Balenciaga Teaser. . . . A Postcard from Paris

 Technology is holding me back in posting (slower Wifi, photos not transferring as quickly as I’d like from iPhone to Cloud and then to my MacBook), so instead of sharing the myriad brilliant window displays I’ve been snapping, here’s a teaser from the Balenciaga exhibition we saw at the wonderful Musée Bourdelle (former Montparnasse home of the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle)

 Luckily we’ve visited this museum before, because otherwise it would have been even tougher to get through in the hour we’d carved out of the day’s schedule (the museum opens at 10, and we had a lunch reservation at noon. If you put this on your travel itinerary, leave yourself at least ninety minutes, preferably two full hours).

I will say right away that my limited photographic skills were overwhelmed by the triple challenge of photographing black fabric (the show is called Balenciaga: L’Oeuvre Au Noir), the lighting, and the reflective surfaces (as seen below).  The photo above is an attempt to show Balenciaga’s system of coloured threads and attached notes recording modifications to a pattern. The pattern pieces are held in the glass case pictured below;  you can see how the glass mirrors the mullioned windows and skylights of this stunning space.

 In other rooms which are otherwise quite dark except for the light through one or two windows, the problems become more acute, but still, I thought you might like to see a close-up of a hat or two. . .

 I might wait until I’m back home before I do a separate post or two out of the twenty or thirty photos I took — the posts I published of another couture exhibit (featuring Madame Grès) at the Musée Bourdelle are among the most popular of anything I’ve ever posted here (yes, there are four separate links there — a whole lotta dresses!), so I know there are many of you who will appreciate the sharing, even if the black reads as grey, and a photographer of a certain age casts her shadow across the skirt of a brilliantly strict suit.

So this is just a teaser, and I beg your forgiveness for the weak photography.

Here’s a shot of a much less strict outfit, not a smidgen of black nor a hint of haute. . . photographed stealthily (sneakily? 😉 by a fellow who makes a very good travel companion and who gets mad props for his patience and his fairly convincing display of interest in a couture exhibit.

And let me tell you, those sneakers (Onitsuka Tiger) worn with a pair of technical running socks are the dream. Walking never felt so good. Seriously!  (White tufted cotton skirt, J Crew; navy Bompard V-neck tissue-weight cashmere; white Madewell T; M0851 bag; and Club Monaco silk scarf I’ve had for years). This outfit might not be any kind of couture, but I loved it! Felt so myself, comfortable, expressive enough but not too. And pockets!!

There you go. I’ll load up some Paris Windows photos when technology cooperates, and I’m also posting a few times a day on Instagram.  As usual, I’ll be reading your comments each day, but it might take me a while to respond — my main focus for now is hanging out with my guy, eating and  sipping and ogling and walking our way through Paris. À bientôt. . . . 


  1. Susan B
    24 May 2017 / 5:05 pm

    Photographing details in the often dim light of museums has always been such a source of frustration for me. I *could* lug along my big camera and lenses, but just haven't wanted to sacrifice the space.

    Your outfit is perfection…chic, and so You. I love the gold sneakers!! Is it still hot there?

  2. Anonymous
    24 May 2017 / 8:32 pm

    Such a beautiful suit! The exibition must be perfect
    And you look great

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    24 May 2017 / 11:13 pm

    You look so energetic in that stance…and you look so comfy and are artfully attired. The gold sneakers are fabulous!

  4. Lorrie
    25 May 2017 / 5:45 am

    You look wonderful in that outfit; ready for anything. I loved seeing the black pattern pieces with the thread tracings.

  5. Duchesse
    25 May 2017 / 2:21 pm

    Thrilling, no need to apologize for photos! Whee, we're on a trip with you!

  6. Ann Lee Gibson
    25 May 2017 / 5:38 pm

    Thanks so much for the postcard. You look good for a woman who just flew from Vancouver to Paris. 🙂 I completely approve of your ensemble — parfait!

    That Balenciaga suit is da bomb. And your husband is a peach. Tell him I/we said so. 🙂

  7. Elle
    25 May 2017 / 9:01 pm

    Love seeing the detail of the pattern changes–the process is so interesting to me.

  8. High Heels in the Wilderness
    26 May 2017 / 12:53 pm

    I would love that exhibit. Those patterns with the coloured thread…so detailed. How much work goes into our clothing! It's such a shame that sometimes the end product (at least the fast fashion end product) is made so cheaply that no one appreciates the skill that had to happen in the beginning.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip! Wishing you sunshine and springy temps. We're back in March here today… rainy, dark, cool. Brrr.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.