Word-less Wednesday, What I Wore….

What with being away all fall — and before that, having barely got the keys and dropped off the moving boxes at our new urban condo after a big move from a much more rural, sometimes rustic, island lifestyle — and what with arriving home only three weeks before Christmas with unpacking still to do and all the Christmas preparations and activities . . . and then facing cycles of snowfall, melt, and freezing rain that rendered pedestrian mobility very dangerous. . . plus a New Year’s that ushered in a month of cold/’flu followed by a week of Norwalk…

Well, when I write it like that, I see why I’ve been having a tough time finding my rhythm here.  On top of that, the disruption to my regular exercise routine led to some injuries that could no longer be ignored. . . . honestly, abandoning my running schedule on top of so many other changes recently felt like one too many aspects of my identity lost. . .

Oooh, this one’s from a few weeks ago, taken in the hotel room in between lunches and dinners with good friends. Such a great week, when the weather warmed up enough that I could wear sneakers and bare feet!

But I’m working with a physiotherapist now to get myself back into full running form. I’ll say a bit more about that and about my health-self-care in general in another post, but for now, I thought I’d share a few photos of me getting out and about recently, working toward building some new routines in a new urban lifestyle.

 “Stand Up Straight,” she told herself. . . .

But she still forgot to smile. . . .

All of which is to show that I have been getting out, trying to find a rhythm that will work for me in our new digs. Over the next week, this rhythm will have to include grabbing an umbrella everytime I go out the door — we have a Rainfall Warning for the next two days, with accompanying cautions about heavy winds, and there’s no hint of sunshine in the forecast for at least the next five days. So waterproofed feet and a big umbrella as I head out today to meet a Blogging Friend for lunch. We live in the same city, have corresponded through our blogs for several years, share several interests, yet have never met. Should be fun.

Now tell me the truth: are you getting weary of the sombre outfits? I worry a bit that one of these days I’ll arrive home with a bag of yellow and pink and turquoise garments, perhaps even an orange palazzo pant or mauve dress, having been unable to resist the vivacious colours despite knowing I’m unlikely to wear them (although I did expand my Winter Wear palette recently with this coat . . . . Oh, spring, come quickly. . . Please!


  1. Anonymous
    15 February 2017 / 5:20 pm

    Oh I do love your hair longer, especially with your blue glasses, which are such a statement. The combo is very effective.
    Do know exactly what you mean about needing the physio to get back to fighting form. Exercise is a large part of my identity,too, that I don't really discuss with people.Not everyone gets that it represents and offers more than keeping slim.It is just my thing; a thing that keeps me mentally strong as well.
    Having broken ribs on one side and broken foot on tne other two years ago stopped me in my tracks-literally! The physio encouraged me sooo much and worked wonders to get me back exercising at full pelt.Wonder-doctor, I called her.
    You are so determined, you will get there.
    A suggestion from me, if I may? Deep tissue massage helps with injury, but, most especially, with muscles that are weary from being down with the flu.
    Just bought a tropical color necklace and wore it today to counteract the gloom. Take THAT Winter!
    A. in London

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2017 / 2:54 pm

      Yikes! That must have been quite a fall — good for you doing the work to rehab and get back full mobility. And I agree with you about the deep-tissue massage (and luckily, have a daughter who's a Registered Massage Therapist!) — For the moment, I'm giving my foam roller a good workout every day, my new routine.
      Accessories like a necklace — smart way to bring in some colour! Enjoy your new mood-brightener.

  2. Elle
    15 February 2017 / 6:10 pm

    Yes, no rhythm because there's been no rhyme or reason! I'm sick of the wet and cold also. I was heading to a play the other day in a lobby of dark coats and saw a woman in a bright white wooly coat enter. I couldn't stop staring–she was a joy to the eye. I almost went up and thanked her–and now wish I had!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2017 / 2:56 pm

      I love your description — so easy to envision, and I can see how effective that white coat would have been (although I don't envy her dry-cleaning bills. Still.. . . .

  3. Patricia
    15 February 2017 / 8:53 pm

    Hi Frances, nice to hear that you are over the flu etc. I don't mind the dark coats and I like the honey-coloured scarf – I just took delivery of a cashmere cowl-necked sweater in that colour. Good luck with your recovery vis-à-vis running – I have totally abandoned my exercise regimen, apart from digging out my driveway, taking the hyyge concept very much to heart! I'm hoping that muscle memory really is a thing for when I try to get back to running in the spring. I look forward to reading your planned post about self-care.

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2017 / 3:04 pm

      Ooooh, yummy! That sweater — you will enjoy wearing that for winters to come. It's practically a synonym for Comfort and Style!
      I think that as much as muscle memory, what will kick in is the discipline you've created, and the awareness of how your work creates results… I'll be curious to see how quickly you get back into the groove (and I think the driveway-digging will stand you in good stead — that's a tough workout!)

  4. Rosie
    15 February 2017 / 9:36 pm

    I too, have had a couple of days where I had no option but to remain in bed … but after two I was going "stir crazy!" Regardless of healthy tasty food and a vibrant bouquet of flowers courtesy of my husband I just wanted to be pain free and back to "normal" whatever normality is 🙂 I sense that in you Frances … a desire for a routine based around the things that make you happy! We were due to travel to my "happy place" and to be honest the thought of travel and the prep it required, packing etc was too much to contemplate … but now I'm here I want to "jump for joy" literally …I feel as though I've come "home" …the place I was always meant to be 🙂
    I hope you soon feel like that about your Vancouver apartment …. And let's hope all the bugs and health issues that have plagued you recently have gone for good!
    Take care and have a good week Frances.

