Evening Stroll in Bordeaux . . .and Happy Father's Day!

I have written so many words here in the last week or so, and I am/will be so grateful if you (have) take(n) the time to read them. Today, I think I’ll just share some photos from our post-prandial stroll Friday evening.

We began by walking to the Promenade Fluviale, joining so many Bordelais in a stroll along the Garonne, looking ahead to the impressive new Pont Chaban Delmas, backward to the Pont St. Pierre (built in the early 19th century, between 1819 and 1822, I believe, it was the only bridge joining the two banks of the River until 1965!).

We like to cycle or run a circuit, down to Pont Ch-D, across, along the other side to Pont St. P. and home. Judging by the time it takes, we’re guessing that’s about 8 or 9 kilometres.

That wasn’t our route Friday evening, though. Instead, we turned West about 15 minutes into our walk, away from the River and back towards town. We wandered along rather randomly, and realized we’d finally got ourselves to the Chartrons District that friends had mentioned. And just as those friends said, there are many little shops (antiques,particularly, but also home and fashion boutiques, perfect for browsing) and restaurants. We’re wondering why we didn’t get here sooner, but I wasted no time, at least, in photographing the twilit streets.

A lovely way to end the day and help my tummy get over dinner and ready to sleep. I hope you enjoyed the stroll as well.

I’m off now to take Pater back to the Garonne where I’ll buy him crêpes for breakfast as the start of his Father’s Day (I’m going to have to find a café with a TV for him this afternoon, so he can cheer France on). Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there. Mine was one of the best! He’s been gone for too many years now, but I’m so lucky to have fabulous, fabulous dads in my sons-in-law Adam and Rob. Next up, Jesse’s going to be another one, very soon. Happy Father’s Day, guys, and thanks for the wonderful care you give my granddaughters!


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    15 June 2014 / 7:43 am

    Thank you for taking us along on your walk

    • materfamilias
      16 June 2014 / 5:46 pm

      You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Ceri
    15 June 2014 / 2:42 pm

    What lovely photos. They really capture the early evening light.

    Enjoy your crepes – I could murder one right now. I am immured in the office. Still, I have a banana so not all is lost. Just most of it.

    Really enjoying hearing about your holiday

    • materfamilias
      16 June 2014 / 5:48 pm

      The crêpes were good. In place of my usual caramel/beurre salé I went wild and tried crème de marron, very good.

  3. Patricia
    15 June 2014 / 2:57 pm

    This is, what, your 3rd time in Bordeaux? Lovely to see how at home you are there, yet still discovering new parts of the city. What a recommendation!

    • materfamilias
      16 June 2014 / 5:49 pm

      It's actually our 4th visit, although the first was just for a weekend. I think you're right that it's a real recommendation when one can still be discovering new pleasures about a city after that long.

  4. Pondside
    15 June 2014 / 3:12 pm

    Another very pleasant walk. I'd love to poke along, looking in the shop windows.

  5. Susan B
    15 June 2014 / 3:25 pm

    What a lovely part of town. And the light playing on the buildings is enchanting! Thanks again for bringing us along.

  6. LPC
    15 June 2014 / 3:40 pm

    The light is beautiful – love the shot of it flaring out from between the buildings. Happy Father's Day to all your men:).

  7. Lorrie
    16 June 2014 / 1:16 am

    I really admire the way you've captured the evening light on the stone buildings. Evening strolls are wonderful. The shops would be fun to explore.

  8. Anonymous
    16 June 2014 / 12:33 pm

    I have pictures of some of those same buildings! I thought the history of the Chartons district was also very interesting, as well as the enticing boutiques and cafés.

    Thank you for bringing the memories back…

  9. materfamilias
    16 June 2014 / 7:20 pm

    Pondside: your company would be very welcome
    Sue: glad you enjoyed the stroll
    Lisa: thanks, I love that shot as well
    Lorrie:I was pleased with how these snaps turned out, although I shouldn't take credit for using Auto on my little Canon
    Ruby: I'm so pleased that you remember Bordeaux as fondly as I do. And yes, the history of Chartrons, and especially the architectural history, is so interesting…


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.