Angels in the Sunshine

I’m busy enjoying city activities, although this week’s heat is a bit daunting. Vancouver isn’t a city with ubiquitous air-conditioning, and we certainly don’t have it in our condo. Nor do we have a floor plan that allows for a decent cross breeze. We do have a fan with good intentions….

No air-conditioning in our car either, and I’ll be driving across town to my daughter’s baby shower later today. I might whine a bit on the way, but then there will be cute little garments to admire and my daughter’s belly to contemplate. …

So. busy, but I wanted to check in with you. As it’s Sunday, I’d hoped to post my video of the church bell ringing just behind our apartment terrace in Peschici. Sadly, something about my Blogsy-iPad-YouTube interface does not compute.

Angels, though, seemed to me a good substitute for church bells. These ones decorate the Bridge of the Holy Angels across Rome’s Tiber River. Well, most of them do. I couldn’t resist including a red headed angel from a different dimension. . .

I wish you sunshine and angels wherever you find yourself this July Sunday, however those ideals might manifest themselves. Take care!


  1. LPC
    13 July 2014 / 11:04 pm

    Red-headed angels are my favorites:).

    • materfamilias
      15 July 2014 / 11:33 pm

      I guess so, since you have one of your own! Kinda partial myself. 😉

  2. Lorrie
    14 July 2014 / 7:52 pm

    The Roman angels fairly glow with light against the blue. Stunning. The red-haired angel is a darling.

    • materfamilias
      15 July 2014 / 11:34 pm

      Don't they?! It was that beautifully muted, still strong, sunlight of the end of day, moving into evening.


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