Sunday Blooms and a New Acquisition

Another busy Vancouver weekend, and really, all I’ve got for you are a few pictures. . . but aren’t these magnolias stunning, especially against the blue spring skies. I spied this particular tree along my run out to Spanish Banks, but they’re blooming all over town, as are the ornamental cherry and plum trees, snowing dainty petals all over the sidewalks. . . .

I might be noticing the blooms even more than usual, because on Friday night, after a particularly annoying incident with Hermès over my watch (I won’t say more until I’ve calmed down a bit, but let’s just say that an investment piece isn’t that at all if the leather safety hoop breaks down in only three years and can’t be repaired, but rather requires the expenditure of a whole new strap!), Pater decided a distraction was in order. Said distraction involved directing me into a Rogers store to sort out a new cellphone (mine, apparently, is 5+ years old — which, to me, just means I’ve finally figured it out!).

I’ve been thinking about a switch to an iPhone ever since I got an iPad Mini for my 60th birthday. I’ve come to like the “eco-system” quite well, although I still rely on Google/Android apps for a number of functions. But given that I’m using iTunes and Facetime and iMessaging with our kids, an iPhone was making more and more sense. And also given that I seem to be carrying my iPad Mini and my cell around in my purse most days, I thought I’d try the iPhone6Plus and see if I’d end up leaving the Mini home, lightening my load. I know, I know, everyone comments on how big it is, but since I generally have it in my bag rather than my jeans pocket, I don’t see that as a problem.

But I’ve dithered and procrastinated and wondered and decided and changed my mind and thought my old phone was just fine despite its increasingly obvious limitations. Finally Pater, who excels in decision-making, said “Enough.” While he had reservations about the 6Plus’s size, he listened to my reasons for favouring it and then, essentially, just said “Wrap it up” to the Sales Assistant. Of course, as soon as we got it home and I started playing with it, I realized my error — How could I take this “BIG” phone on my runs?!!  Oh no, what have I done?!

In fact, Saturday morning, I took my new iPhone — yes, the 6Plus — out for a test run, slipping it into a waist pouch. It snugged neatly up against my back and didn’t feel anymore annoying than any other phone would have been. I’m still playing around with it, FaceTiming the poor kids and posting to my new Instagram account, but so far, as they say, so good. And I love the legibility of the larger screen. For those of you wondering if this could be a phone for you, I should add that I don’t often use my phone for speaking on, odd as that may sound. Texting, checking web for info, FaceTime, yes, but voice-to-voice conversations are limited. So I don’t find it unwieldy at all.

Turns out the baby we have been waiting to meet wants a March birthday rather than a February birthday. So much for having that Reading Break class-free time to get down to his or her city of birth for a newborn visit. Instead, I’ll be heading back to class tomorrow with my students on the alert for a cancellation. . . .

Meanwhile, there’s a ferry to catch, and a week to organize for, and a last few hours of weekend to savour. Happy Sunday!

Now perhaps you’ll tell me — do you have a tough time making technology decisions? How often do you replace your cellphone, on average? Do you resent or enjoy the learning curve of adjusting to a new system? Any tips to offer?


  1. Madame Là-bas
    1 March 2015 / 3:56 pm

    Right now I am between cellphones because, like you, I don't want to talk while I'm walking or pondering or…and I have iPad mini, Macbook and even an old iPod touch.
    So much technology is more than I want but probably after this trip, I will get an iPhone and learn how to use it. You must be excited about another new arrival. Yesterday, in Mexico City, I wandered through a whole street of baby clothes. I have never seen so many Christening gowns! Happy Sunday!

    • materfamilias
      2 March 2015 / 5:13 am

      I think I would have liked the iPod touch — I remember my daughter had one, when they were still new. . . .Are you finding lots of Wifi availability in Mexico?

  2. K.Line
    1 March 2015 / 4:21 pm

    Scott got me the 6 for Xmas – and the 6+ for him. I laughed and laughed about the 6+ (referring to it as his midlife compensatory purchase) 🙂 He LOVES it. He has every idevice produced (he's in tech) and this is his fave bar none. It's big enough to be like a mini but small enough to be portable – with a phone feature. So I've seen it in action and it's works very well for those who like it. I, on the other hand, feel that the new 6 is too big for my liking.

