Slightly Polished Casual—Is That a Thing?

Almost as comfortable as those sweats, but not quite as suggestive of an evening on the couch, remote in hand….navy cashmere pullover, selvedge denim jeans, bought in London 3 years ago, finally starting to show some interesting wear patterns. . .

Add a plaid wool scarf (Madewell) and my faux fur vest, a 4-year old pair of brogues, and I’m good to go.

Close-up of the Un-weaving of the scarf. Love this!

I must say, I’m also loving playing with the iPad camera. Only just discovered that I can Zoom on it, and it seems to manage with less light than my DSLR likes…

You might have noticed that besides being shorter these last weeks, my hair has been parted. I liked it at my sylist’s, but although I’ve received a number of compliments since the change, I can’t style it myself so that I’m happy with it (honestly, it makes me think of my Grade 4, mom-parted ringlets crossed with an old-lady perm!) I have an appointment on Friday, and I’m crossing my fingers there’s a happy solution. …

Meanwhile, though, I hope I’ve redeemed myself after the infamous sweatpants episode. We’ll just keep those behind doors from now on, mkay?




  1. Lorrie
    30 October 2014 / 4:41 am

    Your outfit looks cozy and eminently suitable for these rainy damp days.

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:22 am

      So much rain and damp lately!

  2. Unknown
    30 October 2014 / 4:56 am

    Slightly polished casual is absolutely "a thing". And it has my name all over it this season. You're so lucky to have curly hair. I love everything you're wearing, and it's perfect for this time of year.

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:22 am

      Thanks, Jennifer! There are days I'd switch my curls for straight just like that!

  3. That's Not My Age
    30 October 2014 / 8:19 am

    It definitely is a thing!

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:22 am


  4. Duchesse
    30 October 2014 / 12:27 pm

    Love this outfit! (This level is all I wear these days, unless going out in evening.) Curious why you cannot style this hair yourself- is it the part? We definitely need a style we can handle chez nous!

    • materfamilias
      30 October 2014 / 2:56 pm

      Oh, I style it myself — and this is the result! What I hate is the lack of height in this cut, the flatness at the part. Really don't like a part, but I thought it might work and I guess it did for two days with enough product and the right tools and a deft wrist or something . . . Then 6 weeks of what you see above!

  5. LPC
    30 October 2014 / 2:31 pm

    Slightly polished casual is my life these days, so it BETTER be a thing:). And I think it's the cuffs of your jeans that add just that right amount of polish, BTW, which is supported then by the unweaving and the cashmere.

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:23 am

      There's not much a little cashmere can't add polish to, right? Interesting that the detail of the cuff can make a difference as well. . .

  6. hostess of the humble bungalow
    30 October 2014 / 2:54 pm

    Slightly Polished Casual is my mantra!
    Your take on it is very youthful and dare I use the word "Hip?"
    I do envy your curls….hair is such a minefield. I have struggled with mine over the years and my hairdresser has guided me through several phases….from long and highlighted to short and now allowing the grey to show through. It is interesting that I still focus on if I am having a good or bad hair day! You would think at my age I would be over it but I am not!

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:24 am

      You have ever so much more polish than I do! And I'm not sure I could ever pull off "hip" but thank you!
      I sometimes wonder when we might get to the point of being "over" fussing about our hair, but it's not apparently here yet. . .

  7. Patricia
    30 October 2014 / 4:18 pm

    Hi Mater, I'm glad to see that everyone else agrees that Slightly Polished Casual is definitely a thing! Now I have a name for my style, thank you! I must admit though, the 'unweaving' in the scarf just looks like a bunch of holes to me, and that would bug me to no end!! :0)

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:26 am

      Oh, if you felt this scarf up close, you'd forgive the "holes" — it's so soft! And just think of lace. The pattern is completely dependent on holes, no? Negative space! 😉

  8. Northmoon
    30 October 2014 / 6:01 pm

    Whether or not my outfit is "slightly polished" or "barely polished" depends on the amount of cat hair I have on any given outfit, but it's always casual never formal these days.

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:26 am

      Ha! Cat hair lends polish? It could be argued. . . 😉

  9. K.Line
    2 November 2014 / 12:05 am

    I love the new hair part!

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2014 / 5:27 am

      Too bad, 'cause that part is Gone, Baby, Gone! Funny, because I got numerous compliments, but it's one of the only styles I've ever told my stylist I Hated. Something pretty deep-seated about part-avoidance. . . .


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