Sunday, Looking Back

 Kicking back on Sunday, looking over my shoulder at the week. . . .

Thought I’d share a few images from the garden (a species tulip flashing its prettily-patterned throat; Solomon’s Seal thrusting upward through a bed of woodland anemones; the fragrant white clusters of a Viburnum tinus ‘Spring Bouquet’ transplanted here by my mom, from her garden, years ago) . . 

 And some out-and-about-on-the-island photos as well — I must admit that with my iPhone, I’m even more snap-happy than I used to be. I love the shot below, though, which captures a few delightful aspects of our island — woodsmoke inscribing itself against foliage on the upper right; colourful boat hulls; dirt roads traveled by a golf cart . . .

 And this maple canopy, lit up by spring sunshine. . . .

 To think that these can be considered weed trees! (and I’ll admit I’m sometimes guilty of that — they spring up everywhere and once established are very tough to eradicate; they suck water and they create deep pockets of shade in once sunshiney corners of the garden. You can see the stump of one in the Viburnum photo above — we vigilantly chop back shoots all spring and summer. This is a tree that can be pollarded forever! But oh my, their spring green!)

And while I’m looking back over the week, I see I managed to post some variety:

Babies, babies, babies, yes, but I also posted a recipe for a yummy Cauliflower Soup, and I finally coordinated sound and motion in an Instagram video to offer you a West Coast Sunrise at the Beach, Complete with Birdsong!. I even pulled off a Five Things Friday, recommending a movie and an Instagram account to follow, discovering a new book, and perhaps, just perhaps, commenting once or twice on my impending retirement.

I think that’s not bad at all, really, although I’m hoping to be able to make a few improvements to the blog once I’ve moved into full retirement. Meanwhile, next week I have a What I Wore post summing up some of the last OOTDs of my at-the-lectern days. We’ll be in the city some of the time, and I hope to find some urban content as a contrast to #islandlife.

And you? Happy Sunday where you are? I’m wishing you a Glorious Sunday, some Joyful, Restorative Time before moving into the new week’s rhythm. Take care.


  1. Patricia
    12 April 2015 / 7:15 pm

    You had a very productive week, blogwise! Since you asked in the comments, yes, the food was all Turkish, or as near as we could get. The other couples brought appetizers – borek (cheese in filo) and flatbreads with olives and yoghurt dip; starter of stuffed mussels and dessert, pistachio cake. We made 2 salads, a chicken stew, a lamb meatball and potato bake and stuffed aubergines. We also made a cocktail with raki (similar to ouzo). It was all delicous and we had a wonderful time. Today we are taking it easy! Enjoy the rest of the day!

    • materfamilias
      13 April 2015 / 2:18 pm

      That sounds like so much fun! And rather ambitious! 4 couples altogether? We had a dinner club going for a couple of years when we lived up north. Much fun.

  2. Lorrie
    13 April 2015 / 4:57 am

    Your island is idyllic with its quiet roads and lush growth.
    I made a version of your cauliflower chowder and it was delicious. There's enough leftover for me to take to school tomorrow for my lunch.
    Enjoy the week ahead!

    • materfamilias
      13 April 2015 / 2:18 pm

      So glad you enjoyed the soup — curious to know what tweaks you made. I think I could be happy with a batch a week — I love the leftovers.

  3. Ceri
    13 April 2015 / 7:55 am

    Lovely photos. And as a new iPhone user I too am besotted with its picture capturing properties. Beautiful tulip – is it a lone bloom or is it surrounded by brothers? Or indeed sisters? Have a great week

    • materfamilias
      13 April 2015 / 2:20 pm

      Our local Botanical Garden just offered a course in Garden Photography with an iPhone, but it didn't work with my working schedule — I'm hoping they'll do that again. I'd like to figure out the capabilities as I'm sure I'm under-using.
      The tulip has some siblings but it bloomed a few days ahead of them.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.