Friday’s Five

A very quick Friday Five, accompanied by Gratuitous Photos taken on a Sunny Spring Run.

1. I’ve written those 500 words twice this week, so that I now have over 5000. These are, of course, First Draft words, and given that I’m not at all sure what the Draft is of, genre-wise, there will be much revision ahead. But almost two years into retirement, I’m beginning to sort out some priorities and act on them, and that feels very positive.

2. I was ever-so-sore yesterday, sore as in creaking my way down to the toilet seat was painful, rising back up almost as bad, getting out of the car after the drive to Ikea was humiliating, and taking my granddaughter to the park before dinner was an excruciating labour of love only made possible by Pater/Granddad accompanying us. I’m not really exaggerating, except perhaps on the “excruciating.”

But against my fearful expectations (the second day post-exercise is generally more muscle-painful for me than the day after), I woke this morning with much happier hamstrings, and, honestly, looking forward to next week’s scheduled session with our new personal trainer. I felt no lingering after-effects from my first session with her and had suggested we crank it up a notch on Wednesday, so I think from now on, we’ll be working at the sweet spot that constitutes the productive edge of exercise. I’m so impressed by the way she keeps myself and my husband working at our respective levels, moving from one exercise to another so that the overall workout is fun, fast-paced, and never seems too hard, never discourages.

3. So much fun getting better acquainted with our granddaughter, having time with her on our own. Two-and-a-Halfs are awesome, so much fun.

 She sings, “Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the Stream, When you see a Crocodile, Don’t Forget to Scream.” And speaking of Screams, she absolutely delights in turning the pages of this book, which I highly recommend. This granddaughter doesn’t easily sit still to be read to, but this book works because of its interactive nature.

4. The French conversations with our tutor continue, although not always as regularly as we might hope — we seem to average two a month, against a planned weekly session. At least we maintain, though, and between conversations, I read French books and write the odd email, occasionally text back and forth with my tutor, who is becoming a friend. I always find it quite magical when I realise that someone knows me only in and through French. . .

5. I’ve also picked up Duolingo to refresh my rudimentary Italian — I felt quite pleased, last September, being able to use those basics in Rome, but then abandoned that language study. I hope it will come back without too much trouble because. . . .

But nope, that’s another post. Still have to tell you about our upcoming travels through three countries, so we’ll leave that until next week.

Until then, comments welcome as always, and I wish you a Happy Weekend1


  1. Anonymous
    31 March 2017 / 9:57 pm

    The croc version of row row row your boat is a hoot, I had never heard that before! I remember reading to my very active toddler grandson – where his father sat entranced being read to, grandson was hard to engage, and books that allowed him to make sound effects, open little doors, etc, were a lifesaver. Thankfully now both father and son have evolved into readers for pleasure…..

    Lovely flowers in the metal trough – hellebores, perhaps?


    • materfamilias
      5 April 2017 / 3:38 pm

      Isn't that a cute version of a traditional song?!
      Your grandson does sound like my granddaughter, and I hope she evolves into a reader as well. . .
      Good guess on the flowers — such frilly hellebores!

  2. Madame Là-bas
    31 March 2017 / 10:18 pm

    Oh, my Spanish teacher, Luis, makes my head spin! I'm doing 4 hours a week of private lessons and he sends me"What's App" messages to answer. Little Girls looks like fun. Interactive books are great for those active little fingers. You should visit Phoenix Perennials if you need more hellebores. I love to go and look around.

    • materfamilias
      5 April 2017 / 3:39 pm

      Good for you! At four hours a week, you're sure to be making much progress!
      Phoenix Perennials is high on my must-visit list. A friend's son owns it, and it sounds like a gem.

  3. Rosie
    5 April 2017 / 6:23 am

    Just love the picture of your grandaughter…her stance reminds me of the Sophie stories, where Sophie's described as "small but very determined!"
    Exciting to have your daughters wedding to look forward to …I have that pleasure as well this year! I think your expression son in love as well as son in law is wonderful …certainly applies in my case as well..aren't we blessed to feel this way?

    • materfamilias
      5 April 2017 / 3:45 pm

      Doesn't she look sweetly feisty here? I love it too, thanks.
      Our daughter's wedding will be a very small affair, but we're so happy to celebrate it together. And yes, very blessed to love our children's partners, so, so lucky!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.