Next Stop, Paris. . . .

Just a very quick Good Morning before I finish my packing, and we head to the airport.  I will admit to some reluctance about leaving our new garden just as the sun is promising to shine on Vancouver for a week or so and everything is green and lush and blooming. This would also be great weather for the cycling we’ve been waiting to do, and as we wheel our cases over to the Skytrain Station, I know I’ll be wondering why we’re leaving this gorgeous city just as it’s being its most gorgeous self. . .

But it’s been so very busy around here, and it will be good for us to spend three weeks just the two of us. Family here will be enjoying our garden terrace, and some sleep training and sleep catch-up for one small weary family will be expedited by the extra condo space. And we’ll be in a few European cities that have architecture and culture and food enough to distract me from worrying about the aphids on my roses or whether my daughter has watered the plants on the front balcony . . . .

It’s been awhile since we’ve done a trip that involves moving relatively often, and I’m not sure what that might mean for blogging. But we’ll be in Paris tomorrow morning, and once I’ve got over that first horrid confrontation with jetlag (I rarely sleep more than 20-30 minutes on the flight, and we arrive in the morning before our room will be ready, and it’s a nine-hour time zone change!), I’ll be doing my best to post a few times a week. Between that, I’ll certainly be posting onInstagram.

Off I go then. . . . 


  1. slf
    22 May 2017 / 3:40 pm

    Bon voyage! I look forward to your posts from this trip.

  2. Madame Là-bas
    22 May 2017 / 4:20 pm

    Bon voyage! I hope that you catch up quickly with sleep! Enjoy Paris!

  3. pomomama
    22 May 2017 / 5:38 pm

    bon voyage from oh-so-jealous me!

  4. Coastal Ripples
    22 May 2017 / 6:05 pm

    Bon Voyage. I know that 'Why am I travelling?' feeling only too well. Gardens are always at their best as we leave. Just as well you have your family on hand :). B x

  5. Georgia
    22 May 2017 / 6:51 pm

    Have fun! Looking forward to seeing some of your adventures, whether it's as they happen or after you come home.

  6. Eleonore
    22 May 2017 / 8:11 pm

    Cool runnings, then.

  7. belle
    23 May 2017 / 12:53 am

    Bon voyage! Your garden will look even more amazing after your travels and I can only imagine will be thoroughly enjoyed by the family caretakers.

  8. Anonymous
    23 May 2017 / 5:38 am

    Welcome to Europe!
    It is "tomorrow morning",and I hope that,after a little nap today,everything would be just perfect!
    Enjoy Paris (oh,I loved Sue's word play on Instagram :-))and Buon Viaggio and "Sretan put" for the rest of the journey!

  9. Ceri in Bristol
    23 May 2017 / 7:46 am

    Happy landings

  10. lagatta à montréal
    23 May 2017 / 11:48 am

    Bon voyage and hire a pair of Vélibs in Paris. Paris has become far more cyclable than in decades past; the city has implemented many measures to favour cyclists and pedestrians.

  11. LPC
    23 May 2017 / 3:20 pm

    Have fun! Look forward to hearing the tales.

  12. Anonymous
    23 May 2017 / 8:19 pm

    I know what you mean about leaving a garden which is just beginning to bloom . If you are like us , when you get back it will be dump the cases & dash out to check what has appeared in the garden . Then the work begins 🙂 – but you have all the fun to go before that . Have a lovely time .
    Wendy from York

  13. Linda
    24 May 2017 / 9:31 am

    What a lovely time of year for a Paris trip! Hope you enjoy it to the full. You are so close to @marob23 and me – next time we must all try to coincide.

  14. Rosie
    24 May 2017 / 11:12 am

    Have a wonderful time Frances! We're in Italy at the moment ..lovely quick flight … heaven!It took me almost 2 weeks to recover from jet lag when we flew back to the Uk from California. .same coast as you 🙁 Hope you recover quickly!
    Take care, relax and enjoy.


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