Morning Changes. . . What I Wore, for a moment. . .

 I was quite pleased with this look the other day (with some reservations about how the frayed bottoms of the jeans work with the socks in the loafers). I rather like the pastel-neutral palette. But then I went to grab my bag and remembered I’d put my once-beloved red satchel back in rotation.

With only minutes left to catch my ferry, there was no time to transfer my gear back to the taupe bag I’ve carried for months, so a switch of scarf was the only option. I’ve since put the red bag back in the closet. Not quite ready to let go of it for good, but I have neither the patience nor the organizational skills to be switching around regularly. Plus, damnation but it’s heavy!

 And in case you’re curious about what I topped the white jeans with — a taupe cashmere cardi over a boxy double-faced merino sweater.

I really must learn to smile for the camera, mustn’t it?!

There, that’s a bit better.

Now tell me, those of you who switch up bags regularly, do you have a system for transferring everything? I did buy one of those liners, at one point, but then the interiors feature different configurations of pockets, etc., and somehow, whatever I most need seems to be in the other bag. I had to have my husband send our Vancouver apartment keys over by seaplane once because I hadn’t transferred them to the bag I’d deemed more city-stylish — so that stylish me was locked out of the condo until rescue arrived.

And the whole “pop of colour” that seemed such a good idea a few years ago just seems to throw one more complication into my mornings these days. Do you stick to a neutral, no-brainer bag or are you willing to coordinate your day’s outfit to a more colourful purse? Enquiring minds want to know . . . .


  1. annie
    20 January 2015 / 7:02 am

    Lots of bags good. Splash of colour ditto. Always swapping about and happily finding lost pens and glasses. Also mismatching scarf means you are not slave to coordinating. Otherwise it looks lifeless.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:26 pm

      Fair enough — I could just have grabbed the red bag and kept the pale pink scarf — there might not have been too many horrified gasps. . . 😉

  2. Pondside
    20 January 2015 / 7:37 am

    I'm a one-bag gal. As much as I admire and sometimes even desire a fabulous bag, I always default to my Bagalini – a new one every couple of years. These indestructible bags came into my life for a trip years ago and I buy them on the ferry – I know, not very glamorous! I try to stick to a small bag with lots of pockets. It restricts the amount I can carry.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:27 pm

      The small multi-pocketed bag is easier on the body, for sure. I need a bit more room somehow for bringing all the stuff I feel I need when I'm "off the island" for the day. But I'm with you on the practical taking priority these days.

  3. Ceri
    20 January 2015 / 10:50 am

    I love your winter white look and I like it with the red bag and scarf rather more than I think that I would like it had you pressed your taupe bag into service. I don't think about wearing pale colours in the winter but I wonder why not? After all, this is when we are at our palest and the light is palest, so why do we darken up to echo the darkness of the days? (Probably something to do with dark colours retaining heat. And not showing the mud…)

    Where do I stand on the handbag issue? I'm a variant of Pondside's one-bag gal. I have one for the winter (black) and one for the summer (pewter). Both satchels. I change them over when it seems about right. That said, I do have a range of Going Out Bags which I bring out for formal occasions and when the world will not turn until I have accessorised my outfit with a suitable bag. Handbags make me feel like Margaret Thatcher and clutches like the Duchess of Cambridge. And not in a good way.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:29 pm

      I'd never worn the pastels in winter before this last year, when I was inspired by a few other blogs. It's not always that practical, what with my white pants getting mud-spattered as I bike to the ferry, but mud does was out of white jeans (and mine were Gap-priced anyway).
      Is there is a good way one can feel like MT? 😉

  4. Duchesse
    20 January 2015 / 2:00 pm

    I use a sportsac triple-compartment bag like this, and just plunk it in different bags

    I too have had to give up big leather satchels, and also have to limit what goes into the bag. If i need to carry much, I use a backpack.

    I like your outfit! And I think the dark socks are not the best option (not that it's any deal); grey and white ones, maybe? Or a pair of booties?

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:31 pm

      Yes, I've had a version of that compartment bag, and it should be a good idea, but doesn't quite seem to work for me. I do have a series, now, of M0851 pouches that I move from one bag to another, but truly? It's better for me not to change often. — I do carry a backpack (and a strictly utilitarian one in backpack fabric) daily for all the packing I have to do of texts, marking, etc.

  5. Susan B
    20 January 2015 / 2:05 pm

    Yes! I've absolutely given up on colored bags, too much complication! I use small pouches to minimize the number of items to transfer from bag to bag, but only switch out every week or so usually. Right now I'm experimenting with trying to combine smaller day bags with a tote for "extras" on work days, will report back soon. I think the frayed jeans are very au courrant and like the entire look.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:32 pm

      I'm doing the pouch thing as well, although I still have things loose in purse pockets. Perhaps if I were in the habit of switching out weekly it would work better, but I'm not motivated enough, I suppose. Lazy. 😉

  6. Madame LĂ -bas
    20 January 2015 / 2:20 pm

    I now need to carry a much lighter bag as my shoulder is sore after years of book bags. I change bags less frequently and I carry only a lip gloss rather than a makeup bag. I have too many purses and bags so I really resist the impulse to buy more.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:34 pm

      Oh, I've never carried more makeup with me than a lipgloss. But I've been hauling my iPadMini along in my bag lately — I think I need to upgrade my phone to an iPhone 5 or 6 and consolidate. Definitely resisting any impulse to buy another bag.