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2017 / 3:05 pm

      Being sick is no fun, is it?! Glad you too have broken through to the other side, and so pleased to hear how joyful you are in your "happy place."

  5. Studio
    16 February 2017 / 9:57 am

    Just buy a couple of warm scarves….a red one and a yellow one .

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2017 / 3:06 pm

      Oh, I have scarves. . . 😉 Not a yellow one (that colour just doesn't work for me) but red, and purple, and pink, and pale cerulean blue and . . . .

  6. Georgia
    16 February 2017 / 2:38 pm

    I will never weary of your sombre outfits. I'm with you…my idea of colour in clothing is pale blue. In limited doses. In the home it's different though…cushions, flowers, throws, art…colour, colour, colour. Not all bright but definitely not black, grey, navy.

    Re: the heavy winds and the umbrella, don't blow away, a la Mary Poppins. 😉

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2017 / 3:09 pm

      I used to wear so much more colour, but somehow I've just wearied of it, and these last few years I love it on the hanger in the store but don't have room for it in my on wardrobe. Interestingly, while we still have a fair bit of colour in the condo, we've got much less here than we did in the house…wonder where that will go eventually….
      Thanks for the caution. I'll keep my Blundstones firmly on the ground!

  7. Unknown
    16 February 2017 / 2:58 pm

    Glad you are finally up and about.
    Several years ago, I wore dark clothes for the winter, thinking that dressing would be easy & streamlined, but I found myself soooo depressed and bored. Now I purposely seek out color for the winter when wardrobe updating. I will be contacting a personal trainer later today to set up a pre-op exercise regimen. I'm thinking that having my muscles in shape and losing a little weight in the process will help with my recovery. I'm also thinking seriously of taking some meditation classes as well to help deal with the post-op pain.
    Unsolicited advice: Don't push yourself. This is a lesson my husband finally learned when he ended up sicker than if he had slowed down and taken care of himself instead of ticking off all of the chores on the list at once and barrelling through. He now prioritizes and does a few items, rests for 15-30 minutes and returns to the list. He is much more productive and has been much healthier this winter. (And much easier to live with, I might add…) 😉

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2017 / 3:12 pm

      That sounds like a very smart way to prepare for surgery, Carol, both the exercise regimen and the meditation.
      I'm glad to hear that your husband is finding a pace that works for him. Balance is so important, always. I'm getting there 😉

  8. Catherine
    16 February 2017 / 5:34 pm

    It has been a challenging time for you, lots of changes and stresses for you to cope with and your body is taking some time out to adjust, it seems. Winter is for hibernating, so good time to stop a while. Glad you are feeling better and moving things forward. If it's any consolation, I have been in much the same pattern since Christmas and only just emerging, too. Also got some physio booked for next week.

    I rely on brightly coloured scarves in winter but need clothes that don't show the mud – ubiquitous in the countryside, especially when walking the dogs!

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2017 / 2:55 pm

      It is good to know we're both emerging at the same time — good luck with the physio!
      And I hear you on the mud — our island dirt roads showed up on all my clothes and into the house as well, whether in wet or dry form. . .

  9. Anonymous
    16 February 2017 / 9:29 pm

    I wish you a full recovery-your last year was really a roller coaster-you need some time to find your own rhythm and equilibrium
    You look so lovely and happy before meeting your friends
    During the winter I play with scarfs in all the colours and have a red dress
    During the summer I like a lot of white or colourful dresses

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2017 / 2:56 pm

      Red is a great colour for spicing up winter — especially in a dress, good for the spirits!
      Thanks for the kind words — I'm feeling much better, ready for what comes next.

  10. Anonymous
    16 February 2017 / 10:22 pm

    The dark winter colours are beginning to pall now and I look in my wardrobe with very little interest at present. Cannot wait for the day to be warm enough for me to wear a simple white shirt. Still, less than two weeks to the end of February…

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2017 / 2:57 pm

      It's true, we're getting closer (I've been noticing some leaves unfurling in my terrace plant post…

  11. Duchesse
    17 February 2017 / 2:03 pm

    I 'm not tired of them, but you hardly need to please anyone but yourself! And second what the wise Mardel says. Mmmm and the deep massage.

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2017 / 2:59 pm

      Oh, I know I'm the one to please here, but I do wonder who might be in sympathy. For now, they're the most practical gear, but here on the coast, at least, hints of Spring begin to tickle a wish for something lighter and brighter. (I can't see Mardel here — not sure what I'm missing, but a deep-tissue massage, yes, Mmmm, a bit of Ouch, and Mmmmmm)

  12. Anonymous
    17 February 2017 / 3:57 pm

    Thanks for the follow. I feel your pain re the running. I'm mid knee treatment and going for a slow three miles tomorrow to test it out. I like bright colours in clothes at the right time :o).

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2017 / 3:01 pm

      It's so hard to be sidelined, isn't it? The running becomes so important to health, sanity, endorphin-fuelling, never mind identity. Good luck with your run (whoops — that was two days ago, so luck no longer needed — hope it went well)


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