – so stylish and pared down, and if money were no object I would love one from the Bordeaux craftspeople Maroquinier de Grimm Apart from that no desire for Chanel/Hermes/Louis Vuitton stuff.

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2019 / 3:08 pm

      Too bad your Longchamps backpack didn't last — I've heard from others with much better luck; how disappointing for you, but sounds as if you have some good options in mind. Going to Google now to have a peek. . .
      As for the adult children back visiting — I think mine are a decade older than yours, and I've lost all illusions about being the focus of the visit 😉 Delighted to be granted a few hours here and there. . .

  8. Anonymous
    24 February 2019 / 9:23 am

    And the comment above is from Linda-in-Scotland.

  9. Anonymous
    24 February 2019 / 9:36 am

    And returning to add that quite by chance I've just found a podcast about de Grimm on France Bleu Gironde:


    • materfamilias
      25 February 2019 / 3:09 pm

      Oh good! My next French aural comprehension practice. . .

  10. Ceri in Bristol
    25 February 2019 / 11:06 am

    I've never quite got on with cross body bags – probably a combination of by the time I got to them I had quite a bit of stuff to squeeze in purse/wallet, glasses, phone etc and then where to position the strap vis a vis the bosoms. Not extravagant in my case but even so – to the side or down the middle? I'm much more of a backpack person and seem to be acquiring a selection. Two are very hairy kneed, as someone once described the sort of thing that looks like you are heading for the hills, but one new one I am very taken with – soft red leather, capacious yet smart enough. Helps, of course, that I spotted its navy and black brethren in a small shop in a side street of Venice, went in and asked if she had it in red (she had other styles in that colour) The shop woman's response was that if I came back next morning she'd have made me one up. And would I like to choose the zip colour and could I stand straight so she could measure me for the straps? It's going to be a keeper

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2019 / 3:14 pm

      Ooh, that red backpack sounds delicious! Colour and provenance and softness and smart-but-capaciousness. Lucky you!

  11. Duchesse
    25 February 2019 / 1:35 pm

    You might like this:
    The pastry is a. trade off against the farro 😉

    Enjoy every minute with R.!

    In last 2 yrs have converted to a backpack most of the time, too. Much easier on my shoulders. Always on lookout for sleek ones that do not look too "hiking gear".

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2019 / 3:15 pm

      So much easier on the shoulders! I'm very happy with mine.
      I'm off now to check out that recipe — Paul, especially, will love the trade-off!
      (and thank you — we're having such a good visit so far)

  12. Mardel
    2 March 2019 / 2:11 pm

    Hmm. I believe I am heading in the direction of being a backpack person. I like a crossbody if it is quite small. Trick seems to find the right combination to balance needs and wishes. I will look at those


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