Weekend Projects

I’ve been working on a few projects: 


And putting together the itinerary file and Moleskine notebook for our trip

And finally, finally, getting photographs into frames and beginning to play with arrangements for getting them up on a wall

And making jam

And clearing out some cupboards and drawers, which means all those new jars of jam have a place to wait their turn on the table

I’ve also been working on the next post about Travel and Independence and Getting On. This one’s been eluding me and perhaps I should just have abandoned the project, but I’ve persevered and we’ll see whether it was worth the effort when I post on Monday.

Meanwhile, we have a house sitter coming this afternoon for an orientation (although we don’t leave for another week and a bit). And I have a little project before she gets here: a cup of tea I’ve just brewed and a big fat weekend Globe and Mail full of news to read.

What about you? Is it a Projects weekend or a Visiting weekend or a Weekend of Complete Relaxation? Whichever it might be, I hope you’re enjoying it!


  1. Georgia
    22 August 2015 / 11:23 pm

    I almost hate to say it, but it has been raining all day here in Winnipeg (and t-storms last night…and more rain expected tomorrow), so I have been trying to make comprehensive lists in my notebook from little notes and scribbles I have lying around…pertaining to approaching retirement day and leave-for-Europe day. These events will occur on consecutive days so require extensive lists. (I planned this. The coolness of hopping on a plane the day after finishing work won out over the practical side. Practical side is staring to get a bit anxious about the Things That Must Be Done.) I think I will leave about the time you return…perhaps we will cross in the air.

    I am not on Twitter but was chuckling about your word-nerdy tweets. Could they be thinking of languor? Languorous lingering in the bath?

    • materfamilias
      23 August 2015 / 2:59 pm

      I shouldn't be jealous of your rain, should I? So weird to be wishing for it so much, as you can imagine.
      I'm glad I've had a whole summer between finishing work and heading off on our trip, but I also like your idea of heading straight off immediately after your retirement. It is a cool way to get your next phase started. But my Practical Side is very sympathetic. I'l be curious about how it all goes.
      Yes, I thought afterward of languor and "languidly" . . . I've seen this error a few times now and I just shudder. . .

  2. LPC
    23 August 2015 / 1:39 am

    Projects and Relaxation, both:). The hydrangea are all cut back now. I may do more, but at least I am no longer looking at blown out flower heads and a myriad of burned leaves.

    I fear they did not appreciate, do not appreciate, our drought.

    • materfamilias
      23 August 2015 / 3:00 pm

      Both is good! As are cleaned-up hydrangeas. Drought, though, is not good, and I so wish ours would end. Poor salmon. . .

  3. Kim
    23 August 2015 / 6:24 am

    It's a relax and recover weekend. Had shoulder surgery 8 days ago and wearing a sling for a bit. Great excuse to not go outside to do gardening in the 108 degree temps we are having here in Arizona.

    Finishing up a Martha Grimes mystery–so good and, bonus, it takes place in Northern England along the coast during the chilly winter. Perfect escape for me. And, I was just up in that part of England so even more fun.

    I haven't commented on your blog before but I do enjoy it, love your haircut, enjoy your calm writing style, and am following a suggestion from Lisa (Amid Privilege) to leave a comment today on a blog–any blog. Enjoy your weekend!

    • materfamilias
      23 August 2015 / 3:04 pm

      Thanks, Kim, for commenting — I understand very well why readers don't, but it's ever so appreciated when they do. Ever so!
      Wise you to enjoy the excuse of your shoulder surgery rather than grumbling about immobilization. That surgery can make such a wonderful difference, and I hope it's so for you. Definitely don't go into the garden! Chilly Northern England and dead bodies, much better, especially if it brings back a recent trip (I really want to get to the Northeast Coast, where my dad's from and loads of family still live).

  4. Anonymous
    23 August 2015 / 7:09 am

    I like the skirt you were wearing in Paris,it's nice to have it in Rome
    You are very hard-working this weekend -I'm not! Only rest ,some planning, reading,little bit of paperwork in the afternoon ( neglected a bit ) . And I don't feel guilty,that's good
    I'm thinking about preserving white peach base for Bellinis ( yes, I was reading a bit Minchilli :-)!) and not to have ugly colour. Any ideas?
    Kim,I wish you successful recovery
    Frances,lot of luck with your projects

    • materfamilias
      23 August 2015 / 3:05 pm

      Ah, you spotted that skirt again — good eye!
      It really didn't feel like hard work, honestly, more puttering and quite enjoyable.
      I know nothing about Bellinis, but anything Minchilli sounds yummy to me. . .

    • Anonymous
      23 August 2015 / 4:44 pm

      Oh,you'll try it,as well as Aperol spritz. Bellini is one third white peach pulp,two thirds prosecco. And when in Rome……..afternoon aperitivo is a must! You'll enjoy,beata te (= lucky you :-))! Because you're worth it!
      Remember Ispettore Brunetti….Venice,Roma,same aperitivi

  5. Ceri
    23 August 2015 / 9:16 am

    Just back from first holiday in a very full on two years. Had a wonderful time in the sun with my family. Time to think how to restructure everyday life to have more time for the important things whilst getting done all the dull stuff that has piled up. All seems so easy lying by the pool. Not so enticing on waking in my own bed to the sound of rain (in England we have plenty already, thank you). How do others manage it?

