Five Things Friday

1. On July 7, 2007, I wrote this post, my second, musing a bit anxiously but also with some excitement about what I hoped to get out of writing a blog, whether beginning one was a good idea. Etc., etc. It’s a fairly short post, but interesting to reread ten years later (Ten!! Years!!!Averaging at least three posts a week!). . .

2. One of my daughters has taken her daughter to Italy to hang out with another of my daughters and her daughter for a couple of weeks. I know, too much repetition of that word, but I kinda love it, somehow. It’s such a funny old word, isn’t it? I mean, look at that spelling! Each of my daughters has a daughter, and that two of those pairs are on a beach together way across a continent and an ocean is pretty amazing to me.

3. The other daughter biked her two kids over here yesterday (in a trailer attached to her bike — there’s a monumental hill to rattle down and then climb back up the other side, but she’s strong!), and I talked her into leaving them with me to bake peanut butter cookies while she and her dad went for a paddle. It didn’t take her very long to decide “Yes!” and within an hour, she was sending us photos from the water. You know, I miss my island still, very much, and I miss being able to have the kids at the beach there. But the beach was four hours and so much organisation for them to get to,  and to have her be able to make a gotta-get-out-of-the-house-let’s-go-to-Nana’s decision yesterday and be here in ten minutes — and then still be able to get out on the water, though we’re definitely NOT at the beach — that was pretty cool. And the peanut butter cookies were delicious 😉

4. She bought me a Donvier ice-cream maker she bought from a street vendor. I gave her the pint-sized one for her 11th or 12th birthday — she made all kinds of flavours for a while, and then it moved to the back of a cupboard, left behind when she moved out. I rediscovered it a few years ago and was having fun experimenting with both rich and healthy versions, various levels of cream, yogurt, etc., I reluctantly handed it back to her, though, as her kids were getting old enough to be interested in cranking that frozen magic, and I’ve been looking for my own since, disappointed to find they don’t seem to be available anymore except secondhand.  So I was really tickled that she showed up with this, and I know the little ones will have fun cranking that handle for a turn or two. Anyone have any simple, favourite ice-cream recipes?

5. And finally, on a sombre note, we’re a bit shell-shocked here from a tough diagnosis in our extended family — one of the young adults. Not my story to tell, but it’s hit hard, and my response to it will be felt here. I’d intended more commentary, for example, on how I’m feeling about those ten years of blogging, and what I see for the ten ahead, but I just couldn’t gather that energy.  Couldn’t finish the post I’d almost completed on a special dinner in Split, Croatia. Focused instead on helping family pool resources to ensure that a young family doesn’t have to worry about bills while dealing with medical stuff. So heartening to watch the next generation step up, immediately rallying to look after a cousin.

Much as that family situation is on my mind, though, I have a fun travel post on Eating Out With a Grandchild and a recipe to accompany it. Another post on a Healthy Fast Delicious Meal to eat after a long bike ride (or any other appetite-building activity) — recipe included there as well.

But best of all, I have the first of a fun new series I’ve planned. Stay tuned for a peek into a fellow reader’s. . . . Nope, I’m not going to tell you where or what we’ll be peeking into. You’ll just have to come back and see.

Super busy day here. My sister’s coming over this morning with her puppy, and we’ll go for a catch-up walk-and-talk. We’re both hearing-impaired, she more seriously so than I, so sometimes our conversations can be a bit comic. . . . And then I’m meeting a friend for lunch and an Architectural Walking Tour of a funky old part of the city. . . But first, I’ve got to hit the gym before the day gets too warm — it’s still sunny here!

And you, what’s up in your world? Plans for the weekend? 


  1. Anonymous
    7 July 2017 / 2:31 pm

    I'm working away but most of my mind is on the upcoming week in Wales and trying not to feel guilty every time I look at Susan in her cat igloo, knowing she will be sad in the cattery…no plans except extended lounging and maybe walking. And talking and drinking and cooking. That pretty much sums up my idea of a good break. I can lotos eat for about half a day and then I get bored. Your weekend sounds fun and hope the diagnosis doesn't cloud all horizons.

    • materfamilias
      8 July 2017 / 11:44 pm

      If you can get over your cat guilt, that sounds like a very good break indeed!

  2. Madame Là-bas
    7 July 2017 / 3:27 pm

    I'm very sorry to hear that you have some illness in your family. I'm meeting with my "big little brother" and his puppy for a walk, having fun window-shopping with my shrinking daughter and trying to create mini-gardens throughout our complex. My husband has just had a cardiologist visit and needs some more tests so he is a little more amenable to walking or exercising with me right now. The weather is glorious and we have Shetlanders arriving on Monday so I hope it lasts. Enjoy the sunny week-end!

    • materfamilias
      8 July 2017 / 11:47 pm

      Good that you and your brother are able to enjoy walking the pups together. It sounds as if there might be a drop in the good weather, but only for a day or two, and then it's supposed to come back, so you're Shetlanders should be in luck. . .

  3. Anonymous
    7 July 2017 / 6:27 pm

    So sorry about diagnosis and hope that everything would end well
    You have such a nice plan for the weekend-you and your sister should walk her puppy with me-I started to yell all the time because of my father and mother's hearing-impairment-and it always ends with their question :"Why are you yelling at me?"
    We have a lot of open air festivals,concerts and happenings in Zagreb,a many of them for free. Isn't it wonderful?
    I'm going to a concert in the hall near the cafe (yes,we'll have drinks there before :-)), where we've had coffee the first day of your visit,on Sunday
    Tomorrow,we'll celebrate my friend's birthday. Because of the summer hollidays, it would be a small party,very nice for a change.

