More Slightly Polished Casual… 'Cause It's a Thing!

Since you were kind enough to allow that Slightly Polished Casual might be “a thing,” and since I’ve been having fun with the iPad Mini camera lately (just so easy to grab a shot of my OOTD in the morning)…and honestly, it must be admitted, since I’ve been finding it tough to line words up lately…

Here are some recent adventures in SPC:

New favourite, black fine merino Vince sweater, partially tucked into white jeans, belted thanks to a tip I saw somewhere on YouLookFab, but can’t find now for the life of me on a Girls of a Certain Age on how to wear White Jeans for Fall.. I do think the belt sharpens the look. You can’t see the black patent brogues….

This next outfit, I realize, pushes the envelope a bit, the (J Crew black wool) skirt arguably too short for my age. I like to think the black tights and flat (Fluevog) Moto boots mitigate. I guess I also think tant pis… (If you were wearing a thick cashmere sweater that colour of blue — last year’s splurge, J Crew — you might say tant pis to many things. . . .)

Interesting that throwing a black leather jacket over the whole outfit tones down the impact of the skirt length, at least to my eye.

I suspect the addition of plaid scarf and my everyday, utilitarian backpack (yes, I carry a leather bag as well) takes the P right out of SPC….so that we just have Casual, or possibly Practical Casual …

Below, another OOTD built around my new Jean skirt, featured back in this post but here worn with Toffee knee-high Fluevogs and a navy merino sweater. Watch, my usual collection of wrist bangles, and a pendant I picked up years ago in Lisbon round things out, so that I like to think I’m Slightly Polished. I know I’ll get no argument on the Casual.

Btw, that haircut, colour, and above all, That Part are now behind me, left on the cutting room floor. My hairstyle is now a bit darker, a bit shorter, and I am Part-free. Hallelujah!

Now I’m off to play in that extra hour we gained last night. Not yet noon, and I’ve run and marked papers and blogged. . . Might even be time for a nap this afternoon….and there will definitely be time to enjoy any comment you care to leave!


  1. Anonymous
    2 November 2014 / 8:17 pm

    You have great legs (runner legs), be proud to wear your short shirts! I like your polished casual looks, especially the leather coat.

    • materfamilias
      4 November 2014 / 5:23 am


  2. Anonymous
    2 November 2014 / 10:47 pm

    All good looks but my favorite is the skirt and blue cashmere.
    Don't stress over age and skirt length. My godmother wore miniskirts into her eighties. She had great legs, an excellent sense of proportion and always looked wonderful.
    I see what you mean about the hair parting and look forward to seeing your new cut. I always feel good when I'm happy with my hair.

    • materfamilias
      4 November 2014 / 5:24 am

      I'm pretty partial to that blue cashmere myself, thanks!
      Inspiring, the notion of a miniskirt at 80+ Your godmother sounds like a force!

  3. Susan B
    3 November 2014 / 3:48 am

    I think all of these looks are Polished, in varying degrees of Casual. You don't need to worry at all about the skirt length; the tights mitigate the length. And you have nice toned legs from all that running. 🙂

    • materfamilias
      4 November 2014 / 5:25 am

      Thanks, Sue. I count on the tights to do that, so it's good to hear that they do from an observer's perspective.

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    3 November 2014 / 3:55 am

    I think you are rocking that leather jacket…
    we walked to the Olympic Village with our friends this Saturday and I saw a lovely young mom with a stroller and gorgeous red hair that I think might have been your daughter…could it have been her at about 3:30 on Saturday afternoon around Mulvaney and Sons?

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 7:41 pm

      I checked with my redhaired girl and she wishes it had been her — she was home nursing a bad chest cold all weekend.

  5. givi
    3 November 2014 / 8:45 am

    The wool skirt is not too short at all. It suits you….Very flattering:)

    • materfamilias
      4 November 2014 / 5:26 am

      Thank you!

  6. High Heels in the Wilderness
    3 November 2014 / 1:12 pm

    Love that plaid scarf on the jacket…turns the look into Insouciant Casual, maybe … or possibly Parisian Casual, non?

    • materfamilias
      4 November 2014 / 5:26 am

      I don't know which I prefer — I love the idea of Insouciant Casual, but it's ard to compete with Parisian Casual! 😉

  7. pomomama
    3 November 2014 / 3:56 pm

    Skirt looks awesome – just right, and excellent with the leather jacket.

    • materfamilias
      4 November 2014 / 5:30 am

      Thanks Amanda! I must admit I like the combo of short skirt and this leather jacket and boots, either short or knee-length.

  8. Mardel
    3 November 2014 / 7:03 pm

    I agree with Une Femme, all polished in varying degrees of casual. The skirt looks perfect with the tights and boots

    • materfamilias
      4 November 2014 / 5:30 am

      Thanks, Mardel! Can I repeat what I said to Amanda, just above . . .


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