New Sweater — Handknit!

Good morning!

I have a honking big cold sore on my lower lip that testifies to how busy this week’s been and how fatigued it’s left me — but it’s all been good stuff  — hanging out with the grandkids here, visiting the Victoria crew and showing their folks how to make sourdough bread. long text conversations with a niece adjusting to university residence life far from home. . . .

 And the week’s not done yet. I have a ticket for a breakfast lecture this morning, but yesterday afternoon a friend texted to say she’s finally freed her schedule for the Art Gallery-and-lunch visit we’ve been trying to coordinate for weeks. Both activities fit into the agenda logistically, so I’m going to try to make both (no question about the friend meet-up, that’s a great big Yes!) and hope that doesn’t undo all the good healing achieved by last night’s sleep. . .

 Long and short: life’s good, life’s full, life’s busy, but whoah! Something’s gotta give! And today, again, apparently it’s the blog. . . . I’m working on that for next week, when I hope to be right back on track, but meanwhile, photos will have to suffice again.

Photos of the sweater I finally finished last week, the last inch of cuff having waited all summer for me to sit down. . .

And yes, these are moody, summer-evening photos with an uneven mix of light-and-shadow. I’ll get you better photos later of the sweater, worn in an outfit, even. But for now, here’s my second Birkin, this one in a gentler palettethan my first (which I still love, but which may go to a daughter who expressed some admiration. . . )

Sorry, really have to run now. Chat soon. . . .


  1. Anonymous
    7 September 2018 / 3:54 pm

    The sweater is so beautiful,lovely combination of colours-it will be such a nice addition to your wardrobe-I can imagine it with your white jeans..
    I can't wear chunky wool sweaters-it is too warm everywhere I go and I don't spend a lot of time outside without going somewhere with the central heating (and of course,the princess on a pea thing :-)…). But I really admire the beauty and craft/art
    Hope that you'll enjoy your day! We are so happy to be able to spend time with friends and family,aren't we?
    I have friends for dinner tomorrow,so I've started to slowly prepare things (spoons…)

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:08 pm

      Thanks for the kind words about the sweater — I do know what you mean about the warmth — so many places crank their heat up so high!
      I hope your dinner went well — remembering our wonderful evening at your table, I know your guests are very lucky.

  2. Eleonore
    7 September 2018 / 4:34 pm

    What can I say? With all your activities you have been able to keep blogging, while I haven't even managed a comment for more than a week. I went to a couple of political rallies. No details here, but there has been a not-so-subtle change in political discourse in this country, a shift to the radical right which frightens not only me. So it was (and still is) time to take to the streets. Then a couple of translations from Spanish to German of documents about the present situation in Nicaragua – another sad story… As the school year is picking up speed, all my regular commitments are back on the time table: yoga, singing, building project. And the prospect of returning to academic teaching keeps me on my toes, so every spare moment is spent reading and preparing classes. I still haven't finished knitting the sock which I started long before going away to the lakeside.
    So it is with admiration that I congratulate you on your sweater. The muted colours are lovely, and the pattern is very beautiful. A little bit of folklore, but not too much. The shape is not for me, though, as I cannot wear wool next to my skin, so all my sweaters have V-necks.
    Have a calm weekend with a chance to recharge your batteries.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:11 pm

      Yes, that radical right is frightening everywhere, especially the way it's seeping into everyday discourse so that it begins to appear not so radical. . . Good for you for being part of the protest against that. . .
      I have to confess that I'm finding — for the first time — that I'm finding it tough to wear the wool next to my skin, and I'm probably going to have to layer this sweater over a light underlayer. . .

  3. Taste of France
    7 September 2018 / 6:50 pm

    It's such a pretty sweater, and I am in awe of all that you are up to!
    I had looked forward to this week, the re-entry, the return to normal schedules. But it has been anything but. I finally cracked and am nursing a glass of rosé while waiting eagerly for the sun to complete setting so I can just go to bed.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:22 pm

      Even with my much more relaxed retirement schedule, I still find — as I always have — that it takes a few weeks to adjust to the many changes September brings. I think a sunset-accompanied glass of rosé of an evening might be just the transitional aid required. . . .

  4. LPC
    7 September 2018 / 8:14 pm

    I adore that sweater. Like Doctoressa, I don't wear them hardly ever any more, never gets cold enough that a jacket and a sweatshirt/long sleeved tee don't do a better job of warm outside and not sweaty inside, but, I love yours.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:23 pm

      Thank you!

  5. BuffaloGal
    7 September 2018 / 8:54 pm

    I have some serious sweater envy going on. I adore the new color palette, and as I reside on the other side of the continent, I just might…..

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:23 pm

      If you knit, it's really a lovely pattern. . .

  6. Mary
    8 September 2018 / 11:22 am

    Marvelous colour combination in your beautiful sweater. Muted, and yet still striking. Excellent work.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:24 pm

      Thanks, Mary!

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    8 September 2018 / 3:03 pm

    Your sweater turned out beautifully!
    I picked up my knitting yesterday as I waited at the ferry terminal…it’s been too hot to knit this summer but with the rain and cooler temperatures it’s the perfect time.
    I love the cafe at the VAG…hope you enjoy your weekend.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:24 pm

      Thank you! Yes, across the land, knitters are pulling out projects that got parked back in June or July . . . .

  8. Marsha
    8 September 2018 / 5:54 pm

    This is a truly gorgeous sweater, and the moody light suits it. It challenges my built-in bias against brown and blue together (the result of four years of an unflattering school uniform). And it evokes the beauty and comfort of the coming season – thanks!

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:26 pm

      I actually quite like some browns and blues together, but I do know how solidly an unflattering uniform can solidify a bias. . .
      The colour that reads as brown here, though — that top and bottom round of leaves, is actually a heathery moss/olive green.

  9. Coastal Ripples
    8 September 2018 / 8:07 pm

    Loving your sweater and the atmospheric photos using gorgeous low light. My sort of colours too. I’m still heavily into knitting socks but I may be tempted to create a similar jumper very soon. B x

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:28 pm

      Thanks, B! I'll admit I'm pretty partial to the effects of that evening light. I just finished off a pair of socks and started a new pair — so much more portable a project. I'm glad to have the sweater off the needles. . . will be watching to see what you begin.

  10. Mardel
    9 September 2018 / 11:59 am

    I love your sweater and I miss knitting and wearing similar things. It is always too warm here, although last winter was cooler. My old house was also drafty than my super-insulated energy-star apartment had been. Draftiness an advantage? For me perhaps. I did not even try to overheat, as I wanted to enjoy my sweaters. But I'm in an apartment again. I wonder i continued living in my old house will mean a rebirth in sweater wearing and knitting? Take care….

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:32 pm

      In a drafty house, a sweater satisfies in ways that turning up the heat just can't, imho. Although I'm very grateful for central heating 😉

  11. K.Line
    9 September 2018 / 3:29 pm

    This sweater is so gorgeous – I LOVE it. The blue flowers really make it – they just pop in the prettiest way! And you know how acclimated to this woolen-spun look I have become.

    • materfamilias
      9 September 2018 / 3:37 pm

      Thanks! I just love that particular blue–a light turquoise made more sophisticated here, I think, by the play against the heathered olive/moss green. . .


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