Word-less Wednesday on Canada Day

I’m crazy about the way the evening sunlight filters through these huge trees at a neighbour’s just up the road.

 First of all, Happy Canada Day to my compatriots. I’m not big on flag-waving in general (and I deplore, beyond measure, monuments to “Mother Canada”— ugh!), but I do believe I scooped up the brass ring by being born here. Not happy about our currently governing party (and I don’t generally discuss politics here), and we have some serious inequities and historical grievances to work on, but overall, we Canadians are very lucky.

Edited to add this late-breaking Canada Day news: I’ve justadded a post to my reading blog — a Canadian author’s latest release, a wonderfully juicy, well-written mystery novel that’s perfect for a day in the hammock.

That’s it. Putting my maple leaf down now. But I’m happy to celebrate the beauty immediately around me today, especially because it gives me another excuse to share photographs. I’ve been walking with my camera in the morning and evening light, trying out skills I learned in a recent DSLR photography class. And as I did last Wednesday, I’m asking you to pick a favourite or two or three. I loved the feedback I got on that post.

These tiny purple flowers with the outsize stamens will soon become the shiny purple berries of my Callicarpa shrub (common name, Beautyberry!)
So hard to decide which of the MANY photos I took of these Oregon grapes against the foliage — Love the colour contrast and the shapes.
I’ve started a photo file with a nascent collection of wheelbarrow photos — they’re an important component of life here on the island for many of us. We’ve transported so many materials here via boat and wheelbarrow.
The sky one evening here, as we hoped for rain. . .  . sadly, those clouds were just a tease. . . .
same evening, same non-productive, if beautiful, clouds
Evening sunlight casting shadows through my neighbour’s gate.
This old jeep has been an island fixture for years, as has its elderly owner. Sadly, I haven’t seen much of R. lately, and I’m wondering how much longer the jeep will be around. Changes…
Detail of an old rowboat left to break down in the grass at what was once a holiday resort. . . .
Two abandoned rowboats and a swathe of morning light. . .

 Again, I’d appreciate any comments about favourites or composition — what works, what doesn’t. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep sharing photos on Wednesdays, but for now, the posts give me a focus for an interest I’m trying to hone. As well, they’re another way of expressing my life here, which seems in keeping with the broad intentions of this blog overall. I’m trying to sort out what changes could or should be made here and how much time and energy to spend, what are the best ways to connect with you while still expressing me, etc., etc. For a while, at least, these photo posts will be part of that sorting. Hope that suits….

Meanwhile, though, we will (still, always?) have Paris. That is, I have one more Paris Eatingpost coming up next. There’d be a What I Wore post coming too except that all it would feature is me in a light cotton shift and Birkenstocks, day after hot day after hot day. ‘Cuz I’d never show you me in a bathing suit trying to cool down in the ocean, nor me in an old pair of too-big Gap khakis and an old shirt of my husband’s and an old faded pink sunhat and gardening gloves trying to (hand) water and weed before it gets too warm in the morning.  Still no rain in the forecast.

While it’s here, though, I’d better do my best to enjoy the sunshine, ominous though the drought might be. So I’m off to sit in the shade with a book (Karl Ove Knausgaard’s A Death in the Family — have you read it?)


  1. Anonymous
    1 July 2015 / 3:40 pm

    Frances, the light in the first photo of the huge trees is haunting. I also like the colours in the one of the Oregon grapes.

    Inspired by our conversation a few weeks ago, I am also reading Knausgaard and just finished the second novel "A Man in Love." I look forward to your thoughts on his writing. I feel as if I was completely immersed in his world for the last two weeks, so I am debating whether to pick up his third novel or to take a little break from Karl Ove for a while.

    Enjoy the heat and hope for rain. Brenda

    • materfamilias
      2 July 2015 / 4:56 am

      Thanks for the comments on the photos, Brenda. I was especially pleased with the one of the trees — surprising to be able to get that effect on a relatively small lot, I thought.
      I'm also mesmerized by Knausgaard. Much of what I'd read about the books made me think they'd be demanding, experimental in ways that didn't make for "summer reading," but while the writing is surprisingly, thickly descriptive, it's never too much, somehow, the details (and details, and details) work to enhance the narrative. Still trying to figure out how there can be so much tension or narrative pull with, so far, so slight a plot.
      One of my blogging friends read the four one after another; I'm not sure I'll follow suit, but sounds as if I should at least add the second soon.
      And yes, I'm really hoping for rain, but trying to enjoy the heat while we have it. The water's fabulous this year!

