Waiting, Knitting. . . .at the Beach

While I’mwaiting to meet someone important, I’m doing some knitting. Down by the beach in the early morning, the sun not yet too hot, only the birds and the otters and the raccoons and the seals to distract me . . . .

 This very simple pattern (Purl Bee’s Super Easy Blankets) certainly has the potential to be boring with its row upon row upon row of garter stitch, but I’m finding it, instead, wonderfully meditative and a splendid excuse for sitting in the sun.

Boredom is further mitigated by the changing colours. While this could obviously be knit with repetitions, most iterations I’ve seen offer a concatenation of seven different colours. It’s the harmonies set up between those chromatic possibilities that give the blanket personality and appeal — along with the tactile satisfaction of the yarn, of course.

I chose seven different shades of Debbie Bliss’s Baby Cashmerino — 55% Merino, 33 Microfibre, and 12 Cashmere, machine washable (non-negotiable in a baby blanket) and quite affordable (although non-knitters might be interested to know that yarn alone rings in at $70). That’s the penultimate colour on the needles above, and I’m really pleased with the overall effect.

Now, if anyone needs me, I’ll be at the beach, knitting. The Yarn Harlot has a theory about knit baby gifts having the potential to keep labour at bay until they’re done, and I really don’t want to be responsible for any unnecessary waiting.


  1. Susan B
    6 August 2014 / 12:23 am

    It's a beautiful blanket, and I'm sure it will be treasured.

  2. Unknown
    6 August 2014 / 12:24 am

    I find garter stitch meditative too. Such pretty colors you're using. That's a fabulous yarn. I know people are always surprised to learn the price of nice yarn, but it's worth it and more fun to knit with. The Yarn Harlot cracks me up. Congrats on your little darling that's coming.

  3. LPC
    6 August 2014 / 2:01 am

    So pretty. And that light:). <3

  4. Lorrie
    6 August 2014 / 3:43 am

    I can just envision you there, knitting away, but lifting your head every once in a while to gaze at the beautiful scenery. Love those muted colours.

  5. Pondside
    6 August 2014 / 5:36 am

    The blanket colours are really lovely. There's something in the colour sequence – and the yarn just asks to be touched. I knit and knit and knit for the day and night it took for our wee Theresa to be born nearly a full year ago – and her other grandmother sat beside me, also knitting. It makes a sweet memory.

  6. Madame Là-bas
    6 August 2014 / 3:05 pm

    I really love those soft colours blending together. I hope that your wait is not too long.

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    6 August 2014 / 4:46 pm

    How blissful it must be to relax at the seaside knitting….hope your wait will not be too long.
    I have a close friend who is also waiting for her first grandchild to be born….they are over in Vancouver on their boat at Marinaside so they can be at the hospital when the new one makes it's entrance.
    Debbie Bliss yarns are so soft and cuddly, your new grandchild will be cozy.

  8. Studio
    7 August 2014 / 1:53 pm

    What a beautiful place to knit.


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