A Short Story: age and Youth and Love

A busy weekend, with family visits, a gorgeous two hours of spa pampering, a walk in torrential rain to last night’s opera, more family visits today before I catch the ferry home, leaving Pater behind to supervise the kitchen cabinet installations next week.

But I thought I’d take a minute to share my favourite image from the weekend. Our newest granddaughter has just hit that delightful stage of trying to engage in conversation, earnestly making cooing sounds, screwing up her little lips every which way, eyebrows raising and lowering to signal important elements in her stories. She’s telling Granddad something of great significance here. He’s listening carefully. I’m not sure communication could ever be more clear. The story of love.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Susan B
    26 October 2014 / 3:30 pm

    Oh I love this picture, just delightful!

  2. K.Line
    26 October 2014 / 3:44 pm

    So totally sweet!

  3. Madame Là-bas
    26 October 2014 / 4:34 pm

    She is so sweet and Grandpa looks so attentive.

  4. Mardel
    26 October 2014 / 7:44 pm

    Delightful! Would that we could always listen so well….

  5. Anonymous
    26 October 2014 / 7:45 pm


  6. Lorrie
    27 October 2014 / 12:59 am

    Sweet and charming.

  7. LPC
    27 October 2014 / 1:53 am

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

  8. Patricia
    27 October 2014 / 2:42 am


  9. Catherine
    27 October 2014 / 2:04 pm

    You have really captured something very special there. These bonds are so important and the photo shows just how strong the bond is. Glad you had a great weekend.

  10. ilona
    27 October 2014 / 8:40 pm

    To glimpse such an intimate conversation is to long to share such pleasures.

  11. Duchesse
    28 October 2014 / 12:04 pm

    Sweetest photo in the world!

  12. materfamilias
    30 October 2014 / 3:19 am

    Thanks for all that make-a-Nana-happy feedback! 😉

  13. Miss Cavendish
    1 November 2014 / 3:37 pm

    LOVE this image!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.