Monday Medley, the Rentrée looms . . .

I quite love that everywhere I turn in the house and in the yard, there’s evidence of a visiting 5-year old. But I won’t pretend that this little girl isn’t a big distraction from the impending Rentrée. We’re driving her parents (who visited for the weekend, but have to work during the week) to the ferry around noon and dropping Little Girl off at her afternoon activity at which point I’ll head into the office and try to cross a plethora of administrative details off my list. I’m getting the usual before-term butterflies. . . .

But I have something for tomorrow’s post, a Reveal of one of my Back-to-School acquisitions and a Question about how you might style the item in question. Or whether you’d consider wearing it at all, the item being rather on the Currently Trending side. . . .

Meanwhile, having seen a Loved One faint this weekend, helping guide that Fainter gently to the sidewalk and wait for that person to recover, I’m reminded of this post which perhaps some newer readers haven’t read. . . . life is so precious. . . .and borrowed . . .

Editied to add: This weekend’s Fainter is fine. Meal had been delayed too long, probably, and a long cycle before our meeting probably contributed. The next day was spent taking it easy. . . .


  1. Lorrie
    25 August 2014 / 6:28 pm

    This post ranges from sweetness (those photos) to anticipation (a trendy item) to concern. I hope your Loved One is well. Low blood pressure? Heat? These bodies of ours that are so strong are, in actuality, very fragile.

    • materfamilias
      26 August 2014 / 2:27 pm

      Loved One is fine, although perhaps a bit more careful. . .

  2. Susan B
    25 August 2014 / 9:26 pm

    I love the youthful, live-in-the-moment, world's-a-playground energy the images in that collage evoke. Getting into the rentrée state of mind a bit myself. Glad to hear the fainting was nothing serious. (Have done the same myself, have learned to pay attention to intervals between eating.)

    • materfamilias
      26 August 2014 / 2:28 pm

      My daughter who has a history of occasional faints says the same: she's learned the warning signs and what to do if she feels dizzy, but even more, she just doesn't let it get to that point.

  3. Madame Là-bas
    25 August 2014 / 10:10 pm

    My daughter is a fainter and we actually aren't sure what causes it. The Little Girl stuff looks like so much fun. I miss La Rentrée but I don't miss administrivia. I met a young woman yesterday who I had taught 11 years ago. She was such a shy girl and now she is off to U of T to study English. She just wants "to study and see where it leads." September is really the beginning of the Learning Year. Take care of your Loved One.

    • materfamilias
      26 August 2014 / 2:29 pm

      Administrivia — what a good term!
      Isn't it gratifying to run into former students? Especially ones who continue to enjoy learning as does the young woman you met. . .

  4. Mardel
    26 August 2014 / 12:57 am

    What a sweet post, and one filled with promise. I do hope your Loved One is well. Take care.

    • materfamilias
      26 August 2014 / 2:29 pm

      Thanks, Mardel. LO is fine.

  5. Pondside
    28 August 2014 / 6:30 am

    We both know that It Can Change in a Minute. I'm glad that all is well and that you are able to get back to thinking about the return to classes.


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