What I Wore: Summer Whites as Fall Knocks on the Door

Super busy with a variety of delightful activities ’round here: grandkids; friends visiting from out of town; long bike rides; unpacking boxes and trying to figure out where to put things; trying to find things you put somewhere that doesn’t yet have enough memory triggers. . . . Okay, those last two are not so delightful, but they are necessary, and slowly, but surely, we’re getting it done. . .

We’ve had a couple of seriously rainy days lately, but punctuated by some beautifully sunny hours kissed by that crisp fall coolness. The weather forecast is warning us to expect more rain in the next while, but we’re also looking at several more days of sunshine, although the temperature isn’t predicted to climb above 15 degrees (Celsius). I’ve unpacked my sweaters and my boots, and I’m looking forward to wearing them, but I’m also trying to get a few more days out of my white jeans, especially since I just rediscovered these nude Vince flats. The top is a late-season, heavily discounted top from Aritzia, taupe cross-stitch embroidery on a cream field.

Sun and shadows and fountain supplied by Mother Nature and the former owners of our new home. Photography by Pater (who did a much better job than he did here, don’t you agree, even if he’s caught my face in a funny mix of light and dark)

What about you? Hanging on to summer just a bit longer? Or have you switched over to the sweaters and boots? I’m thinking I might work the white jeans into a fall sweater outfit — do you make them work for their keep through the darker months or fold them away until next June? Or are you in that part of the world that is shaking all their summer gear out of those storage closets and heading to the beach?


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    19 September 2016 / 4:10 pm

    Rain here too…the white jeans are great and I plan to wear mine a few more times before swapping out my wardrobe for Fall and Winter.
    Keeping warm, dry and cozy will be our new theme with the cooler seasons arrival….do you have a propane heater on your deck? I would be tempted to hang white fairy lights and use it all year round.

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:17 pm

      Not a propane heater, but a big basket of throws, and we've inherited strings of lights. . . Hoping to do exactly as you suggest and have a year-round outdoor room — we may investigate some kind of canopy as well against the inevitable rain. . .

  2. Georgia
    19 September 2016 / 4:40 pm

    D'orsay flats? Nice! I like the look of white jeans, boots and a chunky sweater for fall and winter, but must accept the fact that my chunky sweaters are seldom worn as they are just too hot. I think we tend to overheat our indoor spaces to compensate for the extreme cold outdoors (Winnipeg). I will admire this look on others! We are still having nice days close to +20 Celsius although the nights are cool. The light is beautiful here at this time of year.

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:20 pm

      They are D'Orsay, and I like them very much although not so good at keeping the nude colour pristine.
      I'm exactly the same way with the chunky sweaters — even if the indoor temps are reasonable at about 20 degrees, I can't abide a chunky sweater for long, much less if it's got a turtleneck.
      I would imagine you treasure this shoulder season when the heat is less intense, the bugs are mostly gone, and the first snows haven't yet arrived. I'm curious now about the Winnipeg September light — have only been there in summer and in late winter…

  3. Catherine
    19 September 2016 / 5:14 pm

    First major rainfall of the season on Friday, at last as the garden is so dry, but back to warm and humid, so changing several times a day, adding and taking away layers. Winter clothes will have to wait a while longer. Looking very chic in white, Frances, on your new terrace!

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:21 pm

      Rain and white pants don't play very well together, and our rains have arrived as well, but it was fun while it lasted. . . Hope your rains, having soaked the garden nicely, hold off for a bit longer now. . .

  4. Linda
    19 September 2016 / 5:34 pm

    You are looking very French, if I may say? Hanging on to summer here – delightfully warm temps in the 18 – 20 C range. A few late swallows are still with us. I'm still culling my work wardrobe and aiming to be draconian, but The Suitcase with winter jumpers etc (pullovers I think to you!) is still in the loft. But in Bordeaux I experienced the delights of the 'entre-saison' in French clothes shops and had several lovely chats about this stage in the fashion year with shop assistants as I bought a few pieces. Also managed to find some very end of sale summery items, much needed as temps were in the 30-34 C range for my whole stay and British industrial weight summer cottons just don't do it, either in terms of chicness (zero) or suitability for heat. My daughter (who came out to Bordeaux with the rest of the family for my birthday weekend – meant to be a secret but it leaked out) and I have agreed that we are going to stop buying summer clothes in the UK and stock up in France. And I'll add Sweden to that. I think a French woman would definitely carry white jeans through into autumn and wear with heavier sweaters. Perhaps we should ask Lesley to address this subject!

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:40 pm

      Why yes you may say that. Thank you!
      Annie Green wrote something similar to what you're saying re finding summer clothes in France compared to finding them in the UK.
      I've yet to visit Sweden, let alone shop there, but I love what I've seen online re Swedish style.
      Definitely have to check in with L on the white jeans in the fall. I'll probably leave mine home in deference to the realities of laundering on the move.
      And btw, Belated Happy Birthday! What a great way to celebrate it.

  5. Madame Là-bas
    19 September 2016 / 5:53 pm

    We're in London. The weather has changed a bit since last week but it's about 16
    celsius. We visited the British Library today and Old St. Pancras Church where William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft are buried. I'm totally in grey and navy layers for this trip but I really like your white top.

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:41 pm

      I love that Old St Pancras churchyard — a few years ago we were there Easter Sunday wandering as the bells chimed. . . I've sat at those gravestones. Lovely spot!

    • Anonymous
      20 September 2016 / 6:46 pm

      Lucky you Madame:-)
      Enjoy your holidays and London!

