Blogger Meet-Up in Lyon

If you’re following me onInstagram,  you’ll know that we’re in Strasbourg right now — where an overbooking error (not ours!) with our reservation meant an upgrade to the very attractive and tranquil Hotel D.  Strasbourg was only on our itinerary as a connection to our next destination, but the SNCF labour action messed with those plans. The train we had tickets for would have left this morning, but we learned earlier that it was cancelled and so took the train up yesterday. We’ve had just enough time to know that this is a must-visit city, and to promise ourselves we’ll come back. The cathedral alone deserves the better part of a day — it’s magnificent!

But happy as I am that we have more time here, I must say that one extra packing-and-unpacking-and-packing, checking out in time to catch a train, has me a bit travel-weary — and there’s no time to blog! And I miss you, and our conversations.

So I’ve insisted on blogging during breakfast, a sumptuous buffet here (although I wish there were truly hot — boiling, please! — water for the tea). Pater’s sitting opposite with his book, and I’m determined to get this post launched before we head to the station.

I won’t try to load up any of my copious, still unshared photos of Lyon or Strasbourg, but I know that many of you have guessed that Sue and I might be meeting in Lyon. Such a warm feeling, Sunday night, walking toward the restaurant for dinner, to spot Sue and her Monsieur walking from the opposite direction. We’ve had a few such meals with them over the years, and it’s always a pleasure.  Sue’s Monsieur had done some very good research and chosen a great little restaurant, L’Ebauche — fresh, modern French food, beautifully plated, not at all heavy, exquisitely satisfying. We caught up with their lives a bit and their and our recent travels, and next thing we knew we’d finished our espressos and the restaurant was empty except for the four of us and the patient staff.  There might have been better lighting if the guys had taken the photos earlier, but there couldn’t have been more evidence of our real affection for each other. (A problem, of course, with having two husbands aiming two phone lenses, is that one woman’s eyes look in one direction while the second woman’s head elsewhere.)

This last photo has the poorest light, yes (and it’s grainy because I’ve edit-enhanced the light a bit), but I might like it best. . .

Wish I could chat for longer, but we have a train to catch. One more new city ahead before I get to where I’ll be able to unpack for a whole week. . . .  Again, I’m sorry I can’t find time and Wifi enough to respond to your comments, but I assure you I love reading them. xo


  1. Anonymous
    29 May 2018 / 10:27 am

    Lovely pics of you both – that soft light may be tricky for photographers but it is very flattering & there looks to be genuine affection between the two of you . The web gets some flack but it can’t be all bad if it brings like minded souls together like this . I’m enjoying your Instagram pics especially the quirky little things that are often missed . Happy Travelling .
    Wendy in York

    • materfamilias
      29 May 2018 / 8:18 pm

      So true, Wendy — there's undoubtedly down sides to the web, but there are clear benefits as well in the connections we make.

  2. Patricia
    29 May 2018 / 1:18 pm

    Practically lukewarm water -oh, the bane of the travelling tea-drinker! I don't envy the stop-and-start nature of your trip so far, that's why our next one will be a cruise!

    Lovely photos of you and Sue, I can see the pleasure in your faces. I hope you can go back to Strasbourg sometime – it really is lovely, isn't it? Looking forward to the next stop.

    • materfamilias
      29 May 2018 / 8:17 pm

      I don't like the stop-and-start at all. A cruise would definitely do away with the packing and unpacking.

  3. Madame Là-bas
    29 May 2018 / 1:31 pm

    Lovely photos! It sounds like fun in spite of the challenges. Enjoy your new city!

  4. High Heels in the Wilderness
    29 May 2018 / 1:37 pm

    Sounds like you had a lovely evening, Frances. What Wendy said about the internet holds true for me too. There are many problems, trolls etc etc. But it sure is great to build a community of like-minded women. I know I've benefited from writing my blog by meeting new friends like you… and Wendy too:)

    • materfamilias
      29 May 2018 / 8:16 pm


  5. Anonymous
    29 May 2018 / 2:06 pm

    How happy you both look! And yes, travel weary is hard; I hate to miss ANYTHING but still realistically can't do it all.

    Thank you for taking time to share your trip. And not hot enough tea water – how hard can it really be to get it right? I found that to be a real strength traveling in SE Asia – truly hot tea!


  6. Taste of France
    29 May 2018 / 3:31 pm

    It looks like a fun meeting. Wishing you good luck with the trains. You can find out the dates of strikes in advance.

    • materfamilias
      29 May 2018 / 8:16 pm

      Thanks — I've known the dates of the strikes for a month or two now. And each of our travel days was a strike day!! At least SNCF was letting us know from 1700 the day before whether or not our train would be affected — and, in fact, for two of the days we knew with even more notice. All's well that ends well, I guess, and we're in Munich now, but it did make travel more gruelling than normal.

  7. Anonymous
    29 May 2018 / 4:54 pm

    So happy to see you two together again. And a little odd that I feel so warmed by your pix, having never met either of you IRL. The positive power of social media! 🙂

    Ann in Missouri

  8. hostess of the humble bungalow
    29 May 2018 / 5:19 pm

    What a wonderful meet up for the four of you!
    Bon voyage!

  9. Melanie
    29 May 2018 / 5:47 pm

    Cheers! A meetup on the road with Susan and her Monsieur. Fine dining. A hotel upgrade. Sounds marvelous. Happy travels, Frances!

  10. Anonymous
    29 May 2018 / 9:35 pm

    It is wonderful to meet friends when your paths cross somewhere far away from home,no?
    Happy travel-enjoy Munich!

  11. LPC
    30 May 2018 / 1:58 am

    My buddies:).

  12. Anonymous
    30 May 2018 / 4:18 am

    Love your generous sharing with us while you are traveling! Easy to see the genuine joy you two blog friends share…and why you both have built such a sense of community through your posts.
    Charlene H

  13. Sharon
    30 May 2018 / 3:50 pm

    I love reading about meetups of my favorite bloggers. I've learned so much from women bloggers like you, Une Femme, Sue Burpee and many others. It does feel like a community, especially for many of us who have relocated in retirement and are starting to build new friendships.
    I have been wondering if there is an audience for a disabled blogger facing obstacles to shopping, travel, and enjoying theater, dance and live music. There must be many of us navigating with reduced vision and mobility.

    • materfamilias
      31 May 2018 / 7:14 am

      Sharon, the only way to find out about an audience is to jump in and begin building one. As you say, we do have a real community here, and it’s clear that many of us will be facing disabilities of one sort of another. There’s no question that blogging takes commitment and requires work, not to mention a willingness to be at least somewhat vulnerable, but there are undeniable rewards. . .

  14. Marsha
    30 May 2018 / 5:21 pm

    What fine photos, what a lovely recounting of a wonderful time!

  15. lagatta à montréal
    2 June 2018 / 12:51 am

    Lovely and fun!

    I've been to Strasbourg, and also met the (former) mayor Catherine Trautmann who did so much to make that border city a hub for pedestrian, cyclist and public-transport friendly development.

    Tous les soleils is a lovely film about Strasbourg, a young widowed professor from Italy, his teen daughter, his useless brother, and, well, life. The city plays a major role in it.

  16. Duchesse
    2 June 2018 / 4:11 pm

    Just such a delight to meet a friend while travelling and I'm happy your trips coincided.

  17. Leslie in Oregon
    16 June 2018 / 2:57 am

    Thank you for the delightful photographs of you and Sue. It's lovely to read about, and to imagine, two of my favorite North American bloggers and their husbands meeting for a meal in France.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.