    Target for today is to get all the cases unpacked, clothes washed and put away. And maybe sandwich together the quilt I've promised for an exhibition in October. Only 20 x 30" but, having not sewn for a few years, I had forgotten how long it can take.

    Loved your outfit for the wedding in your previous post. You looked like you but en fete.

    • materfamilias
      24 August 2015 / 2:39 pm

      That's always such an interesting time, Ceri, trying to take what I've learned away from home and find ways to integrate it so that the holiday becomes truly rejuvenating on a longer scale. It's tough to do while emptying cases and doing laundry. . .
      I hope you'll IG some photos of your quilt in progress — an ambitious project!

  6. annie
    23 August 2015 / 9:48 am

    Quite a sitting weekend. Reading Nancy Mitford novels who are old friends. Watching amazing but short storm. Best of all: cleaning silver jewellery pre trip to Rhodes using science! Bicarb, vinegar and boiling water plus foil. Inspired to do all the cutlery so now smug AND shinily elegant. Sun now reappeared so time to rise…

    • materfamilias
      24 August 2015 / 2:40 pm

      Why haven't I read Nancy Mitford? Clearly, this is an oversight I should correct.
      I haven't done that scientific jewelry-cleaning for too long — that's something I need to do next time the 6yo granddaughter visits!

    • annie
      24 August 2015 / 3:42 pm

      Perfect holiday reading. The Pursuit of Love, Love in a Cold Climate, The Blessing, Don't Tell Alfred. In that order. Last two set in Paris. Like a delicate raspberry souffle. Appears inconsequential but lot of hidden expertise. You can tell she was a friend of Evelyn Waugh. Enjoy. Or, as she would say, the bliss.

  7. Eleonore
    23 August 2015 / 11:44 am

    My plans for today: unpack the backpack and do a lot auf laundry, give some badly needed attention to the plants, cuddle the neighbour's cat should he decide to drop in (the cat, I mean), write some emails….
    I liked your post about the first hints of autumn. On my hike through the hills I passed many blackberry hedges, picking the ripe berries as I walked along, crossing meadows full of apple trees. But: I cannot find it in myself to look forward to anything about winter. I am already feeling quite afraid of the cold and the dark, and watching the sun got down a little more to the left every night makes me quite sad.
    But it is nice and warm outside now and I am going to enjoy it and water my oleander plants. (As I jast learned, oleander needs A LOT OF WATER!) It is never late to learn something new.
    Have a happy sunday.

    • materfamilias
      24 August 2015 / 2:43 pm

      Another one recovering from time away (like Ceri, above)
      Interesting what you say about winter — I feel like that sometimes. In fact, I remember thinking quite starkly for a long period that "winter is when people die." Nice, eh? But I must admit that I love days inside by the woodstove fire while the rain pours down all 'round. I'm not ready for that yet, though.
      Hope your Sunday was good — now I wish you a Happy Monday!

  8. MaryB
    23 August 2015 / 3:59 pm

    First time that I have posted on your blog, although I have been reading it for several years. I also follow you on instagram (GoNorthMary). I enjoy reading about your life and envy your writing style. While I possess an advanced degree and was required to communicate in written form daily in my professional life, I always felt inadequate about my writing. I rarely write anything of substance now, other than in my journal. To think, I wrote 20 page papers in French when completing my undergrad studies! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

    • materfamilias
      24 August 2015 / 2:45 pm

      Thanks for introducing yourself, Mary, and for commenting — we know each other fairly well on IG now, don't we?
      Hmmm, you envy my writing style and I envy your ability to write fluent French. I suspect your writing is much more than adequate (as even your comment here testifies). But I'm not sure there's enough time left for me to ramp up my French to your level (although a girl can dream. . . 😉

  9. Melanie
    24 August 2015 / 8:46 am

    My weekend, not much to write about. Nothing to compare with preparing for a trip TO FRANCE!! If you have a moment before you go let's try for that eclair… You know, a little French pastry to get you acclimatized. I didn't know that eclair comes from the French word for flash of lightning because that's how quickly they are gobbled up. Heh. (If you can believe Wikipedia)

    • materfamilias
      24 August 2015 / 2:46 pm

      I'll see what I can do, Melanie. Eclair practice is rather important, it's true…

  10. Mardel
    24 August 2015 / 12:52 pm

    Such wonderful projects! I've been in a period of late where weekends seem more like workdays and my schedule seems switched around. Meetings all day Saturday but I got to the end the day with games and nibbles with my grandson, which was a perfect ending. Sunday was quieter, and after a busy morning slowed into some quiet time with the paper and a new book.

    • materfamilias
      24 August 2015 / 2:48 pm

      In retirement, the weekdays and the weekends don't differentiate themselves much anymore, do they? I wonder how long I'll keep thinking in terms of that division?
      I get the impression that you and your grandson have a very special relationship . . . .and I'm curious what your new book will be. . . have to read your blog to find out, I guess!

  11. K.Line
    25 August 2015 / 12:16 am

    Now this is retirement! Sounds like a great weekend 🙂


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