And Paris Also Cures the February Blues . . .

 Although my mood did lift yesterday (and I have to say I ended up facilitating two very good classes!), it’s still grey and wet here, and I have to go to a meeting late afternoon (on a Friday? who schedules these things!) — although it is, at least, a meeting to sort through student applications for travel funding, so interesting and worthwhile and we’re giving away money, so I can feel all benefactress-y without hurting my bank balance. . . .

Oh, that sentence got away on me, didn’t it?!


Although my mood did lift, there are challenges to it again today, and I decided I need to make a quick trip to Paris. Just a day trip, as I did last summer, en route from Bordeaux to Italy’s Puglia region, and I thought you might like to come along.

Not much of a tour guide, but I’ll point quickly as we stroll from the hotel in the 5th over to the Musée Cluny, and then when we get there, I’ll go straight to a few items I thought lovely and then leave you to wander on your own. D’accord?

 Haven’t left the hotel yet, still looking out the window, wondering what shoes to wear, getting my scarf tied all Parisienne. . . .

 And here we are now, magically inside the Cluny, looking at some artificats from the early days of Lutetia

 Now that’s a bathtub!!

 And then we could admire some stained glass art from the very early 16th century. . . .try “embiggening” this to get more sense of its glowing beauty. Note the rich botanical variety in the background.  . .

Now that was a quick trip, but I hope it lifted your February spirits as it did mine. . .

Can’t wait for the weekend. You? Any plans? Perhaps you’ll linger in Paris, you lucky thing. Turn a one-day visit into an imaginary weekend? Perhaps you’ll be really lucky and bring someone special along, since it’s Valentine’s Day. . . .Oooh, now I’m really envious!

More seriously, though, if only slightly. . . do you find considerable restoration in remembering images of other places, of replaying holiday time? Or does that just make you feel wistful?


  1. Pondside
    13 February 2015 / 3:57 pm

    Remembering pleasures past, sunny afternoons at a Maastricht Cafe, that wonderful aroma of coffee-vanilla-burnt sugar that can be found only in a German konditori, the particular shine of cobblestone on a rainy day – they lift my spirits. Of course my spirits are buoyant right now as I look at the riot of Valentine decorations that two little boys have arranged here in Edmonton. Nothing grey about Edmonton!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2015 / 3:14 am

      So glad you're having a good time in Edmonton — making memories to lift your spirit on the next grey day on the coast. . . which will come along soon enough!

  2. Madame Là-bas
    13 February 2015 / 4:56 pm

    I looked at Carla Coulson's photo of Ile-St-Louis this morning and was transported. It's two weeks until I leave for Mexico. The windows of Paris will be lovely right now for le St-Valentin. I did embiggen your photos and for a moment was in the gardens of the Cluny. I am taking my Paris needlework to Oaxaca. I loved that little shop in the 5th and I will surely have time to sit on the patio and stitch. We are going to a Provençal restaurant Saturday so it will be a bit of travel.

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2015 / 3:15 am

      I didn't know Carla Coulson's blog, so thank you for that. I've never been in Paris in February, but perhaps one Valentine's Day I will. . . Embarrassed to say that I haven't even started my Paris needlework yet — so many projects lined up for retirement. I look forward to following your Oaxaca visit on your blog.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    13 February 2015 / 5:19 pm

    Holiday memories do weave their magic on a bleak day. I can feel the ocean ebbing as I sit on our boat sipping a cold beverage and gazing out to the sea beyond…there is sunshine and it is warm…almost too hot.
    Love those images of Paris!
    The weather forecast for the weekend is favourable!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2015 / 3:16 am

      You'll soon have your own memories of Paris. . . and yes, it's been a beautiful weekend, hasn't it?!

  4. Susan B
    13 February 2015 / 7:05 pm

    Lovely, lovely photos. We so enjoyed the Cluny. Some of that old stained glass is truly breathtaking. To veer toward the cliché, "Paris is always a good idea."

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2015 / 3:17 am

      Always a good idea, never mind how oft said. . . I really like the scale of the Cluny — it's the kind of museum I like to check back on every few years. . .

  5. Georgia
    14 February 2015 / 12:22 am

    I (mentally, of course :)) walk through the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice while undergoing difficult dental/periodontal procedures. It does help! The power of memory is quite wonderful.

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2015 / 3:18 am

      Ha! I used to play Bach fugues in my memory while in the dentist's chair, my fingers playing along the armrest and the music in my head a great distraction. But I think I might prefer walking an art collection — and Venice! (haven't been there yet, but it's working it's way up my list)

  6. Duchesse
    14 February 2015 / 4:26 pm

    We will be there for two weeks in April after an absence of nearly three years. I'm just beginning to think about it. When I replay visits there, it's like sifting though a jewel box, along with some bittersweet feelings as some dear friends there are no longer around.

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2015 / 3:22 am

      Has it really been three years? Our friendship has stretched over a few years now as well, hasn't it?! My connections in/to Paris are much less established than yours, but the bittersweet creeps into my reminiscences as well. . . just the aspects that have changed since we first visited 25 years ago. Even harder for you if friends are deceased. . .

  7. Synne
    14 February 2015 / 6:13 pm

    Oh, how lovely! These photos are gorgeous and make me miss Paris even more than usual!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2015 / 3:24 am

      Even missing Paris is a pleasure . . . it means scrolling through my mental file of images of the city, no?


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.