The Power of Ink

Paris has been so much part of my life over the course of this blog, and it means so much to me, that I need to register my heartbreak at today’s events there. I took this photo from Facebook where my friend shared it — It originated on this Facebook page advertising an event in Bordeaux today — a Rassembelement Soutien (supportive gathering) in response to the killing of 11 journalists 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo press office in Paris. The powerful slogan written on this wall translates as “It is Ink that should flow, not Blood.” No more words from me today. 


  1. Madame Là-bas
    7 January 2015 / 3:47 pm

    What a senseless tragedy!

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    7 January 2015 / 4:07 pm

    I read the Guardian online when I woke up and this was the top story…another terrorist attack on innocent people, it is so sad.

  3. Pondside
    7 January 2015 / 4:30 pm

    What a sad day. We use the word 'hero' so easily these days that it is nearly meaningless. There is, however, something very brave about the way journalists step out in front of all of us – writing what many of us are too timid to express, going where we can't and shining light in dark places.

    • Marie
      7 January 2015 / 8:34 pm

      I couldn't agree more.

  4. Lorrie
    7 January 2015 / 4:46 pm

    Senseless tragedy.

  5. Susan B
    7 January 2015 / 7:27 pm

    Just a horrific turn of events. I'm so very saddened by this. And angry.

  6. LPC
    7 January 2015 / 7:36 pm

    I'm just bewildered.

  7. Mardel
    8 January 2015 / 2:55 am

    I shall just echo LPC

  8. Unknown
    8 January 2015 / 4:45 pm

    I'm angered, disgusted and frightened.

  9. Brenda
    8 January 2015 / 11:32 pm


  10. Eleonore
    9 January 2015 / 11:14 am

    It is so terrible, and it is not over yet (Friday noon). There may be more voctims still. A free press is so essential for a free society, but we often take it for granted and do not realize that it may need defending. Not only in France, but also in Russia, North Africa, Mexico… I put up the "Je suis Charlie"-sign in my window and will be attending some protest meetings in my town – against violence and in favour of the peaceful living together of cultures and religions. But it seems a feeble reaction to so much hatred.

  11. materfamilias
    11 January 2015 / 1:03 am

    Well put, Eleonore, Let's work toward the "peaceful living together of cultures and religions" rather than allow fear to fan the flames of xenophobia. . . Sad times.


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