    • materfamilias
      8 July 2017 / 11:48 pm

      Sounds like a really festive weekend! and I agree with you about free outdoor entertainment — so nice for people on budgets to be able to join in.
      (chuckling at your description of "yelling" at your parents!)

  4. Anonymous
    7 July 2017 / 7:50 pm

    I'm sorry that a family member is poorly & hope they are on the mend soon . The deafness of sisters resonates with me . I've just come back from a week in Prague with two of mine & we older ones both have hearing problems . The younger one doesn't but she often had to explain to us what the other was saying & must have found it exasperating at times . We are all going out for Sunday lunch with the rest of the family & will be showing our holiday photos later in the day – whether they like it or not 🙂 A new puppy in the family , I'm envious .
    Wendy in York

    • materfamilias
      8 July 2017 / 11:51 pm

      Picturing that scene with the mediating sister — 😉
      And the holiday photos, yes. Surprisingly, ours are never as fascinated as I'd have thought they would be…

  5. Eleonore
    7 July 2017 / 9:07 pm

    First of all, best wishes to you and your family for the difficult times that may lie ahead of you.
    My five things:
    1.After weeks of cold and rain, yesterday and today have been fine and warm at last. There was breakfast on the deck and reading in the shade… (It may all be over already, there is a thunderstorm raging outside.)
    2.Last night the lake was so quiet that I put in the rowing dinghy and went out for an hour of absolute peace.
    3.While riding my bike through the meadows, I saw a grass snake (ringed snake) slide into a ditch. This place is the perfect habitat for them so there are quite a few around, but you very rarely see them.
    4.Today a friend came to spend the day. She has had some very serious health issues, which kept her in hospital almost the entire year of 2016. It was great to see her so much better.
    5.I just watched the news about the G20 summit in Hamburg and was struck by Justin Trudeau’s bright pink socks.You are so lucky! 😉

    • materfamilias
      8 July 2017 / 11:53 pm

      Those are five lovely things, truly, even the thunderstorm by the lake…. We are lucky in our pink-socked PM, although of course not everyone thinks so here….

  6. Anonymous
    8 July 2017 / 2:46 am

    So sorry to hear of the family health issue, and heartening to hear of familial support coming together! Love the image of the trailer trip to Grandma's followed by cookie baking!


    • materfamilias
      8 July 2017 / 11:54 pm

      Yes, and there's so cute together in their little trailer behind the bike, Mom working so hard up in front. . .

  7. Julie
    8 July 2017 / 4:50 am

    You mentioned that things are quiet during the summer. Just wanted to say that I read and 'discuss' in my mind what you've written.

    It feels good when you know your children are getting together as family. So many drift apart with our busy lives.

    Good luck for positive results with all health issues.

    I clicked a link to a 2012 post about travel in Europe. The photo had the usual two beds side by side. I rather enjoyed this during my limited travels. Wonder why it hasn't spread to NA.

    • materfamilias
      10 July 2017 / 4:30 am

      Thanks so thoughtful of you to let me know that what I write matters to you, Julie.
      I need to update that travel post, really. . . it's true, though, how often we've seen this two-bed system, and there's something to be said for that blend of closeness and separation. . .

  8. Leslie in Oregon
    8 July 2017 / 8:38 am

    I am sorry that some part your extended family is facing a health challenge. How wonderful that your family is swinging into action to support them! Best wishes for effective treatment and speedy recovery, Leslie

    • materfamilias
      10 July 2017 / 4:30 am

      Thanks Leslie.

  9. Lynn
    8 July 2017 / 11:19 pm

    So sorry to hear about the cousin. It always seems unfair when young ones face serious health issues. Love that your daughters are getting together in Italy. My sons were not so close growing up since they are 4 and 1/2 years apart, but now they and my daughter-in-law form a tight supportive unit even though they live 1000 miles apart, which makes me so happy. With no siblings of my own this is all new to me. I hope the walk with your sister was fun.

    • materfamilias
      10 July 2017 / 4:32 am

      It's hard for parents to see the younger generation ill — we'd happily take it on ourselves instead, but life doesn't offer the opion…
      I'd never thought of what it would be like for an Only to enjoy watching her children interact as adults. Yes, I did enjoy catching up with my sister — and her pup!

  10. Lorrie
    9 July 2017 / 6:30 am

    I'm catching up, somewhat, with blogging friends, and this chatty post is lovely. I'm sorry about the health issues in your extended family. When I know that my children are together, without me there, I'm just so pleased. I want them to enjoy each other's company, as you do with yours.
    Wishing you a beautiful Sunday.

    • materfamilias
      10 July 2017 / 4:34 am

      I know you've gone through really tough stuff with a nephew. When a family is fairly close, what touches one, touches all.
      And yes, I take so much pleasure in mine being together, even if I'm not there too — or maybe even more so when I'm not, because I know I'm not necessary to facilitate their relationship. It exists independent of me — the goal!
      hope your Sunday was good.

  11. Ceri in Bristol
    11 July 2017 / 12:07 am

    When you have major health issues affecting someone – many ones – close within your family, then everything else feels superfluous. My very best wishes to those involved.

    And though it may feel less important it is not, so congratulations on your ten year blog anniversary and know that your posts have at times kept this reader keeping her nose to the grindstone in those difficult post grad years. And thereafter. I look forward to the next ten.

    • materfamilias
      12 July 2017 / 12:36 am

      Thanks, Ceri, for your best wishes for the stricken family member, and also for your congratulations on my 10-year blog anniversary. I know it's my own fault for burying the lead, as it were, but it seems to have escaped notice other than your attentive eye, and honestly, it seems rather an achievement to me. I love to hear that it sometimes made a difference out there.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.