  6. Melanie
    19 September 2016 / 6:01 pm

    First of all, that is a veranda I swoon over! Simply wonderful, and perfect after your island garden. I love an all-white outfit and this one looks fantastic. I can't get the hang of this cool morning/very warm afternoon weather. I am constantly over/under dressing. Sheesh! But the rain feels so fresh. I'd say keep working those jeans all winter – you'll just have to call them "winter white."

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:42 pm

      You're right that this is weather that demands attentive dressing in the morning or frequent changes during the day. Still, if you're going to have rain, might as well go dramatic, and some of this has been impressive.

  7. Mardel
    19 September 2016 / 7:08 pm

    Love your outdoor space, and your whites. I'm itching for white jeans now, when I probably can't find any. The weather is just starting to change, or so I hope, but it is just like me to want things out of season.

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:43 pm

      Well, if you do find a pair, they're likely to be on sale, right?

  8. Beth from Oregon
    19 September 2016 / 7:15 pm

    Love, love, your outdoor terrace fountain and your early fall outfit. Today I am undertaking a much-needed summer to fall closet transition and weeding out process. Best wishes for your continuing settling-process.

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:44 pm

      Thanks Beth, we're surprised at how quickly we've fallen in love with the space.
      Enjoy the closet transition — I'm still unpacking to pieces I'd forgotten completely and others I can plainly see it's time to send along to some potential new owner. . .

  9. Anonymous
    19 September 2016 / 7:16 pm

    I rather like a white jean with a thick polo neck (long version) in a bright colour during the winter months. But not with boots. On the other hand…the joy of finding them as May/June comes around and you are sick, sick, sick of greys and blacks. You inspire me, Mater. Looking good.

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:45 pm

      Yes, I like that combo as well, although tend not to do it myself because of the effect of colour choppiness on a very short-waisted (and short!) figure…

  10. Murphy
    19 September 2016 / 7:58 pm

    I love your outfit! I'm thinking that my white jeans would look good with my chunky taupe wool sweater, but I am leaning towards putting them away so they seem fresh and new in May when the weather gets nice again, kind of like nohatnogloves said

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:47 pm

      I like that combo in theory as well — and I do wear mine in the winter with a chunky off-white sweater, which is blessedly light to wear for all its seeming chunkiness (a great blend of yak and wool knit in an airy bouclé makes it work, somehow). There is also a strong argument Annie makes re May freshness, yes.

  11. Diana Studer
    19 September 2016 / 11:04 pm

    just summer light jeans and a T shirt today – while yesterday we needed the thick pullover and heavy jeans.

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:47 pm

      It's like that here as well, really, changeable even during one day and then again from one day to the next…

  12. Tiffany
    20 September 2016 / 12:39 am

    15 degrees is a cold winter's day here! I wear my white jeans year round, but am wearing them in a spring incarnation today – we're expecting a high of 21. By mid-summer it's generally too hot for jeans at all (but I still wear them as I'm not comfortable in shorts or skirts).

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:49 pm

      15 degrees Celsius is cold? For winter? Wow!
      If I lived there, the shoulder season you're apparently in now would be my favourite time, I think.. . highs of 21 are just about enough (okay, I'm quite happy at a high of 26 as well, but that's about it!)

  13. Anonymous
    20 September 2016 / 5:30 am

    Lovely photos,Frances! Your nude flats go perfect with your whites and terrace
    I'm going to wear white jeans on sunny days during October and than make a pause till next spring.
    Here is about 20°C,after a rainy weekend. But it's all about layers.
    I'll skip chunky sweaters,too hot inside,but a cashmere v- neck ,or turtle neck later, will do just fine

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:52 pm

      Layers, yes! Layers are the answer at this time of year. It was always the month when my kids would lose sweaters and jackets, leaving them on the school playground as it got to warm during the day, although they'd miss them the next morning when it was chilly still.
      A cashmere v-neck is my favourite solution as well…

  14. Rosie
    20 September 2016 / 9:59 am

    I smiled when I read what Georgia had to say about chunky jumpers!! I was somehow tempted into buying three last winter … Totally disregarding the note on my phone re clothes shopping that reminds me " don't buy any more chunky jumpers, you never actually wear them as they're always too hot!! " I love them, the colours are great but the only time I can wear them is when I'm walking in the snow and I know I'll be sitting outside for a coffee or Gluwein! So I really only need one!!
    I wore my white jeans on Sunday but too cold and wet to wear them today … are yours going in your carry on for your travels? The pictures of you are lovely …Well done Pater! The Aritzia top is my favourite style for summer. Cool and easy to wear, yet still looks stylish and smart and covers my upper arms:) Your terrace looks a great space …I like Leslie's idea of white lights.
    Hope you're having a good week full of all the things you love!

    • materfamilias
      20 September 2016 / 5:54 pm

      Too funny! I just resisted one this past weekend for the same reason, and looking over my wardrobe right now, trying to get ready for fall, I see some other overly idealised purchases that don't work for everyday life with its moves from indoors to out and back in again.
      Don't think I'll take the whites travelling — laundry challenges! 😉

    • Rosie
      20 September 2016 / 8:37 pm

      I did wonder …:)

  15. LPC
    22 September 2016 / 2:30 am

    I love the white/cream/nude look, and your hair. The terrace, and the fountain too.

  16. Susan B
    24 September 2016 / 10:08 am

    Late to the party, but I love the white and cream combo!


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