Post-Travel Word-less Wednesday. . .

Pater and I are playing Tourist in our own city today, showing around a couple of friends. But before we pick them up for the day’s adventures, I thought I could do a quick Wordless Wednesday post, just sharing a few of the myriad photos bulging out of my poor iPhone. Much easier said than done, it turns out, because surveying the photo files catches me up, whisks me back to Venice, Ljubljana, Zagreb, to moments I’d filed away for later consideration. . .

So I’ve had to give myelf a brief talking-to, and I’m really going to stick to showing, saving the “telling” for later, choosing to occupy the present as fully as possible.  After all, the Present (gift) of these friends being here is a fleeting one, and we want to savour it. Without further ado, then, a few images for your delectation . . .


 and that’s all for now, but there are so many more where those came from.  . .


  1. LPC
    15 June 2017 / 5:38 am

    The pictures say so much. <3

    • materfamilias
      17 June 2017 / 12:22 am


  2. Leslie in Oregon
    15 June 2017 / 7:33 am

    Looking forward to what you have to say about these photographs, and to more photographs and their stories! Thank you, Leslie

    • materfamilias
      17 June 2017 / 12:25 am

      The ones from Split were taken on our way to, then wandering through, Diocletian's Palace; the top one, on a quiet street near where we stayed in the Cannaregio neighbourhood of Venice; and those giant hands rising out of the canal to prop up a Venice building are Damien Hirst's contribution to the Biennale

  3. Anonymous
    15 June 2017 / 11:32 am

    Beautiful photos!

  4. Anonymous
    15 June 2017 / 12:06 pm

    Beautiful pictures . Don't you just love old Mediterranean doors . Many years ago we framed an ink drawing poster of various old Greek doors & we still have it .
    Wendy in York

    • materfamilias
      17 June 2017 / 12:26 am

      I do love old doors, and I know I'd love your poster!

  5. Madame Là-bas
    15 June 2017 / 6:17 pm

    Doors are always so interesting! I always wonder what's behind them.

    • materfamilias
      17 June 2017 / 12:26 am

      Me too!

  6. hostess of the humble bungalow
    16 June 2017 / 1:17 am

    I am drawn to those closed doors…such mystery on the other side.
    Intricate doors captured my fancy in Paris and I took so many photos!
    I was able to set foot inside one of the doors to find myself in a beautiful courtyard…it was green and had boxwood topiaries…old urns and statues…perfectly hidden behind two grand doors!

    • materfamilias
      17 June 2017 / 12:27 am

      Such a lovely reward for being bold enough to step inside such a courtyard!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.