This New Sweater I Didn’t Knit — Blame the January Sales. . .

Do you remember this post, when I blamed an old co-worker — credited, rather — for the decision to wear a favourite but old pair of shoes rather than lacing up my new pink Oxfords immediately? (May I admit here that I just reread that post, and I’m quite pleased with it, still?)

Well, I ignored that glamourous Montréalaise’s sophisticated advice yesterday, and I wore my new, purchased-not-knit-by-me-nor-probably-by-any-actual-hands sweater the very day after I bought it.  There was also some defiance in the purchase itself, as I’ve been trying to stay out of shops and resist temptation, conscious of not really needing anything else in my closet. But these colours. . . And the texture of the mohair. . . And the sweater was girding a mannequin in the window of a shop that I can’t help passing several times a week. I’ll have you know that I resisted its siren call at least five times. Then I went online and found that a hefty discount was being applied. . . .

As they say, the rest is history. ‘twould be an even happier history if this deliciously cosy sweater had pockets, but I suspect I could have stretched it into sloppiness quite quickly in that case.  (Wearing it here with standard navy tights, my Officine Creative pink oxfords (the pink of the shoes doesn’t quite match the pink in the sweater, but doesn’t quite clash either, and my Vince dress — which does have pockets — hooray! — and is best seen in this post from 2015, Paris.)

I’d apologise for clicking “Publish” on two What I Wore posts this week — and two Sweater posts at that, but I’ve re-committed to working on my manuscript draft, and this post promised to be expedient.  Plus you might be amused to compare the two sweaters and note how very different (and perhaps just wrong in different ways) are the respective outfits I’ve put together with them. . .

What about you? Managed to sidle past all the January-sale temptations without putting any dents in your budget? If not, care to brag about wise purchases or ‘fess up about ones you should have resisted? If you haven’t succumbed to temptation, are you feeling pleased or wistful or stalwart? Just because my post was (relatively) short and sweet, doesn’t mean your comments have to be. . . .

As for me, I’m burrowing into a Word .doc right . . . .NOW!


  1. Anonymous
    23 January 2019 / 6:12 pm

    It is lovely,cozy and warm-what's here not to love?- and I'm sure,it was difficult to resist
    I've bought a new EB black turtleneck (but,it was in 2018 and I've counted it there)-not an adventurous purchase- and wide,navy ,silk Cos trousers.I was thinking about them when it was full priced,but now,twice discounted since-I had to email my son (they don't ship to Croatia) and ask for help. So,I will get them who knows when and gratification is postponed (could we call it unwilling sophisticated?)

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 5:55 pm

      Those are two yummy purchases! Luxurious staples, really. . .
      And how adult of you — unwilling sophistication for the win!! — to delay your gratification 😉

  2. Taste of France
    23 January 2019 / 7:07 pm

    Great length, great buttons. I can't quite make out the colors, but they sound good, and the broad stripes are more like blocks than stripes. Bravo on scoring this one.
    No sales for me….I live vicariously via friends and family.

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 5:57 pm

      The blue is cobalt, and there's also a navy stripe, a rich taupe, a pearl/dove grey, and the pink. . . Bravo to you for ignoring the sales and letting others do the spending.

  3. K.Line
    23 January 2019 / 9:00 pm

    Oh, this is so warm and cozy and cute! You cannot be judged. I have gone nuts this month. I have discovered that January is my month of insane purchases because I cannot believe I am living through such weather hideousness and buying shit makes me feel better. Whatevs. Here's what I've splurged on (and I have no guilt): the most gorgeous ball winder that's all wood by knitpro. I almost did the crazy Nancy's one but, truly, do I need to spend 413CDN on a ball winder? Some gorgeous new yarn to use when the ball winder arrives. Strange potions from the health food store – including capsules and shots – that are well documented to help inflammation. You'd be amazed Oh, this is a weird one – a reusable applicator to use on OB tampons so that I'm only vaguely ruining the world with my period. (If it works, I'm buying one for my kid and my nieces.) Extremely expensive chocolate. If I could excise winter, I would. So I'm spending some energy imagining retirement in warm places (for 6 months of the year). Alas, retirement is not in my near future but a girl can prepare.

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 6:03 pm

      Now that's a varied list of purchases, K! Yep, that weird one is weird but amusing and has great potential as a conversation starter depending on the company you keep 😉 (apparently, I was more European in my tampon application, back in the day).
      Also, thanks for telling me about the 413$cdn ball-winder — since I don't yet own any ballwinder despite nearly 60 years of knitting, I see that I more than paid for my new sweater with those savings alone. . . As for excising winter. . . .that's a whole 'nother ball game . . .

  4. Anonymous
    23 January 2019 / 9:06 pm

    You made me feel less guilty for giving in and purchasing a couple of items to update my wardrobe. also a long cardigan but much less interesting,navy with white stripes. hoping it will work well with much of my wardrobe and I can take it with me for travel. also got a couple of pieces to wear around the house. I was embarrassed when some dear friends stopped by the other day unexpected. delighted to see them but I was dressed in sweats with holes. trying to clean up my act in the new year. Darby

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 6:07 pm

      Sounds like some smart and useful and stylish purchases, so I'm glad I could help assuage the guilt.
      Funny, but what struck me in your anecdote of friends stopping by to find you in holey sweats wasn't the embarrassment or the humour but my slight, wistful envy of those unexpected visits — for decades that was such a part of our lifestyle, but such surprises are very rare now.