    Just got Beats2 stereo blue tooth headphones on Friday. Cost me 250 bucks but they are SO much better than those ear buds. I never have to worry about being attached to the iPhone when I walk around the house or do cooking and I can listen to my own music whenever I want (no one to bother). I'm totally in favour of them so I suggest you go super new and get some of those to compliment your new purchase.

    • materfamilias
      2 March 2015 / 5:16 am

      Exactly what I like about the 6+ — I've found my Mini so useful, but even though it's relatively small/light, it gets heavy in my bag if I'm out and about.

      Not sure if it's a generational or an idiosyncratic thing, but I don't do headphones, nor earbuds (although way back when, I used to run with a DiscMan — yes, really!). Love the neat little JamBox speaker my son got us for Christmas though. . . but for a city apartment, actually, I begin to see how much sense headphones would make and the bluetooth — smart!

  3. Pondside
    1 March 2015 / 7:29 pm

    I have an iPhone5 and my husband tells me it's time for a new phone. Noooooo! I have a very bad relationship with new technology. I have had many experiences like yours, where I hear 'just wrap this one up' and… you know….. I am happy to have the decision made for me. Have fun with the new toy!

    • materfamilias
      2 March 2015 / 5:17 am

      I drag my feet and drag my feet, but then when I've had the little push . . . And you guessed it, I am having fun with my new toy, and luckily, all the young'uns in the family will be happy to share pointers!

  4. Marie
    2 March 2015 / 1:08 am

    I replace my cell phone only when the one I have shows signs of imminent death. And I've been resisting smart phones for years, until 9 months ago, when I finally got the latest Samsung Android. And I love it! It's changed my life so much, I'm sorry that I held out so long.

    I am sorry about the watch issue. A few years ago I had a similar (at least, it seems similar to me!) situation when my brand new Lenovo laptop (top of the line, I am a physicist and always get the latest technology and configure it myself) kept overheating and shutting down when I ran long calculations, thereby losing the results. I went around and around with tech support, they did not seem to appreciate that this was a problem. Finally I wrote a letter to the president of the company, pointing out that my laptop was incapable of doing exactly what it had been designed for – calculating! Within a day I had a call from his administrative assistant, who put me in touch with a better level of tech support. They arranged for me to send the thing in, it took them about half an hour to discover that when the cooling fan was installed, someone had neglected to remove the plastic protective sheet, so no cooling. I had it back, fixed, within a day.

    So my advice is, escalate.

    Also, in the last year, I had problems with my cell phone provider and my credit card company – which I was unable to resolve even after multiple phone calls, letters and, for the cell phone company, a visit to their office. I don't usually use twitter but I posted a message to each of these companies, saying that I'd had been unable to resolve a problem through normal channels. In both cases, I was put in touch with a great customer service person who resolved the problem immediately.

    • materfamilias
      2 March 2015 / 5:20 am

      We were liking that in resisting smartphones (altho' my husband had one welded to his hand while he was still working — perhaps why he resisted so much for the first while in retirement) — But once having got ours 4 or 5 years ago, they've become integral to daily life.
      Thanks for your feedback re the watch. I've taken your advice to heart and I've listed a ladder of steps and expectations. They'll have to wait until next time we're back in the city, but it does feel better setting out what I want and why it's reasonable.I'll keep the blog posted.

  5. Anonymous
    2 March 2015 / 3:47 pm

    I am fortunate to have a decisive and tech-savvy husband who fills the "wrap it up" function in my life, but I am hanging on to a very old phone until it gives out just because it was so hard to learn to use it.

    Envy you the spring – we are just thawing out from last nights ice storm. Very pretty but tiresome to be out in.


  6. Annie Cholewa
    4 March 2015 / 10:43 am

    I have a new 6plus too, and like you am not fazed by the size. Again like you I rarely actually make calls but texts and messaging and such and the camera are in use every day.


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