  7. High Heels in the Wilderness
    20 January 2015 / 3:41 pm

    Love the red bag and plaid scarf with that lovely grey coat. I switch between two basic bags all winter, one black and one brown. I don't mind switching; it only takes a minute. But when I was working and had to worry if I had my briefcase packed, along with my lunch, my gym bag, and my shoes (in winter) etc etc, I never switched purses. Too many moving parts for me. And nobody ever saw it anyway…it went from car to under my desk at work and back to car. But in retirement…it is essential to have one's purse go with one's outfit…she said a little ironically. Only a little.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:35 pm

      Exactly — too many moving parts. And my bag does spend most of its day in my office, unseen. I'll make a note about the absolute need to match my bag with my outfit in retirement. 😉
      The coat, btw, is actually a metallic pewter — a Burberry trench I bought on sale at Holt's quite a few years ago.

  8. Lorrie
    20 January 2015 / 4:29 pm

    The pale neutrals look fresh in mid-winter, a great antidote to all the black we wear. I've always been a one-bag woman, however, last summer I purchased a cobalt blue bag and I've found that it goes with almost all of my fall/winter wardrobe. On occasion I'll switch it out for a black bag, but I have no tips on how to do that efficiently. I do find that switching bags provides a built-in opportunity for sorting through the bits of paper, receipts, capless pens and more that collect in the bottom of the bags.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:37 pm

      I run through my wardrobe mentally and can see that a cobalt blue bag would work with almost anything — and if the colour gives you a boost as well, so much the better. Good point about the opportunity to sort purse debris. . .

  9. hostess of the humble bungalow
    20 January 2015 / 4:45 pm

    With the exception of one bag….al of mine are black! I recently purchased a Fossil Preston to fit inside the Longchamp bag for my trip….I have lightened the load over the years as I find my back and neck hurt if I carry too much as I wear mostly cross body bags for hands free shopping and walking!

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:38 pm

      I'm curious about why you have quite a few bags in black — what different needs do you have that you'd switch up? I'm finding I'm happier and happier with a bag that works for most occasions (I do have a few clutches for evening and a bigger bag if I need to bring files or whatever)

  10. Northmoon
    20 January 2015 / 6:52 pm

    I have a bag for winter and a bag for summer, use them until they are worn out, then replace with a second hand bag from a consignment store. Coincidentally my current bag is a red leather Kenneth Cole bucket bag. I may reconsider the leather preference for my next bag – this one is pretty heavy all loaded up. When I retire I won't have to be carrying files, drawings, lunch etc. so I can switch to a smaller option.

    I like your winter pale outfit. Somehow I always end up in dark colours (mostly black) this time of year.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:40 pm

      I agree that leather is often so heavy — that's the case with my red bag, as pictured. Much as I love it, it's already heavy even empty, and I can feel it in my wrist, forearm and shoulder by the end of a day. I love M0851 for their really lightweight leather bags (not all of them, but I've chosen a few from that light series).
      I'm mostly in darks this season as well, so it's fun to switch it up. So much gloom here in the grey rain!

  11. Mardel
    20 January 2015 / 8:30 pm

    Like the light-colored neutrals for winter an think I would like it with the neutral bag although the look is also nice with the red. The red balances the shoes better. I don't have a good solution for changing bags, although I do change. Increasingly I don't carry much, and may have two bags if I do. It is a problem I've yet to resolve.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:41 pm

      I never thought about the red and the shoes, but you're probably right — they're both relatively strong pieces. . .

  12. Tiffany
    21 January 2015 / 1:59 am

    One bag at a time for me. I have two – a caramel leather and a black – and at the moment I am carrying the caramel one because it's lighter for summer. But I may well keep carrying it as the weather gets cooler … Far too lazy to move things from bag to bag. I do have a bright red canvas backpack (Baggu) for when I've got a lot of walking to do and need to be hands-free, like school excursions, camp, etc.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:42 pm

      I have really wanted caramel for a couple of years, but settled for the mushroom/taupe — and I've ended up using it right through the year. . . a jaunty red backpack would be just the thing. Mine's boring black.

  13. K.Line
    21 January 2015 / 2:19 am

    Truly, I gave up on this concept. I wear the same bag for months at a time and, these days, I only carry a micro-bag to ease up on my shoulders. So I am a bag lover who does not live the dream.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:44 pm

      Hey, that's what I am too — a bag lover who does not live the dream. Mine's not a micro-bag (yet) but so much reduced from what I have carried. Keep thinking I should clear out the bags I'm not using any longer, and trying out the red satchel was a way of testing/resisting that impulse. . .

  14. LPC
    21 January 2015 / 2:36 am

    Well you went out the door looking great, in the end.

    I'm monobagamous:). And can't pop color to save my life, but enjoy it on those who can.

    • materfamilias
      21 January 2015 / 2:45 pm

      Yeah, I'm getting very close to monobagamous as well. Which is what I always used to be, and I enjoyed the colour-popping for a few years, but I'm circling back to simplicity, I think . . .


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