Wednesday Woes and Wanderings

How’s that for a fanciful title? Not sure I can live up to it, and I’m rather exaggerating the woefulness. Never mind . . .

Home sick again today — more days than I’ve ever taken off in a row. Ever. In fact, more days than I usually call in sick in a year. I am clearly on the mend, though, with my appetite returning and my digestive functions returning to normal, but I’m too wobbly to lecture productively or too facilitate a class discussion.

Instead, I’ll catch up with some marking and probably answer student emails and definitely prepare next week’s classes and figure out how I’ll catch students up on material we’ve missed this week.  I’m also going to try to get out for a walk later, although the weather is blustery and wet. I did a ten-minute walk yesterday evening and was surprised how weak I felt, and I’d like to feel a bit more sure of my strength before I head to campus tomorrow. Living on the island, with a kilometre’s cycle between here and the boat, and ferry service only hourly, it behooves one to consider these things before transporting oneself far from one’s own bathroom and bed. . . .  Just saying.

I suspect it will take me a few weeks to get back to running the mileages I was managing just recently, and I’ve decided that’s okay. Perhaps an enforced slowdown was just what I needed. In the last while, running had begun to feel a bit too disciplined, bordering on compulsive, and I’d like to get the joy of it back. Meanwhile, perhaps I’ll do more of what Paul and I did just last Friday, walking around the neighbouring island, the whole place a wonderful provincial park with magnificent views from its magical forest trails.

The maple flowers being shaken from their pink-green sheaths, as elegantly as a well-trained French waiter shakes out a crisp linen napkin, are one of my favourite spring phenomenon. Luckily, as the flowers respond to the differences of the microclimates in which the trees grow, this phenomenon is spread over several weeks, so that while some trees were flowering at least 10 days ago, there are some in my neighbour’s yard that will wait almost until the end of the month to show themselves.

Not showing herself at all is the mysterious owner of these sandals, stepping across a mossy glade, inviting us to follow . . .

If Nola had been with us, I think we might have made up a story about the sandals’ owner — a princess escaping to meet a girlfriend so they could go hunt for the dragon together in order to save the kingdom? Or just someone who wanted to be barefoot despite the still chilly temperature? The trail we walked on Friday was about 9 kilometres, although our once-sandal-footed hiker could have come across island by a shorter route. Still, I’m having a tough time imagining scenarios that could explain these sandals, their abandonment and their placement, other than someone having a good sense of narrative and playfulness both? Suggestions welcome.


  1. K.Line
    25 March 2015 / 5:24 pm

    I got nuthin' sorry – creativity is not at an all time high here 🙂 But your photos, as always, are beautiful. And I'm so sorry to hear you're still sick! I'm at home again today. I'm on the mend but man, this virus is NASTY. I hope you're ok being there alone.

    • materfamilias
      26 March 2015 / 12:41 am

      Isn't it awful?! Have to admit it's getting a bit quiet here, but I'm sleeping so much it hardly matters . . .

  2. Susan B
    25 March 2015 / 5:53 pm

    I think it's a bit of ephemeral art. 😉 So sorry to hear you've been battling a bug, and hopeful that your recovery continues.

    • materfamilias
      26 March 2015 / 12:42 am

      Yes, I figure it's a bit of found art or guerrilla art. We'll keep an eye out next time we visit that island and see if the sandals are still there.

  3. Lorrie
    25 March 2015 / 6:27 pm

    Oh, this bug is ferocious! I'm glad to hear you are on the mend.
    My voice is still not back to normal. Some get the respiratory, others the digestive version. Neither is fun. I took 6 days off work – more than I ever have EVER.
    Perhaps the sandals are a piece of guerrilla art installation. Sending healing thoughts and prayers.

    • materfamilias
      26 March 2015 / 12:44 am

      I've had a number of students with laryngitis as part of this bug, but so far. . . I could feel some respiratory tightening, but I'm hoping I get away with just the tummy stuff. Not fun at all. Glad you're on your back to normal. (and yes, I did wonder if the sandals had been left in the spirit of art. . .)

  4. Marie
    25 March 2015 / 6:41 pm

    I think the sandals are whimsy – they must have been left by a very interesting person! I love your writing and your photos. Hope everyone recovers soon!

    • materfamilias
      26 March 2015 / 12:44 am

      Whimsy is just the right word. And thanks for the compliment and the get-well wishes — much appreciated!

  5. hostess of the humble bungalow
    26 March 2015 / 12:36 am

    Good to hear that you are getting stronger and the fact that your appetite is coming back sounds encouraging.
    Strange about those sandals. Perhaps a wood nymph

    • materfamilias
      26 March 2015 / 12:45 am

      Nola would definitely vote for a wood nymph! 😉

  6. High Heels in the Wilderness
    26 March 2015 / 6:13 pm

    Now that is a mystery, isn't it? You could build a whole novel around those sandals. Sorry top hear you're not feeling well. Teaching and illness…so complicated. So many things to think about and well-planned plans to replan before you can make the decision to "be sick" for a few days. You are right to take the extra time…it's amazing how much energy it takes to talk in front of a class. Hope you're up to snuff soon.

    • High Heels in the Wilderness
      26 March 2015 / 6:14 pm

      pls excuse the speling error!

  7. Patricia
    27 March 2015 / 1:29 am

    Hi Mater, it sounds like you are on the mend a bit. Funnily enough, I'm now sick – first time all winter! I started a fitness course on Tuesday, but decided to give Thursday's session a miss, hopefully I can make it up at the weekend.

    Another funny thing – one of our nephews, who has been living in BC for a few years now, has been living on an island near you since just after Christmas, I think. I'm not sure which island, but apparently he is off the grid. But I don't think those are his sandals!!


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