Waving from a Beach near Rome

Before heading out for the train this morning, I put together a quick post using the mobile app BlogGo, and for the second consecutive time using this program, clicking on “Publish” resulted in tears and cursing.  If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ll already know that the train delivered us to Florence this afternoon, but I thought I might try to recreate some of that earlier post and catch you up with our few days in a small beach town not far from Rome.

You might reasonably ask which of the many possible sites and/or attractions we got to since landing at Ciampino airport Sunday afternoon. And this is all I have. And, for us, it’s enough, and it’s everything. Hanging out with this Little One and her Mama and Papa. Walks on the beach. Walks across the bridge for seafood lunches.

I think the post I wrote this morning had snappier prose. I know I was able to access more photos — they’re on my iPhone and they don’t always transfer quickly to the Cloud and then to availability via Blogger on my MacBook.

But sometimes Good Enough will just have to do. . .  ’cause sometimes a Woman of a Certain Age is in a very beautiful city with her guy for a limited time, and she’s got to close her computer and get out of the hotel room. I know you understand. Ci vediamo dopo. . . 


  1. Anonymous
    16 November 2016 / 9:36 pm

    Florence! Beata te!
    Frankie is growing up so fast,she is so sweet!

    • materfamilias
      17 November 2016 / 7:02 am

      Yes, Florence! So beautiful here, wish we had a week…

  2. Susan B
    17 November 2016 / 12:16 am

    It looks like a nice, quiet seaside town! And your grand-daughter is SO adorable. So sorry about the posting glitches; I've resigned myself to traveling with a laptop if I want to blog.

    • materfamilias
      17 November 2016 / 7:05 am

      Oh, I have my MacBook. But the Wifi wasn't great in our 3rd floor room, and the photos don't transfer very well. So I used to use the iPhone/BlogGo combo, with some success, from time to time. No more!

  3. Madame Là-bas
    17 November 2016 / 12:31 am

    Frankie is indeed growing up! I believe that I will always need the laptop.

    • materfamilias
      17 November 2016 / 7:12 am

      She really is changing, so quickly. And me too, re the laptop

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    17 November 2016 / 1:16 am

    Such an adorable child…they really are a joy.
    The seaside pictures look so tranquil…
    You are very brave to blog from an app…I find they are so glitchy that I just give up.

    • materfamilias
      17 November 2016 / 7:13 am

      See response to Sue, above. And believe me, I deleted that app!

  5. Bev
    17 November 2016 / 1:23 am

    Wonderful! Absolutely agree – close the computer & enjoy the time with those you love.

  6. materfamilias
    17 November 2016 / 7:14 am


  7. Eleonore
    17 November 2016 / 12:08 pm

    When in Florence and if you have the time: cross the Ponte Vecchio to San Niccoló, turn left and walk along the Via de’ Bardi until you get to the church of San Niccoló, then turn right and walk straight up to San Miniato al Monte. On the way down, keep to the road and follow the bends. Both ways will give you the most breathtaking views of the Arno and the Centro Cittá. Have a wonderful time.

  8. SmitoniusAndSonata
    17 November 2016 / 7:04 pm

    The Little One seems to be planning to become a real estate agent . Perhaps she can find us all our dream villa in a few years time .

  9. Anonymous
    19 November 2016 / 12:26 am

    How lovely to discover a new place to perhaps return to! And your grand must be a book lover, what a charming picture!


  10. High Heels in the Wilderness
    19 November 2016 / 3:32 pm

    Frustrating when technology doesn't do what it's supposed to do… and when different tools can't work together! I use "Blogsy" on my i-pad mini when travelling. Then it's easy to move the photos which are on my i-pad to begin with right into the post. Bu-ut… the text goes wonky and some spacing etc doesn't make its way into the published post. I always have to go back and fix it up once I'm at home and can use my big desk top computer.
    Frankie looks lovely, especially in my favourite shot with the kitty and the sweet gold skirt.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.