    • Anonymous
      3 July 2015 / 2:58 pm

      I would heartily recommend the second one. Parts of it are amazingly moving. What I find fascinating is how much he lulls you into believing that you're getting the whole story, the minutiae of life, and yet so much is left out and mysterious. Plus he constantly tests the reader's awareness of what constitutes a "real" memory. As it happens, I have some time at Shawnigan Lake coming up, so I bought the third installment to read there! Brenda

    • materfamilias
      4 July 2015 / 2:06 pm

      Okay, I'll order it today. I like your observsation/analysis — it's true that it's easy to believe in his narration as completely revealing, but then there's room occasionally to glimpse the process of selection and combination, especially at those breaks where he switches to the past. . .
      We'll have to have a Book Club of Two lunch to discuss later this summer. 😉

  2. LPC
    1 July 2015 / 4:00 pm

    Neighbor's gate. For me – as long as the composition is OK, it's all about what light conceals and reveals.

    Happy Canada Day!

    • materfamilias
      2 July 2015 / 4:58 am

      That's a good element to judge by. It makes me think about what draws me in and I suspect that often it's (implied) narrative — which I guess is right there in the relationship between concealment and revelation.
      Thanks for the Canada Day wishes. There are fireworks soon, but I'd have to stay awake and paddle 'round the island to watch them, and instead I have a very good book (see above!) 😉

  3. Georgia
    1 July 2015 / 4:44 pm

    The texture of the bark in the first photo is wonderful. The decay of the rowboats against the natural setting draws me in. And the jeep…although it might still be in use, it looks like it is becoming part of its setting…the colours maybe?

    We must vote carefully when the time comes. Happy Canada Day!

    • materfamilias
      2 July 2015 / 5:00 am

      I hadn't noticed that about the jeep until your comment had me look again. . .
      and your attention to texture helps me realize why I'm so happy with that first photo.
      Yes, this upcoming vote will be important.

  4. Susan B
    1 July 2015 / 6:56 pm

    I'm always drawn to photos that feature "light play," so the top photo and the gate are those that resonate most. But I can see your photo skills developing; and look forward to seeing more through your photographic eye.

    • materfamilias
      2 July 2015 / 5:04 am

      Thanks, Sue. Interesting to know what are the elements that draw others to a photo — as I chat with Lisa about, above.
      So far, most of what I'm doing with the camera is setting the White Balance and playing with the Aperture, and thinking a bit more about what our instructor called the Rule of Thirds. Still lots to learn, obviously…

  5. annie
    2 July 2015 / 6:45 am

    The moody skies and the upturned boats. Colours beautiful.

    • materfamilias
      2 July 2015 / 4:29 pm

      Thanks, Annie.

  6. Anonymous
    2 July 2015 / 7:26 am

    The cool under the trees with sunlight beyond. The faded colour in the upturned boat.
    Although you are in drought, to me it looks very lush and green. We are presently living in Malta. Hazy blue sky and golden limestone buildings. Our few trees are stocky and gnarled survivors, glinting blue sea at the bottom of the street.

    • materfamilias
      2 July 2015 / 4:32 pm

      Perhaps that's why the trees appealed to me as well — the dark does look cool, doesn't it?
      I know our drought looks much lusher than that where it's established a much longer presence. I can picture those streets through your evocative description. Our worry here is that all this vegetation closely surrounding us (note the proximity of those huge trees in the top photo to the house) is so very flammable at the moment. Hard to imagine the firefighters being able to stop anything that got started….

  7. Anonymous
    2 July 2015 / 2:34 pm

    Happy Canada Day!
    First and fourth and old jeep,fairy tale photos!

    • materfamilias
      2 July 2015 / 4:33 pm

      Thanks, Dottoressa!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.