    • Anonymous
      25 January 2019 / 1:29 pm

      I hear you. this is actually rare for me too. And sometimes I am wistful over not moving to an over 55 community about a dozen years ago where there was a community clubhouse, a shared post office where neighbors could meet and it was in walking distance of a charming town. there was even a brand new library on the grounds of the complex. but is was an hour North and that much farther from family and a job I was not sure I was ready to leave. ( that's another conversation). I have been reading your blog for a while but seldom have commented but always find much substance there. and I always like the what I wore posts too!

  5. Madame Là-bas
    23 January 2019 / 10:35 pm

    I have not bought anything yet this year! But I do like your sweater. It's nothing to do with virtue. I really don't need or want anything.

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 6:08 pm

      I think there's a virtue in knowing you don't need — and thus don't want — anything. Enjoy that state, it's lovely!

  6. Anonymous
    24 January 2019 / 1:41 am

    Another lovely sweater, Mater. Love the colors and style…a perfect winter sweater/cardi. I love mohair with its cozy silkiness and warmth. No major purchase here lately of the clothing type. I bought a queen size cashmere throw/blanket for my favorite sofa where I read and take naps. That was a splurge, but oh so lovely cozying up to it with a cup of tea and snow falling outside. Happy you didn't ignore the siren's song. 🙂 It's a beautiful sweater Mater, so enjoy it to the fullest. Amelia

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 6:09 pm

      Oh My! That throw sounds absolutely delicious! Even better against the snow.

  7. Mary
    24 January 2019 / 12:02 pm

    Whilst in UK, I did buy a black turtleneck tunic made of French terry cloth (warm and comfy; marked down 70%) from John Lewis, along with a pair of very soft, black ankle boots from, of all places, M&S. In Ireland, my daughter scored two pair of cognac-coloured leather boots (one knee high, low-heeled; the other block-heeled, mid-calf), deeply discounted. I had to admire her packing abilities as she had also bought a fair number of items for her husband and son and I had thought her case was pretty full before those purchases. We had a good laugh over the fact that she even guessed–correctly–exactly how much her case weighed before it was put on a scale.

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 6:10 pm

      You're back! And it sounds as if you had a good trip — clever shopping along the way, and those pieces are sure to bring back memories of your time with your daughter. Lovely!
      (and she's obviously got mad packing skills 😉

  8. High Heels in the Wilderness
    24 January 2019 / 2:57 pm

    You are a model of restraint to have passed that five times before you succumbed. And the pink with navy…yummy. And, and, in the early spring and fall imagine those pink oxfords with a navy tee and dark washed cropped jeans and that beautiful sweater! Okay.. no wait… that was me I was imagining in that outfit. Ha.

    • materfamilias
      24 January 2019 / 6:12 pm

      Thank you! I thought I was very restrained as well (although it's possible that the third and fourth pass involved simply walking past the window in one direction, drooling slightly, then turning 'round and walking past it agin in the other — that counts for restraint, no?)
      And you read my mind or you've imagined us as twins because I immediately came home and rifled through drawers to see if I had a navy tee (nope, so it's on the list now)

  9. Linda
    25 January 2019 / 8:29 am

    I love the mohair texture, the length and the colours. You're right not to have pockets – the bagging tendency would be strong. I can't actually think of any woollen item in my wardrobe that has not been knit by not human hands, unless you count a pair of Fair Isle gloves in gorgeous autumn shades, bought in the Scalloway Museum on Shetland. A section of hand knits by local residents (not going to say ladies because some might be men) tempted me away from the main point of our visit, to see the Shetland Bus exhibits. Do you know about this? A clandestine small boat link between Norway and Shetland in WW2, supporting the Norwegian resistance movement. Perhaps one to put on your list for your next visit?? Shetland is breathtaking.

    No buying going on here – am trying to save very hard. Made easier by the fact that there are no clothes shops where I live, and I check myself if tempted by mail order. So feeling stalwart!
    Good luck with the writing.

  10. Mary
    25 January 2019 / 1:17 pm

    Yes, I'm back and had a lovely time.

    BTW – I was the one you commented on (my comment) in Lisa's post last Saturday about how we view our adult children. Really does require a change of mindset about them and us, doesn't it?

  11. Eleonore
    25 January 2019 / 2:22 pm

    The colours of your sweater are beautiful. And it looks very cozy. I have not bought any clothes this month, and I am not planning to do so in the near future. Not as long as my stash fills two spacious drawers (one for wools, one for cotton yarns) and there are several shelves in my cupboard filled with fabrics and used clothes waiting to be reworked.

  12. Susan B
    29 January 2019 / 2:09 am

    What a fun sweater! I love how the boldness of the colors is tempered and blurred by the soft texture.


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