So far this Weekend. . .Running, Babies, Opera, What I Wore

. . . I’ve had a beautiful meal of Braised Short Ribs accompanied by the perfect glass of red, all ready to greet me when I arrived in our Vancouver apartment Friday evening. Predictably, the rich, delicious combo meant some nocturnal tossing a and turning, but I still managed to

run to this view on Saturday morning. Got going early, to fit in 18 kilometres and be home in time to help Pater baby-sit this little girl

She slept for an hour snugged in against my torso. Heaven. Even if I hadn’t set up lumbar support first, then couldn’t move because, obviously, sleeping baby.

Then a few hours with the weekend papers (and okay, yes, maybe a nap of my own) before

I got ready for Date Night at the Opera. Not Your Traditional Opera: Vancouver Opera has been reaching out to different audiences these past few years in an effort to make the numbers work. On the menu last night? Sweeney Todd! Although “menu” is clearly a difficult word in that context (for some fun marketing, a local food truck vendor was selling “delicious meat pies” during intermission! The performance was entertaining–a great set, pared-down suggestion of gritty contemporary industrial– costumes a range of convincingly drab blending of contemporary timeless and roughly 19th-century London tropes. Sadly, Greer Grimsley’s voice failed him and some weird lip-synching distracted me, much as I grudgingly admired the backstage manoeuvring it must have taken so that “the show must go on.” Grimsley’s acting was convincing, but let’s face it: opera is about the voice. Even more, for me, it’s about the interweaving of voices, and in a live performance, the balance between unmiked voices is the magic we come to see and hear. We did get that in Anthony (Rocco Rupolo) and Johanna (Caitlin Wood)’s wonderful duet. And I hope next week’s audience will enjoy such magic between Grimsley’s Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett, sung by Luretta Bybee (Grimsley’s real-life wife).

Sadly, I’ll miss that, but I do have some great images, visual and aural, from the evening. To which I was very pleased to wear a new pewter silk skirt (do note the Angelina Jolie slashes that the pleats part to reveal–fun!). Bought this last week at a price slashed as seriously as the pleats. Wore it with this tissue-weight black merino Vince sweater, my big chocolate gold beads, and the wonderfully comfortable metallic Fluevog loafers. If you can’t get away with some funky-glamour comfy shoes at 60+, what’s the point in getting old, right?

Tonight, we’re going to a chamber-music house concert of 20th-century string quartet music. I might just wear exactly the same outfit.

First, though, the kids are all coming for brunch, so I’d better stop blogging. Now!

Hope you’re having a good weekend as well. If it’s as busy as mine, I hope you can sneak in a nap or two. And if you have a minute, you know I love your comments.


  1. Susan B
    27 April 2015 / 1:58 am

    Love your version of funky glamour. (There's a Fluevog store opening next month within spitting distance…may be trouble ahead! 😉 ) And the "delicious meat pies," what a hoot!

    • materfamilias
      27 April 2015 / 2:56 pm

      Thanks! and of course, you'd get the meat pie reference immediately!
      uh-oh to the nearby Fluevog store opening . . . I've been pretty "good" lately. My last pair is already 8 months old!

  2. Unknown
    27 April 2015 / 2:40 am

    Sounds like a wonderful weekend. When is your last day at school?

    • materfamilias
      27 April 2015 / 2:58 pm

      I've just got to finish marking exams and collating/filing grades. Then it's just cleaning out my office and some committee work (serving as judge for our annual essay contest). Officially there until the end of June, paid vacation 'til the end of July.

  3. Patricia
    27 April 2015 / 4:49 am

    A busy weekend indeed!

    Here's something you'll like, I think – as you know. I've been reading your blog for years and I've always been very impressed by your running. Finally, following your example (and that of 2 sisters-in-law), I've started a Learn to Run programme! I can tell you that I'm even more impressed by you (18 km!!), because after a half-hour of run/walk (probably about 3 km in all) I am just plumb tuckered out! :0)

    • materfamilias
      27 April 2015 / 3:00 pm

      I'm impressed, Patricia! And I think you'll be surprised and pleased by how quickly you gain stamina — and eventually you'll be energized rather than exhausted. Sounds as if you're being smart and building some Social into the Workout — a very good motivator AND a useful distraction. Go You!

    • Patricia
      27 April 2015 / 8:37 pm

      Thank you! :0)

  4. LPC
    27 April 2015 / 5:18 am

    That little baby's face is priceless. And the pewter skirt seems like perfect opera garb.

    • materfamilias
      27 April 2015 / 3:02 pm

      I'm going to miss her SO much!
      The skirt is a magical find, honestly. It's unlined medium-weight silk satin, so perfect for summer, despite having been merchandised as winter holiday wear originally. With the slits, it's playful and breezy, and it plays very well with so many colours. Slimmer than the photo shows, because of the way it drapes in movement.

  5. Melanie
    28 April 2015 / 5:58 am

    I love what you wore to the opera! The silk is pure luxury. The last time I went, there was also a pared down stage which disappointed me. I go for opulence, over-the-top ostentation. I hope there is a resurgence of that again, but I shouldn't hold my breath.
    Little snuggle baby, very precious. Breathing in harmony no doubt.

    • materfamilias
      28 April 2015 / 2:31 pm

      I love the opulence very much as well, but I do see that for some opera, pared-down makes sense, particularly the 20th century stuff. This set was clever, versatile, and allowed the orchestra to be right on stage for an interesting twist that worked.

  6. Annie Cholewa
    28 April 2015 / 10:12 am

    She has the cutest smile!

    (Three weeks and counting to my first grandbaby's due date … can you tell I'm excited!)

    • materfamilias
      28 April 2015 / 2:32 pm

      Excitement absolutely justified–you will be transformed!

  7. Madame Là-bas
    28 April 2015 / 12:30 pm

    That skirt is beautiful. The Fleuvog loafers must be very comfortable. I haven't been to the opera for a year and I miss it. The plus is that there are so many free concerts here in Oaxaca. Your little baby already is starting to look like a little girl.

    • materfamilias
      28 April 2015 / 2:34 pm

      There are so many wonderful forms of music, and you are soaking up so many rich experiences. We went to a house concert Sunday evening, a string quartet. Wonderful. Live music is magical, isn't it?!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.