Monday of the new normal

After last week’s ups and downs, a quiet post, okay?

Our island’s community dock in the morning fog.

Great blue herons, readying their huge nests for another family-rearing season in the rookery

And Nola’s bubblegum pink ( you know, if the bubblegum were really, really bright!) patent leather Naturinos, just outside our back door, ready for whatever adventure she and Granddad embark on while I’m at work.

He’s just sent me a text–apparently the adventure involves playground vertigo…

As soon as I get home, she and I will continue reading Brian Selznick’s magical The Invention of Hugo Cabret, and if we finish before she goes home on Sunday, we’ll watch the movie Hugo together.

 Is your week getting off to a decent start? Any adventures planned? Good books to read? Bubblegum patent leather boots to wear?


  1. annie
    10 March 2015 / 7:26 am

    Hugo. What a fab book. And the film. I have used it to teach primary kids a couple of times and it is always well received. Have you read The Arrival by Sean Tan? Graphic novel of utter genius. Nothing like the pleasure of a good book on a chilly day.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2015 / 2:30 pm

      We're heading into the second part of Hugo now, and I'm wondering how well she'll manage the film history part, but so far, it's going over very well. I'll put The Arrival on my list for next visit — I've looked at some of his really amazing illustrations before, but I've been out of the kidlit loop for a while now. . . and now I'm right back in it, lucky me! 😉

  2. High Heels in the Wilderness
    10 March 2015 / 11:45 am

    After a bit of a fraught week back in my home and native province… I'm enjoying your images…and thinking of the cosy supper and warm hugs waiting for you when you get home from work tonight. Enjoy.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2015 / 2:31 pm

      Weather-fraught? I hope all is resolving itself for you and there's nothing more to contend with than deep cold and snow (which is quite enough on its own, I'd say).

  3. LPC
    10 March 2015 / 2:44 pm

    I do love Nola's boots;).

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2015 / 2:33 pm

      Aren't they great? And they last and last. . .

  4. Pondside
    11 March 2015 / 5:05 am

    I've just read your last two posts. Loved, loved, loved the last one. I've had many of the same thoughts, watching my two children enter parenthood. Eloise – what a beautiful name. She is already blessed with a big and loving family.
    Life goes sideways and straightens out. It's sideways right now, so this stolen minute to catch up is a treat. Enjoy your time with Nola-with-the-Pink-Shoes….precious!

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2015 / 2:35 pm

      Aw, thank you, H. Sideways it is. . . thought of you last weekend while walking in Victoria before breakfast. Will be down again on Friday, obviously all time directed toward new family, but one of these days, we'll visit, 'kay?

  5. Anonymous
    12 March 2015 / 10:18 pm

    gosh I wish I had some pink boots… must look before the appropriate weather passes me by. Wonderful names in your family…..



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