A (nut) Cracking Night at the Ballet!

Yesterday evening, in the concession lineup with her Mom during the intermission at The Goh Ballet’s The Nutcracker. She really was that happy, absolutely smitten ( even more than when she saw it last year). And she was so well behaved that several of our seat mates commented (perhaps thanks to the pointed contrast with the seat-back-kicking monster in the row behind, a little girl who kept up a running commentary throughout much of the performance, her parents’ ineffectual, loud remonstrations only an added irritant).


After the show, she watched awe-struck as some of the dancers mingled in the lobby (the gorgeous black drag queen Mere Gigogne (played oh so fabulously by Christopher Hunte) held her in thrall (that glittery lipstick, those amazingly long lashes), but what she really wanted was to have her photo taken with Clara. And she was sad that she was too shy and was going to have to watch her opportunity slip by.

So Nana stepped up.



Floating on air, our girl was!

Oh, and by the way, do you remember that faux fur vest I gave Little Girl last Christmas? She wore it last night, thrilling her Nana to bits with her styling…apparently, it was deemed a bit weird for its first season (although she pretended otherwise to me, graciously), but she’s recently seen its possibilities in her drive for creative self-expression. . .

I have to run now, literally. I’m running over to my daughter’s to snuggle wee Frankie while R. gets out for w run. Pater, meanwhile, is driving out to visit his mother in hospice. Busy, emotional days. ‘Tis the season…



  1. Madame Là-bas
    22 December 2014 / 5:39 pm

    I used to love to get my little daughter (now almost 40) decked out for The Nutcracker Ballet. It really is a Christmas tradition! Our Christmas Cantata at church was excellent. I am always amazed by the lovely voices and the musical arrangements. We're going to a carolling party on Christmas Eve to enjoy more music. I was talking to some elderly family friends yesterday and amidst the gifts and music, I am aware of those who have passed away this year and of the frailty of people that I have known for all of my almost 63 years.

    • materfamilias
      26 December 2014 / 3:50 pm

      Music at Christmas, and memories…. Time really rolls together in surprising ways, doesn't it? I hope you had a lovely Christmas Day with family.

  2. That's Not My Age
    22 December 2014 / 6:10 pm

    How lovely that she got to meet the dancers. Happy Christmas to you & yours!

  3. Duchesse
    22 December 2014 / 6:27 pm

    Best Nola post ever and that's saying something. Feel like this is an early Christmas gift!

  4. Susan B
    22 December 2014 / 6:57 pm

    The look on her face is priceless! What a magical time.

  5. Marie
    22 December 2014 / 7:39 pm

    She is beautiful and I love the photo of her with the dancers! I had to smile at the comment about her behavior. I love ballet, and I studied it for years. I couldn't wait to take my older son, who showed some interest in ballet videos. When he was 4, I took him to a Nutcracker performance in NYC, a special performance meant for children. We sat next to a woman who had a daughter who was born within a month of my son. This was their second trip, as the girl had loved it so much the first time. I had high hopes. I ended up carrying my son out, literally under my arm, not too far into the performance. Awful behavior.

    I'm sorry that your mother-in-law is in hospice. In the last few months, two women from my high-school class (one also went through elementary school with me) have died of cancer in the same hospice. My cousin works at this hospice and she visited them both for me. It's hard to be 1000 miles away.

    Good for you for arranging the photo!

    • materfamilias
      26 December 2014 / 3:54 pm

      I kept expecting that these parents might take their daughter out, and she might have learned something. They were seated only 3 rows from the doors, so could have done so discreetly and then could have brought her back in after making the terms clear. I would imagine your son learned something from your effective response.
      And thanks for your kind words about my MIL. My condolences on the loss of yr friends

  6. Lorrie
    22 December 2014 / 10:15 pm

    Nola is growing up so quickly. She is charming in her pink dress and vest. What delight to introduce your granddaughter to the ballet.
    These are the days of list checking and getting things accomplished. Merry Christmas, Frances!

    • materfamilias
      26 December 2014 / 3:56 pm

      she really loved being dressed up, and just over the moon about the ballet. I was so pleased my daughter included me in such a festive outing!


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